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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. r/DuggarsSnark is already on fire. Happy J’Pedo Day!
  2. My fellow Redditors made a nifty bingo sheet for tomorrow.
  3. Fellow misophonia sufferer here. I can’t stand to hear mouth noises or spit 🤢🤢🤢
  4. That’s how visitation worked at the state prison I worked at years ago. No touching, no sudden movements, hands visible at all times.
  5. Welcome home (temporarily)! LSU’s graduations are today and tomorrow so traffic should be fine extra clusterfuckish. So sorry @CalicoKitty. You and your brother take care and give yourselves some grace.
  6. Louisiana has pretty reasonable property taxes and a $75,000 homestead exemption which comes in handy. Everything else (except the food) sucks though.
  7. Most states have work exemptions for domiciliary parents with children under 5, or at least they did when I worked in social services many moons ago.
  8. You can totally take the context of these pics and that caption very differently…adult fun anyone… If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the Prayer Closet snacking on barbacoa tacos.
  9. Carlin needs to use a lighter hand when applying her foundation and powder. All I see when I look at that picture is Jim Carey’s The Mask.
  10. That’s because Michelle isn’t dumb (for lack of a better term). She’s just stupid.
  11. I just want to reoprt that someone on Reddit referred to the FF as J’pedo🤣 Priceless!
  12. Some resourceful Redditor has access to docs through their PACER account. I’ll BOLO
  13. There’s a petition to cut Helicopter Hair from the show. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2022/05/09/viewers-launch-online-petition-to-have-jason-korpi-removed-from-tlcs-unexpected/
  14. Funny but totally unrelated to the topic. When I was a resident assistant in college, one of the students in my dorm was on the “Girls Gone Wild” commercial.
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