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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 14 hours ago, Pksbena1 said:

    Just looked at Nicole’s Instagram. She’s definitely not a WOC. Her parents both appear to be Caucasian. However, her dad may (possibly) be of middle eastern decent. He doesn’t really look like it but Nicole, and her brother, have a middle eastern look to me. JMO. Whatever her background is, she is stunningly gorgeous! 

    Isn't she cousins with Randy from Say Yes?  He speaks of being very Italian.

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  2. Dear Jinelle, Stop with the show girl/modeling/hostess or whatever you are doing.  You could make $$$$ right her on Primetimer by selling your weight consulting services.  We have a huge group of folks that will pay big bucks to just have your text back and forth a couple of times a day and remind us of life changing facts like:

    1.  No cheating when eating

    2.  Milkshakes are not our friends

    3.  Pretty girls don't eat like that

    4.  Carbonation causes cellulite

    Etc.  Signed, Puffier by the Day

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  3. 3 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

    Omg I was on the boards wayyyy back when they did these and EVERYONE made fun of them and bitched about these segments. Like, every single page every time a Jay segment was shown was complaining about them. “Less Jay” everyone said. Which is one reason why I think you rarely if ever see Jay. Although I’m not sure if they even do them anymore... they used to cheer outside in the heat at Texas Stadium and really needed that conditioning training. 

    Anyway, I just cracked up when I read your post because I remember all the complaining back in the day! 😂😂😂 I actually like Jay and miss those segments. 

    I was one of them....they were horrible.  Why do you need an army guy?  So glad they are gone!

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  4. 12 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    Yes.  Lauren’s face is absolutely adorable, and she has a cute figure, but she needs to lose a few pounds and tone up for DCC.  Her dance isn’t the best, but she’s cute enough that if she were thinner that almost wouldn’t matter.

    Well, Judy made her opinion of Lauren VERY clear.....I haven't seen her voice such a strong opinion in a long time. 

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  5. Conspiracy theory - They really like Ashley at tryouts.  She definitely had the look.  Kelli was soooooo cold - they found some dirt on her.  Someone tattled something.

    Conspiracy theory #2 - We all heard the Malena meltdown was much worse than we saw.  Maybe she also had a meltdown with the dancers and for the protection of the dancers we are now seeing them leave mid-show alone.

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  6. 4 hours ago, HideyYall said:

    You stay up on sleepless nights thinking about this?

    Did you make the spreadsheet of the formation?  Just curious.

    HAHA!  I was going to say that too!  That's awesome!  

    4 hours ago, Tootie said:

    I'm sorry if my spreadsheets offend people.  I guess I shouldn't share them...  My bad!

    Don't you dare stop!  (said with love :))

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  7. 31 minutes ago, JayDKay said:

    The shorts look way better now that they come up the hips more. Those teeny tiny ones that gave them muffin tops from 2005-2010ish era are bloody terrible. 

    I'm all for the shorts having a bit more coverage if it flatters their bodies more. Except I don't think it's possible.. not with this style. I always thought Tasha's shorts looked too nappy like. Made her look frumpy. I wondered if they made hers slightly higher to cover a possible cesarean scar..? 

    I know they weren't very popular but I always thought the 90s shorts that had the v cut were very flattering! 

    I actually like the V shorts, too.  I like the way the cut replicates the top of the boot.  That V on the boots lengthens and enhances the leg, so why not do that to the torso?  Also, and I am sure this is wildly unpopular, but I think they should do the little skirt some of the teams do - I mean a really short one like maybe Miami does?  I just think it would balance the blouse better and not look so diapery.

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  8. 7 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Yes, there is a lot of talk about how having so many eyes and opinions and experiences, lead to forming a better squad.  But if your opinion differs from her, she becomes a 🤬

    There is no opinion different from hers!  Remember, she has GRACE!!!  

    • LOL 2
  9. 8 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    Well, they look dirty.  And sweaty.  I wonder if that's a point they look for on the jumbo tron during tryouts?  Who dances great, kicks high and sweats like a whore in church?  Is there a check box for that, Kellie?  I've watched this team for decades and they've never looked so trashy before.

    You're on fire!!  Keep it up!

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  10. 4 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Well, maybe not all of us.  Don't get me wrong, I think Bridget seems like a nice person, but she's too cutesy-wootsy for my taste, it could be a little grating.  I wanted Gina, but if it wasn't going to be her, I would have loved to see Erin.

    You have Brennan, I have Kash and Bridget......but we share our love for Erin.  That clip last year where Marshall went crazy about her was when I fell in love.

