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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. And yet, they are acting the most normal and mature out of this bunch, with Derek and Katie a close second. Notice that these two couples are enjoying the activities at the resort and just hanging out rather than just sitting around talking about their relationship over, and over and over again. I think Taylor would be up for that but her asshole wasn't speaking to her all day. The biggest truth was when she said he was acting like a little bitch, which he was. His apology was trash as well. It was more like when someone says "I'm sorry you're upset", which takes no ownership for the wrongdoing that person did. I'm glad she didn't just accept that from him.
  2. Thank you for summing this up so nicely. These men are trash, and unfortunately for us, they are STILL ON THE HONEYMOON!!!! Sweet Jesus, this season stinks! How many more weeks of these assholes sitting around talking about their relationship ad nauseam??? I am already sick of everyone except Derek (and I guess Katie since they are getting along), Jessica and Austin. This season is as bad as Season Two. I have very little hope left for this show being anything but a shit show going forward after seeing Lifetime's ad for it touting TWO HOURS! MORE DRAMA!!! I guess I could live with it and tune in for the snark, but holy hell, it's just people sitting around awkwardly staring at each other or talking, talking and talking about the state of their "marriage". It's not even interesting.
  3. Or how about this one: My daughter resembles my husband much more than she looks like me, in fact, she generally takes after his side of the family looks-wise. My son looks like a twin of my brother when he was the same age.
  4. This can go work both ways - should the women check out the father of the man they are with??? 😜
  5. Except isn't the new system a sequence of do-overs until you get enough points? That sounds more like reincarnation. Not Biblical. I enjoyed Lisa Kudrow, but I just don't know why if ennui has set in, Janet cannot refresh their brain and give them something to do, and by something to do, a sense of renewed purpose. I feel like the "cease to exist" option is very bleak for this show........
  6. Now that is the real truth! And I find it funny that he feels like he needs to put the words of his causes on his clothes. If he really wanted to do something of worth, he should responsibly source his materials, employ the people who he says he wants to help, and monetarily support the causes he espouses from his profits. Just stitching words on clothes helps no one. I have a friend who just turned eighty, and she is one of the most elegant people I have ever met. What he seems to miss is that fashion is ageless. No clue how he got the idea that women over the age of forty want to look like old ladies!
  7. Huh? I am 47 and I was born in 1972. My dad who was born in 1947 came up in the sixties. He is 72....... Sergio is so convinced of his own genius that he doesn't see how dated and unfashionable some of his clothing looks. And saying he designs for an older clientele is a cop out because older ladies don't want to look frumpy either! All he has to do is look across the workroom at Nancy to know this! His clothes should speak for themselves, and I don't mean literally by stitching words on them. Who cares what age your clientele are? Just make beautiful clothes - if they look good, people will respond.
  8. I totally agree with you, but clearly, some of these folks can’t even make it through the ceremony (Luke) let alone the honeymoon (Michael and many, many others) without showing their true colors. It always astonishes me how crazy and drama filled some of these situations get. After this episode, my hubs and I were talking about it, and we were both like, how hard is it to just get along with someone? I mean really, it’s 8 weeks we’re talking about, not forever. I’m pretty sure I would be putting my best self out there with a camera recording, plus the fact that I would be living with this person. I think I would be playing it like Danielle (the one with Cody) or Jaclyn ( married to awful Ryan), or Keith. Very nice, very boring.
  9. Boy you said it! I am astonished by the different things that bother people on this forum - things I just take for granted as normal to me would horrify some of these people! It’s one of the things I like about coming here, but your point about matching people is true - it’s a total crap shoot. I frankly wonder how much power the experts have in picking these people. At this point I think it’s 100% the producers who do the picking. The “experts” are tv actors just shilling what the producers want. I said it before, and I’ll say it again - I would not be surprised if the scene where they sit down and pick the participants is filmed after the fact, or later In the season. It comes across as so scripted, and the “concerns” that are expressed about matching particular people often come to fruition. I don’t think these people have a magic crystal ball or are smart enough to foresee some of these issues so clearly. The fact that some of these nut jobs were chosen as acceptable candidates when everyone here can see red flags from 15 minutes of tv footage kind of says it all. And the idiots who entered this looking for a fairytale or true love without a little skepticism are insane. All they had to do was watch any of the prior seasons to know the odds are verrrry low of a making a successful match.....
  10. How exactly do you “fire” someone from their marriage? As much as I hate saying it, these people are “legally married”. They did try giving people an out last season and not one of them wanted to bail, not even wretched Matt! Pastor Cal has given interviews addressing this and has expressed frustration with some people (I think he was talking about Kate) who stay with the awful person no matter what. He said they cannot make people leave their spouse. I think the bigger problem is casting these total assholes in the first place.
