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Everything posted by Hanahope

  1. I'm somewhat surprised so many didn't know Roman numerals. I guess they don't watch the Super Bowl, or see ads for it. Not terribly surprised most didn't know Roman Holiday. I'm in my 40s and I only vaguely know about it because of my mom mentioning it when I went to Rome. The 'be a gladiator' task looked a lot of fun, more fun that the chariot race.
  2. I'm a bit surprised we didn't get the line from Roose as to why his wife is "fat" Walder, and interesting that Ramsay was actually nice to her. Roose, obviously displeased with Ramsay's alteration of Theon, but realizing there was nothing to be done now, is making the best of a bad situation. Had I not known how the purple wedding went down, not sure I would have noticed the missing gem on Sansa's necklace. I do like that they did make it somewhat ambiguous as to what killed Joffrey, but for those of us looking, one can see the signs of Oleanna's hand. Curious to see what they do with Shae's character now, whether and/or how she ends up in Tywin's bed. I like that Shereen doesn't seem afraid of Melisandre and I don't think Mel would harm her either (the least of which is because Stannis wouldn't like it and Mel knows which side of her bread is buttered). I forget, is Gendry still at Dragonstone?
  3. So I learned something from the show. Even though I was a kid during the 80s, I didn't recall Intelivision and I see its just an early Nintendo/X-box. Funny seeing all those huge computers. Its amazing how technology has changed and I found the explanation of the "internet" hilarious.
  4. I loved when Mr. Cyr ran into Amber and in talking about Sarah, Amber is gushing about how Sarah has "a job" and "an apartment." Wow, just what most parents say about their adult child, yet here we have the adult child saying this about their parent. How proud Amber must be that her mother finally "grew up" to get a job and her own place. And yes, feel like beating a dead horse over Joel and Julia and Joel's apparent refusal to go to marriage counseling and blaming everything on Julia's emotional affair because Joel appeared to give no support whatsoever to the problems Julia was having with Victor, and his convenient memory lapse of the Rachel kiss from S1. Also Joel had "no idea" of the cost of the meal after seeing the menu? And also confused as to why the credit card place would call over the expense in the first place for a meal purchase at a relatively local restaurant. I guarantee my husband and I go could out to Ruth's Chris Steak House for an expensive meal and there's be no fraud call. That only happens when we forget to tell our credit card we're going out of town (and make a big purchase), or they see a purchase from an entity that's already on their fraud list. Unrealistic plot hammer.
  5. I actually thought that Zelena's turning green was due to the power of Rumple's suggestion that she was starting to turn green with envy. In other words, she did it to herself. Also agree that I'd like to know if Zelena was born pre or post Cora meeting Rumple. Did she make Rumple change the terms of the contract to 'her first born with him' because she already had a child? But if so, if she didn't know where the child ended up, how could Rumple? Or was she already pregnant at that time and thought she had to save her child - but still hid her away because it was "too soon" to help her obtain royalty? Will we see the other Oz characters at some point?
  6. Had to laugh how Nick's mom tells Adalind, 'the less we know about each other the better'. . . well, maybe not. It might have actually been better if Adalind got to explain a bit more.
  7. Didn't the Lannisters return Ned's sword to Robb with his body, so Robb was using Ned's Valyrian steel sword, Ice, which the Lannisters 'regained' after the Red Wedding? I'm pretty sure Sansa wouldn't mind at all finding out that she's part of a Joffrey assassination. Frankly, I think the only reason she wasn't clued into the whole plot was to protect her and the actual plotters from having their identity revealed.
  8. Well, Gina was pregnant during S2 and arguably in S3 probably still had some 'baby fat.' So it could be that by comparison, she looks 'too skinny' in S4.
  9. I too liked the reference by Oberon to Rheagar lleaving his sister for another woman. It definitely helps reading the books to catch these little lines. Same with the Janos Slynt re-introduction. I see that the purple hairnet has turned into the blue necklace (at least the stones looked blue to me). People are going to call it the blue wedding instead of the purple wedding (unless Joffrey turns purple). Couldn't they have come up with purple stones? Arya was definitely chilling and loved how they changed that scene up. I also like how they are protraying Margarery . Most of the characters have really benefit from the aging up, although its still hard to see Sansa referred to as a child. I was a bit surprised we didn't see Lady Stoneheart come into being, but I guess we'll get that next week. Can't wait too too long, afterall. So I always thought the opening sequence only showed places that were going to be in the night's show, but last night the opening showed both Dreadfort and Dragonstone, but we didn't see the Boltons or Stannis.
  10. The Word about the death penalty and its application in Tennessee was quite good. I won't be surprised if such claims eventually reached SCOTUS, but unfortunately not sure what the outcome will be, particularly with the current court make-up.
  11. I have no doubt that the appointment of Barra was made in order to put someone before Congress who could say in truth she had no knowledge of this problem and certainly being female was intended to make her appear more sympathetic. And while GM did go bankrupt, if any lawsuit was filed before the bankruptcy (and potentially even those filed after), presumably there was still GM's insurance policy to go after, so hopefully the victims won't/weren't completely shut out. Victims could even include in any litigation claims against all distributors of the cars, such as dealers, under products liability laws. I guess tomorrow we'll get coverage of the latest blow to campaign finance laws, sortof as an add-on to John Hodgeman's piece. The rich can now buy many politicians and soon those pesky banking laws will be no more.
  12. I'm surprised the machine only spit out the head Vigilance guy's number recently. You'd think the machine would have realized his threat beforehand. Wonder how long it will be before Control realizes the Machine/Northern Lights isn't really shut down, just moved its primary operations to Root. I presume Machine will still spit out irrelevant numbers as well.
  13. Woot, a Leverage forum!! I just started watching S3 discs with commentary, and I love how the writers use the actors' secondary talents in the show. Like in The Sheherezade Job where Aldis Hodge (Hardison) played the violin, as he did IRL (also loved seeing Giancarlo Esposito). I know CK's country singing episode is coming up in my next disc. The commentaries also give great insight into Nate Ford's development. I wish the show was still on. I would also watch Nashville if CK was on it.
  14. I'm just amazed by how Adam Lambert's quick notes with Blaine just show how much better of a singer he is compared to almost all of the other actors. I really do hope that his character comes back for future episodes. Also, count me on the train to just focus this show on NY. I know "Glee" doesn't quite fit the after high school group of friends, but they are all so much better than the high school setting its not even funny.
  15. I too like the idea of a weekly thread, rather than one big long one. Glad there's another site to keep up with the shows.
  16. There's always going to be someone you don't like playing Survivor and quitting because that person is (currently at least) in charge of the game is a stupid reason to quit. Lindsay didn't even make it half-way. Big loser. Next time, stick it out and then when the merge hits, join the other side.
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