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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 6 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

    The season of "So You Think You Can Dance" that Victoria auditioned for (and claims to have turned down due to filming conflicting with Training Camp) premiered last night.  Did anyone watch?  Was our least favorite Rookie Candidate shown at all (including her interview) or are the first few episodes dedicated to one city/region until they narrow the numbers down?

    I did watch and did not see her.  Based on the talent presented, she just wasn't spotlight worthy.  They did have Gino who was Maddie Ziegler's first kiss on Dance Moms, though.

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  2. 5 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

    I am *really* bummed about Gabi. I think she is beautiful no matter what. Also bummed that Lauren retired and Taylor T was not invited back for a second chance.

    It KILLS me that these young ladies think the DCC is THE end all/be all. I would love to see one of them tell K&J, "I am leaving to join the Peace Corps." 

    Ha!  If that is anyone, it would be Kristen. 

  3. Throughout the years, people have threatened to quit if X or Y makes/doesn't make it.  I respect that.  I've just laughed my way through that.  For me the deal breaker is this new ridiculousness of advertising Cowboy Fit or whatever it is called.  I don't live in Dallas, and if I did I would never spend that kind of $ on a "see and be seen" gym.  I daresay that the majority of the viewers are not potential members, so let up on it already.  If we continue to see more "commercials" and less dance - I am GONE!

    • Love 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, MavisL said:

    I think that the Dallas Cowboys club has showed us who they are, and yet we don't want to believe them.

    They boldly demonstrate their core values: Fight, win, be better, do more, work harder, be tough, suck it up, defend the brand, guard the brand, spin the brand, believe in the brand, give everything you are to the brand.

    They've demonstrated without apology (and even with a meddling force) what they value in the projection of their DCC image: be attractive, be young, thin, feminine, submissive, fit in but don't blend, be subservient, be loyal, don't tell brand secrets, be precocious to the point of sass appeal, but not to the point of speaking ones truth. 

    They've demonstrated their leadership styles: Tell it like it is, demand more, don't coddle, don't babysit, obey the rules, insist upon absolutes, yes ma'am.

    Nowhere in these values or behaviors is there even the pretense of betterment of people of color, of understanding and compassion, of truth and honesty, of lawful and ethical business practices, of the evolution of women's roles beyond show pony and school marm. They make absolutely no attempt to touch on these things, and unless it suits their brand, they won't. I stopped expecting it ages ago. It's eye candy, but I don't respect them and always chuckle a bit when the truth comes out about their various behind-the-scenes misdeeds.  

    And touch The Star!

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  5. 10 minutes ago, dccfan33 said:

    This post >>>> 

    I totally agree that women from all backgrounds should be represented, but the fact is that there are several plausible reasons for the decline in diversity on DCC in recent years. You stated them perfectly. There are always the socioeconomic barriers that oftentimes affect minority populations in this country which keeps some women from getting the dance training required for DCC. Fewer WOC could be auditioning for DCC in general and this could be due to a plethora of reasons (want to be on a team with more diversity, purely coincidental, etc.) Or, it could be the fact that TPTB are not as focused on the diversity aspect as they were a few seasons ago. The point is...we don't know and the chances of anyone coming on here to confirm or deny our guesses are slim to none. 

    That being said, we should also not be taking mediocre dancers just to add diversity to the squad. Trust me, I would like to see more than the "barbie" type represented on the team, but if those are the girls who are the best dancers who can perform the DCC style, then so be it. I wouldn't want them to put dancers on the squad who are going to make them look worse just because they add diversity to the squad. 

    I think there are a couple of additional reasons for the low WOC count (and this holds true for the declining number of white girls, too).  First, the whole yes ma'am attitude just doesn't fly with every girl these days.  Not every girl in every household is raised with that attitude, and it is truly hard to fake it when you are an adult/young adult.  Many young women today are being raised to speak up and have their voices heard.  That just isn't the DCC culture.  Also, the style of dance that the DCC does is problematic and many of you have alluded to it.  Peppy pom doesn't necessarily challenge or appeal to all dancers.  They may see the more current dances being done by other teams and in other sports and go that direction just to have more fun dancing.  If there goal is to be a backup dancer someday, it just isn't relevant experience.

    Case in point, I don't know that two of my favorites (both non-WOCs) - Meredith and Kristin -  will make it because of the attitude thing.  Meredith is a little free spirited as we saw last year.  And Kristin is out there doing important work with ASL and her mission work.  When all is said and done, she may not be comfortable with Kelli telling her a Dunkin' Donuts appearance is more important that some of her other work.  

    It's just not a culture that is right for everyone or will make them happy.  And I believe it is the culture, not overt racism that may be limiting the WOC from applying.

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  6. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    I'd feel really bad if it did hurt Judy 😞  I'm one who mentioned that I thought Gracie looked like Judy, but it was just an observation...Cassie must look like her dad because I think Gracie looks more like Judy than Cassie does 🙂

    If Judy reads this, I think she knows you and I and half of Primetimerdom think she is GORGEOUS, has the most amazing hair EVER and generally adorable clothes.  

    • Love 13
  7. I am finally caught up with my reading!

    Gabby - I rewatched Ep 1 of last season and Kelli really didn't like her.  She hated her feet and didn't think she represented her resume.  Kelli sometimes doesn't get over things.  

    Lacey - In interviews her last book was 50 Shades.  I truly wonder if KJC didn't have an off camera discussion about how a girl that said that shouldn't represent the DCC.

