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Everything posted by preeya

  1. Kirkman needs to hire someone like Jack Bauer to stop the bullshit, all within 24 hours. Wonder if Keifer would be up for a dual role. 😀 [Dammit Chloe!]
  2. Bye, bye Hannah. Lorraine the campaign lady is still a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS. She's going to do something that will fuckup Kirkman's campaign.
  3. The campaign manager is a real pain in the ass. She is getting on my nerves big time and I don't trust her.
  4. Watched the first three episodes. Not sure how to comment on the reprieve, except to say it's different, very different. Therefore, comparisons to the "old style" seasons 1 & 2 don't seem fair.
  5. Just watched S03E01. Totally revamped from the old network version. Goose from Top Gun is Kirkman's Chief of Staff.
  6. When I was a kid being introduced to the Catholic religion, I always thought "Extreme Unction" was "Extre_Munction" (one word).
  7. IMHO, anything said about "Rachelelle de Bitch" is not mean. She should get back everything she dishes out in spades. She is a vile excuse for a human being.
  8. Never has been married, and kids never mentioned.
  9. Just can't trust reality shows because what you see ain't necessarily what you get. . . . .
  10. I can't even bear to look at the screen when she's front & center.
  11. Just another reality show gimmick to stir up drama and tension among teams. I'm hoping it was a one-time thing and doesn't become permanent. ETA: and who cares how many legs anyone has run? I know I don't. It's not as if there is a Reality Show Hall of Fame, and if there was, again who cares.
  12. Not sure, but there are other sources 😉.
  13. The JoeB word of the night is: AMATEURISHLY and from GR: its season 10 and the most competitive year ever (multiple times) from Molly: "I quit my job sold my house to be here right now" (you've got to be kidding me, girl) And guess what folks, IT'S SEASON TEN, 10, THAT'S T-E-N 10. Another GR gem: You've got a big second chance to get yourself into the top 20 of the biggest culinary competition anywhere on the planet.
  14. When did “unctuous” start having a positive connotation? Watch any cooking show lately and it’s likely you’ll hear someone describe a dish as “unctuous,” as if that’s a good thing. Many celebrity chefs seem to now use the word to suggest a dish is rich, smooth, or maybe even creamy.” DailyWritingTips has an entire article on the word "unctuous" here: https://1clickurls.com/m6Os1b7
  15. The kids are great, the judges not so much. Can everyone say "OVERLY DRAMATIZED" Why did they need two hours for this, when one hour was taken up by all the reiterations of the statements right before the breaks?
  16. Actually, my thought was she was using the statement as a double entendre that failed miserably.
  17. IMDB has her listed as appearing in only one episode.
  18. She said: This time, I'll say, "it was me. I did it."
  19. This guy is there as this season's comedic/troublemaker. I can foresee a confrontation between him and JoeB before too long.
  20. Last week M/C Canada was at Season6/Episode10
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