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  1. I think what set this example of teams working together apart from others was the fact that a team completed a task and stayed at the location until other teams also completed the task. It seems the compromise for those who like alliances and those who don't would be for the show to make it a rule that once you complete a task, you must leave the gameplay area immediately. You can shout out instructions or hints that helps a team you're aligned with as you leave if you so choose, but that information could also help a team in the same area you aren't aligned with as well, thus presenting a gameplay conundrum for the team that's leaving.
  2. I've loved Bruce Springsteen for over 40 years and I cannot believe Larry persuaded him to utter the line "Didn't have you pegged for a floor fucker, Larry!" God, that was so f'n fun.
  3. All I can say is someone needs to check the temperature in Hell because, as my wife can vouch, I actually called this in episode 2. (I know it wasn't the most convoluted of solutions, but I never get these so allow the old guy a victory lap). I know the gag is how much Steve Martin and Jane Lynch are made to look alike, but man did they do an exceptional job with shading and subtle changes to costume to make you think for a moment Charles had indeed been shot. A really great finale.
  4. I went to Chicago for the first time in April and it is such a feast. The food, the beverage, the architecture, the history. Just something truly special. I am soooo glad I didn't start this show until after my visit. Seeing all the different places we frequented. The omnipresence of the Willis Tower. It really made what's already a special show all the more fantastic.
  5. I thought this was a great, subtle, humorous way to hit on the "Be curious, not judgmental" mantra that's pretty much served as the theme of the entire series.
  6. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most things were paid off and wrapped up neatly, but that's what the vibe of this show is and has always been. I will say finishing with Father and Son was unfair on a personal level because that song hits me in a deeply personal way so, needless to say, I needed to rehydrate afterwards. I did wanna shout out Higgins because he got the "perfect" line for the end of the Diamond Dogs meeting and I love in the final montage how everyone gathered again at his home, so much so that the party went out into the street. I've just always loved that quirky, low-key character and loved how the finale did right by him. The only real gripes I had were having a song from The Sound Of Music (I HATE The Sound Of Music. It's not some male macho thing as I love musicals...I just HATE The Sound of Music. I know, me and Christopher Plummer, party of 2) and, while I get it from a dramatic perspective to give Ted the final moments of the final montage, there's just no universe Ted isn't at Coach Beard's wedding (Just like, if there's any old ER heads like me, there's no universe Doug Ross isn't at Mark Greene's funeral.) I know this season got a lot of criticism, some of it rightly so. And while I agree of the three seasons it's the one I'll return to least, I'd still put Amsterdam and this finale amongst the top 6-7 episodes of the series. What a balm of hope this series was in a world of cynicism.
  7. For me, it was a finale of two halfs. The first half was IN-CREDIBLE. The second half was complete dog excrement. I understood what they were going for but I just didn't think they landed it at all...and that really bums me out.
  8. I say this to myself every time I catch a glance in the mirror.
  9. For myself, regarding the challenges for the season as a whole, I look at it like this: When I return to this series in ensuing years, this season will be the one I hold in least regard. But that's like asking a lifelong Laker fan which Kobe-Shaq championship means the least to you -- There's an answer, but that doesn't mean it wasn't also great! As always, YMMV on the analogy.
  10. First off, based on the preferences in my house, Wong has impeccable taste in TV shows. I get the whole Elizabeth Olsen thing with Madisynn, but at first glance, Donny's older associate struck me as Ron Chephas Jones from This Is Us. What a casting coup that would've been for the episode.
  11. It's funny -- For weeks, people have been talking about how the show makes it impossible to accept Leia's message in Star Wars leading with "Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars", but I was ok with the subtle understanding at the end between Ben and Leia that she essentially couldn't acknowledge publicly they knew each other. However, from now on, whenever I watch Star Wars and Owen declares "That wizard's just a crazy old man!" I'm always going to wonder why Luke doesn't shoot back with "You're the one who introduced me to that crazy old man." Happy Liam came back for the cameo. That he did it for this and for The Dark Knight Rises tells me he's a good dude. (Yes, I'm sure he's very well compensated for his time but a number of actors in the same spot just wouldn't do it.) In the end, this was for me miles better than Book of Bobba Fett, but not as good as either season of Mando. Glad this has also served as a kind of "redemption" tour of sorts for Hayden. Anyone who's seen the move Shattered Glass knows the man can act. As the years go on, it becomes clearer and clearer the prequels had the right actors at the center of their doomed love affair, they just blew it on the execution. That'll always make me a little sad.
  12. It wasn't presented in the Q&A as one. Just the way the person in the audience phrased the question.
  13. My wife and I attended the PaleyFest event on Saturday. They also screened this week's episode for us prior to the Q & A. No spoilers, but it was weird watching a new episode with 2,000 people and hearing what provoked an audible response in people. Highlights for the Q&A: - I know Jack's presence on the show annoys some at this point, but I'd say Milo received the biggest ovation from the crowd during introductions. Granted, it seemed to be mostly super fans (My wife is one such fan as this was a birthday present for her). - Dan Fogelman finished writing the finale Friday night. Sent a text to the cast that it was done. Confirmed the final scene and other aspects of the finale have been in his head since he wrote the pilot. -Fogelman is also solo writing the second to last episode. Cast has seen that script, and the impression I took was that it starts shooting this week. Mandy described it as "beautiful and made want to throw up...but in a good way!" -Mandy didn't talk quite as much as I thought she might, though she did say that it wasn't a lock she was going to play older Rebecca. Original thought was it would be a different actress, but they put Mandy in the old make up to give it a shot and here we are. - Chrissy and Chris spoke about the challenges of shooting the disintegration of Kate and Toby's marriage. Both also spoke about where they were emotionally and financially when they got the roles. Chris in particular was very thoughtful and heartfelt. Moreso than you might think someone in that outfit would be (And trust me, if you think that suit's something to behold in pictures, it was REALLY something sitting fifteen rows away). -Jon Huertas did say the Miguel episode is coming. Fogelman added that there was a week where Jon was shooting far more and everyone was shooting far less. I think they mentioned it's the fourth to last episode. -Sterling started talking about the bonds of the cast, pointed to Susan, said "This sister here..." and couldn't continue. They just clasped hands and Sterling put his other hand on Justin's leg, but had to continue just looking forward to keep composed. Was a really sweet moment and I do get the genuine impression this cast will remain close like the casts for Six Feet Under and The Office have over the years. -Two funniest moments: Chris at one point said a few of the cast snuck into the back of the theater as the episode was playing and Justin deadpanned perfectly "How could you sneak anywhere in that outfit?" And during audience Q & A, a woman asked Mandy "When Rebecca succumbs to her disease, gets to the pearly gates, and sees Jack on one side and Miguel on the other, which way does she go? Chris immediately stood up, applauding wildly, yelling out "Greatest question in six years!" Mandy diplomatically had Milo and Jon stand up and took each by the arm to imply both.
  14. "I'm in every moment we ever shared...all at once." That line is going to stay with me for a very long time.
  15. I'm gonna third it. Just completely blown away.
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