  11. You would hate my house then. There is no door to the on suite bathroom in the master bedroom. It’s a doorway to double sinks, the tub and a clear shower. Only the toilet has a door. I guess double sinks are a waste to people who need privacy for ALL of their bathroom stuff? That being said, I do wonder at this show’s love of people brushing their teeth. I don’t care if my husband is brushing his teeth beside me, but if I was on this show, I would be telling the camera crew to get the hell out of my bathroom!
  12. Interesting! Admittedly, I am just not a germaphobe. I am aware things have germs, and I do shower every day, but I like to shower in the morning and it just feels wasteful to shower at night for no reason other than “germs” when I am going to get up in the morning and shower anyway. I do wash my face and moisturize nightly without fail though. It’s amazing to me that so many people are so fearful of germs. Maybe all my exposure and lack of concern has helped my immunity though because I am never sick. 😋 Obviously, Zach falls on the side of post flight showering, and seeing him fastidiously washing his face, it’s no wonder he was grossed out by Mindy’s hygiene.
  13. I wish I could give this a thousand likes. Thank you for summing up so succinctly what is wrong with Sergio’s sudden political fashion angle. My favorite thing on the runway this week was the skirt Brittany was wearing herself. I guffawed when Geoffrey said his dress would just have “quiet nips” 😂 I thought Victoria had the best fabric, which was totally wasted on her immature pouting. I wish they would have sent her home, but of course they wouldn’t do that to their darling. Blech. I liked Nancy’s pants.
  14. Oh the questions I have......I did not realize there were so many people who shower after flying - if you are one of those people, how short does the flight have to be to forgo the shower, or is it a shower regardless of how long the flight is? Like, if I shower, then get on the plane in California and fly for less than two hours to, let’s say Phoenix, would I need a shower?!? Or how about if I leave Fresno where I live and fly to San Diego - a 45 minute flight?!? I swear, between this and all the people who agreed with Iris’s “no street clothes on the bed rule” last season, I feel like I must be some kind of gross pig because neither of these things have ever occurred to me before watching this show and reading this forum! I was not too surprised by the tub next to the bed - it looked pretty similar to the setup I had at an all inclusive resort in Puerto Vallarta a couple years ago. It is weird. My husband and I used it for hanging wet swim suits to dry out....😋
  15. You are absolutely correct. The nice thing to say is, "Hold that thought - I can't hear anything you are saying while I'm doing this!" Of course, if he had responded that way, that interaction would never have seen the light of day because it's too mundane and normal..........
  16. Here is my take, and maybe I'm reaching, but she was pretty shlubby looking there at the end. When she laid down in that tank top it looked like some pretty hairy armpits to me. Is it possible she hadn't showered that morning either? Like, she hasn't showered since before the wedding? If that's the case, I would be pretty grossed out too. If she had showered that morning and it's a five hour flight, I don't know why it's necessary to take another shower. I know I wouldn't. The only time I got off a plane and showered immediately was when I flew from California to London last year and it had been about 24 hours since my last shower.....
  17. I hate defending that asshat, but I will say it's hard to hear what someone is saying when you are washing your face. My son always comes in to talk to me when I am washing my face, and I always have to pause and tell him to wait until I'm done because I can't hear a thing with the water running and my face in the sink........
  18. His name was Nate and he was an absolute dog that got the good edit at Sheila's expense....... Perhaps all of these treasures could be displayed on the cabinet that Dave and Amber built?
  19. It would impress me more if he said "Our most successful season ever!" Sadly, I think it's more likely to be "Our most dramatic rose ceremony season ever!"
  20. I can only imagine how horrible the comments would be for people who are less than attractive after reading the comments on these folks who are at least decent to attractive looking. I didn't watch last night- got stuck down a rabbit hole looking at Disney World hotel reviews on You Tube with my kids. It got too late with the stupid 2 hour run time. Now I'm debating skipping this episode since so many here said it was boring. Is there any reason I should watch it tonight? Or is it enough to know Meka and Michael are already imploding and Zach has proved himself to be the phony asshole we all assumed he was......
  21. I'm still holding out hope for Austin and Jessica, but with four out of five divorcing, this doesn't do anything to help their success rate......
  22. Totally. I usually like looking for the spoilers, but I've gotta say, it might be affecting my decision to watch this season. The fact that it's only episode 3 and we already know for certain what happened to 3 of the five is making think this whole season is going to be drama with little in between. I do not want to watch a show with 6-8 (depending on what happens with Katie and Derek) people at each other's throats. And the fact that the episodes are TWO HOURS! doesn't really excite me to slog through this garbage either......
  23. Thank you - I feel like I'm losing my mind watching this with Shy and his crew just roaming the hotel. I just don't know how this show can act like this was normal during that era because it absolutely was not. Just read anything about how Sammy Davis Jr. was treated. Ditto the situation with Joel and Mai. I don't see his parents accepting her. Archie seemed cool when they were dancing, but I doubt Imogene would accept her into their social circle. It's totally unbelievable. Why is this show just ignoring the segregation and overt racism that was out there during this era? I wish the show would address it - it would be interesting to see Midge having to navigate touring with them and seeing how they are treated.
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