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  11. 15 minutes ago, klopie said:

    I feel like K&J made this a disaster year on purpose to distract us from hurricane VK and it’s working. So just knowing this year is already shot I’m focusing on next year. 

    In my dreams I know but the current DCC that I hope retire after this season:

    Victoria, Amanda, Lisa, Taylor P, Taylor J, Madeline, Daphne, Miranda, Savannah, Christina, Molly, Gina, Tess, Maddie, Amy

    Hopeful formation for next year with ladies that were cut that I hope make it back!

    Point - Bridget!!!

    Triangle - Hannah, Jalyn

    3rd row - Ashlee, Heather, Caroline

    4th row - Amber, Cianna, Kelcey, Lexie 

    5th row - Rachel A, Alanna, Erin, Kristin, Chandi

    6th row - Rachel W, Briana, Alexis, Lily, Kat, Brennan

    7th row - Bret, Julia, Madeline S, Meredith, Katy, Jemilla, Geena

    8th row - Dayton ♥️, Shaina, Hannah S, Raven, Lacey, TBD

    VK is going to be the first ever DCC to come out on a cane!!!  She isn't leaving until they throw her out.  And, that ain't happening.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Dal8las said:

    Me @ everyone sad over the point

    I had to deal with Kashara's winks for two years I think y'all can deal with Amy stiffness and Little Debbie Maddie for 1.


    OMG, you don't even know how that freaked me out!!!!  That name is alarmingly close to my actual name!!!  I was like how does she know me?????  Then, well, I see what you did there.  TBS, Kashara rocked!  KASHARA COME BACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!

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  13. Sometimes, the grown up thing to do is to admit your mistake and fix it.  KELLI!!!!!!!  JUDY!!!!!!!  I am looking at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just admit it, this isn't working.  Take your new rules (seniority over ability) and throw them out!  There's no crying in baseball and there are no participation trophies at the professional level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Start the formation over.  We will forgive you.  You will delight us.  We all know Bridget should be point.  Fill out the triangle with other awesome dancers and move on.  No one but us will know what a fiasco you were going to go with.  I promise, we won't tell! 


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  14. 44 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    There's something to be said about being upbeat and bubbly in an interview, especially when you're interviewing to be a cheerleader!  They want to see your charm and grace in a tough situation.  Malena was handling hers like she was in a disciplinary meeting showing progress on an improvement plan.  If she had answered back with a bright smile, chuckled that her cut was humbling to watch and in hindsight she wished she hadn't let her emotions get the best of her after a tough summer, etc....I think she would have fared much better.  Coming in so serious when their last memory of her was a total meltdown wasn't the best way to play that hand.

    The judges throw some nutso questions out there, but if the candidate handles it with a smile and charm, they'll be fine.  It's when they go into super serious mode that they get into trouble.  I was actually shocked at Christina's terrible performance, because I felt like one of the reasons they kept her was performance during podcasts and how she's usually more articulate.  If she had repeated back the question with a bright smile, it would have given her a second to gather her thoughts and come back with a better response.

    Very insightful on Malena.......

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  15. 9 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

    This is a hard question to answer.  The obvious choice is Brennan, but she was wronged the year prior.  So, she should have been a returning vet, and is exempt in my view.  Honestly, I would have cut Amber.  She flubbed media training and is made redundant by Bridget.  

    To me the whole media training thing is such a pisser.  Ask all candidates the same question in the same way and there you have something.  Yes, TT should have been better with "me too", but seriously, could VK have answered that?  Or even a vet?  These girls live in a shell.  I love Amber, and I think she is an overlooked diamond.  (I agree that Bridget is better!!!  #BridgetforpointNOW).  However, I don't think it was a well formulated question, and I wouldn't say she flubbed it.  But most importantly, I think that most of them (other than Malena who is awesome at that stffu) would have blown it just as much as Amber did. 

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  16. 52 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

    When women are tougher than usual on other women it's because they are jealous. I'm sure Brenda wishes she was a DCC and takes it out on the girls during the interview process.

    I'm still not over what she did to Kat a few season ago. So, it's ok for Kat to have her boobs and butt falling out of her uniform for all the world to see, but God forbid she wears a dress with cutouts on the sides. 

    IKR! And even some of the dresses that have come through since then, SMH.  I mean it isn't business casual.  It is business casual with cocktail hour accents.  Business color and cut but way too short and too low for any office.  And Brenda, maybe she did want a DCC.  I actually get the impression she is somehow trying to ride the Jones family gravy train.  Crying over VKs solo, indeed.  That was such put on BS.  You're not a dancer, she's not your daughter....you just wanted to get on CJA's good side.  That's a sick way to go through life. 

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