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Mrs. P.

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  1. I think she’s a very good actress. And she’s getting better.
  2. I kept wondering why they didn’t pursue the fact that the husband could describe the supposed intruder so well that the sketch was so clearly identifiable. Had he known him in the past?
  3. I couldn’t pay much attention to Phyllis’s theatrics in the judge’s office because I kept waiting for the court reporter to come in. Can’t the show pay for an extra to act like a court reporter for one show?
  4. The English horn. Rose had no idea what it was.
  5. Has anyone else noticed that Michael’s left eye is kind of wonky?
  6. Not to be too negative, but bladder cancer is hard to beat. I wish him success.
  7. Mrs. P.

    Tennis Thread

  8. Mrs. P.

    Tennis Thread

    Can anyone playing now beat Alcaraz? I guess Djokovic would have a shot, but are they ever going to play each other?
  9. High blood pressure and a bad headache can often mean toxemia or pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. I don’t understand why no one, not even her OB, hasn’t picked up on that. The only treatment for pre-eclampsia, which can lead to the mother’s death, is delivery of the baby. If it’s really early in the pregnancy, that can lead to a devastating outcome.
  10. Mrs. P.

    Tennis Thread

    He had an abdominal muscle tear. Much like Nadal dealt with.
  11. Nikki looked better in those flashbacks with Deacon than she looks now. (No shaming intended; just an observation.)
  12. Do the house guests know that Queen Elizabeth has died? Do the jurors?
  13. And Victor wins again. It must be in his contract. Sickening.
  14. I've been watching Season 2 again. I'm really enjoying Michael Moriarty as Ben Stone. I've read on this board that he went "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs." What does that mean? Did he have a nervous breakdown, or did he adopt some radical beliefs? Any input would be appreciated.
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