    Candidate who looks like Judy/Joan rivers - so she didn't make it?  Because of her face?  And we all said she looks like Judy?  I know it is current Judy, but current Judy is still beautiful!!  Ha, wonder if Judy reads the forums.  That would have to hurt, right?

    • Love 8
  8. 38 minutes ago, Lolfordays said:

    Yeah no. Any professional job I have had in my career, people are sometimes late. The world keeps spinning.

    Agreed.  I live in Atlanta.  It happens.  I have been with the same company for 19 years, and it's only happened a few times, but still it happens.

    • Love 3
  9. 16 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    The DCC uniform is a  trademarked piece of property that is associated with a billion dollar brand. Those outfits are very valuable, and I'm not just talking monetarily. They would be fools to let the uniforms go out of their control and risk something happening like the photo below, especially in the case of DCC who get cut, have an axe to grind with the organization, and don't much care about being invited to the reunion. (Yes, I know that's not a real DCC that's an obvious fake uniform, though casual fans would not know that. My point is that this kind of thing could happen with the real thing.)42131756_356929888381692_7843489064177777188_n.thumb.jpg.70d926c206b6d12413821934739eb741.jpg

    It's been confirmed that all the finalists get to keep the finals audition outfit.

    And if anyone has it in for K/C, they should just get Kalyssa to post like this.  What's that?  Oh yeah, the sirens from the ambulance when K/C have their respective strokes :).  No disrespect meant to K/C.......all about Kalyssa's "modeling" career.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 hours ago, hannahbanana said:

    This is one of my favourite videos (2nd video -- from Cassie's instagram). Lauren is running off the field and stops to give Lennon a hug & say something to her. And then Lennon turns around and says, "That's my fwiend!"

    If I die I want to be re-incarnated as Lauren's daughter.  She is going to be the BEST MOTHER EVER!!!!!!

    • Love 8
  11. 9 hours ago, Pinknblue said:

    Exactly so!!

    I am floored that Kitty would trash her whole “tell it as it is”/badass/ruthless reputation on someone with VK’s obvious flaws.

    Her credibility is gone when she is either completely blind, or hopelessly compromised.

    Her statement last year about VK deserving the time and respect to lose the weight (in the Nick Flores episode) is truly mind blowing when she would cut *current* DCC with far more ability for so much less.

    She’s a bitter old troll whose opinion can be bought and is therefore meaningless



    You are my new best friend.  ^^^ is everything!

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  12. 8 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

    Can I hit the "love" button 1,000 times on this post? Kitty Carter lost any ounce of respect that I had for her when she said that Victoria deserved the respect of another chance. She brands herself as the coach who "tells it like it is with no sugar coating," but that only works if you deliver the brutal truth to everyone equally.

    Well said.  I used to love her.  That killed it for me.  KILLED IT for me.  Now, I won't be able to take her seriously at all.  

    1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

    I wonder if she improved at all. She did audition for the Texans cheerleaders 2 years ago and made it to finals but not the team. 

    I don't recall whether her dancing was good or bad.  She just doesn't have the facials.  I am not saying she has an ugly face.  She doesn't have that warm, welcoming smile.  Her smile makes her look like she is smelling stinky cheese.

    • Love 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Was she the one who has never had a headache?   And Kelli said just wait?

    Haha, I think so!  I just never cared for her as a DCC.  She seemed more like an accountant than a cheerleader.  (I am an accountant :)). 

    • Love 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

    I'd hardly call her huge. 

    She does look DCC soft. 

    Yeah.  She is one of my favs.  I don't think it is going to happen with the soft belly and larger thights.  Sad.....she is awesome.  But honestly, I don't think she'd like it!

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    One of my favorite things between Kelli and Judy is when the infamous Taylor had an office visit and they were talking to her about her awful diet, specifically the raw cookie dough.  After she left, Kelli turned to Judy and said "We're just jealous" and Judy nodded.  I thought that was so cute 🙂

    I miss that, too!  And I know many posters are turned off by uniform fittings and discussions of store-bought vs homegrown, but I actually see those as charming girl-bonding moments.  

    • Love 5
  16. 3 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

    If it were me auditioning for a team, I would not wear something that shows another team's logo, even if it is a different sport altogether, to another teams audition.  Yikes! 😬


    I just don't like her look.  Too harsh.  

    • Love 3
  17. Just pic-clicking and the two that I see that look BEE youtiful are 22 and 72.  Of course it may just be awesome still shots.....  The white outfit, number 66?  Just no.  

    I've always been a huge Kristin fan, so it pains me to say this, but she does look like she gained a little.  Since Kelli never did love her, I am not confident in her making it into TC.

    • Love 3
  18. 9 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Seriously, she could have pulled down her pants mid-dance and taken a dump on the floor -- she'd still have made it to semis.  

    She's going to make the team.  I just hope they don't show much of her this season.  If Kelli wants to abuse her position for the sake of a friend, that's one thing, but please don't rub our noses in it.

    That's what gets me.  If you are going to do, do it.  But don't let her get away with things others can't and haven't and act like it's normal!  If she falls out of turns in tryouts, don't act like it is ok.  It's not.  We aren't stupid.  When she gets in another girls way, don't blame it on the other girl.  We saw it.  We aren't stupid.  When she gains 11 pounds drinking milkshakes, don't go on about her beautiful legs.  The belly was rolling over the shorts.  We saw it.  We aren't stupid.

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