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  1. Good night to all! I will not be able to join you this Sunday nor next Monday because I work in retail and you know how it goes with all the gift buying. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanza. ( I think I covered everyone) Enjoy the holidays with family and friends.
  2. Let Ari drown in the toilette.
  3. I'm here! Hello! I come for the snark not so much for the show with all the misfits.
  4. Goodbye Brian hope not to see you again!!!
  5. Good evening to all After seen Loren and his prenhistoric way of getting a tatoo and Niles asking for money let's see what other weird and chaotic things we need to watch.
  6. What a creep!! Faith runnnnnn!!
  7. OMG! I hate Loren, can't stand his air of superiority which he thinks he has.
  8. Good evening friends, finally home and here. I hope I didn't miss anything important.
  9. Bye everyone have a great rest of the week.
  10. I think Angel wants James for herself. She is jealous that her sister got an American.
  11. I agree with Sarper, Tatha is a cry baby.
  12. Let’s make Sarper the next host of the Tell Alls
  13. They are on the 90 days and this is the Other Way.
  14. Good evening to all!!!
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