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Posts posted by Opine

  1. Loving the Shelley showing, too.  I hope it isn't just because Dayton is a TCC.  I want it to continue!  OTOH, not a fan of Charlotte's increased presence.  It REALLY takes away from Kelli and Judy.   It just screams micro management and gimme some screen time, too.  I actually have professional respect for Charlotte, but she needs to let K&J do their jobs.

    • Love 9
  2. On 9/7/2018 at 9:33 AM, Gingi1976 said:

    Maybe I’m in the minority, but I HATE the Jay/power-squad/Cowboys Fit segments. Even now, when I rewatch past seasons on CMT those are the only scenes I fast-forward. 


    I get it. The women need to be toned and fit for the uniform. But these segments are awful. Not to mention the fact that it’s hard to take the fitness suggestions seriously when everyone is in full hair and make-up. 

    Yeah, the whole Jay marching in like he's still in the military, insisting on running around in camo and combat boots bit is as dated as Kelli's and Tina's hair in their uniform fitting pics.  It's tired, it's been done, the "exercise" challenges are as scientifically valid as the carbonation/cellulite comments.  Why did CMT revive it?  I don't get it.  The show has evolved in so many positive ways (where are they now?  more focus on vets, etc.), why are they bringing back the ridiculous?

    • Love 6
  3. 5 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

    I would love to hear Erin's story as well! Last year, the fact that she kept falling stunned me. I had not seen anything like this from a TCC before. Whatever she did over the last year, it worked because she's so much better now.

    Is she better now?  I'd love to know.  But they never show her! 

  4. 1 hour ago, TexasBorn said:
    1 hour ago, CaseyRe said:

    agreed. spending 21k+ on anything is a big deal, let alone a first time car for a teenager, especially as that makes insurance more expensive as the car is worth more and its rarely the teen paying for that either.


    I bought my kid a 2001 in 2014 to drive back and forth to college.  He was thankful and thrilled. It broke down a lot, and he sometimes had to drive late at night. So we replaced it with a stripped down new car for the same price as a more dependable older car. He was again thankful and thrilled. ANNNNNDDD...the insurance went down because of more safety features.  The total cost of ownership also went down.  We aren't rich, but my son drives a 2016 vehicle.  I drive a 2011.  True Story.

    • Love 4
  5. 5 hours ago, sATL said:

    not a crazy idea.. One of reasons I like this show is the exercise part of it as well as the dance. I still haven't gotten around to finding that "rubber-band-thingie" that was featured at the cowboy fit segment and I am working on the push ups with weights. I bet if I could do "Thunderstruck" I could tone and lose a few in the process. I think someone was doing some side ab-toning work too.

    Make the senior DCC camp sessions virtual so we call can join in !

    @sATL if you are in ATL, we could do our own senior class!  I promise I will make you look good!  I am old, overweight and have never had a dance lesson!

    • Love 6
  6. 9 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I actually liked Kelli's cover shot, but I think that this is a good picture as well.  Their suits advertise the Cowboys and it's like the covers of the past with multiple girls

    Love it if Christina wasn't pulling on her suit.

    • Love 18
  7. My 23 yo son used to love Kashara (not as much as Molly!), but after this episode, he told me he couldn't like her anymore because she "dropped the O bomb" (oil).  Yes, my son was born and raised right here in ATL, but he can't stand the uber southern-isms.  He probably would have come unglued if she had also "dropped the T bomb" (tire pronounced tar).  I, OTOH, find it delightful!

    • Love 3
  8. I have certainly gotten some of our famous "twins" confused, but Molly and Rachel have never been a problem for me.  Molly has those to-die for eyes and Rachel holds her mouth in a very unique way.  I think they are both gorgeous.  Now Lindsey and Kash.......

    • Love 7
  9. I agree that none of these girls are too unattractive to be in the triangle.  They are all gorgeous, just in different ways.  My 23yo son thinks Maddie is the cutest on the team (but he's warming up to tall Taylor, too).  I just still can't believe they cut Lindsey (I think, the Kash twin?).  Truly gorgeous.  I am sure we will see that she has no memory or awful kicks, but......

    Dear Lindsey, Whatever was wrong, fix it dear.  Come back next year!!!  With Kash gone, you may make it and then make it all the way to point quickly! Love, your fan, Opine

    • Love 18
  10. 30 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I was looking at them going....wait, I've seen this one and that one in those dresses and haven't we already talked about the horrors of Christina's outfit?  Oh yeah (slaps forehead) that's what happens when you read the spoilers!  Some new/redundant thoughts....

    1.  I will never get over Brenda's nasty comments re Kat's dress.  So every time I look at the girls dressed up, I get mad again.  They all look great!  However, these are not interview clothes or first day of work clothes in general.  Some are fine,  but a good percent scream clubbin'.

    2. How did I miss Lacey's reflecto bikini top?  Oh my, as if my DH doesn't drool over her enough.  I better prepare some smelling salts for tonights episode!

    3.  I can't wait!!!  I can't watch it until tomorrow night, so I will miss y'all tomorrow!

    • Love 8
  11. 52 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    She seemed like a stronger candidate than the other Laker girl who made TC.   It is weird that they didn’t explain why she didn’t get an invite as  most of the footage shown of her was positive.   

    It's just like the LSU girl last year.....all positive comments, then poof!  Gone.  That's the kind of editing stuff by CMT that hacks me off.  Even if you have to clean it up and re-shoot it, give us some idea.  If LSU girl was cut because (making this up, no one quote me!!!) Cersten and Erica trashed her, they could just have a scene between C/K in the locker room, saying something generic like "her dancing may be great, but some of her references weren't".  I get that they might not want to blame another dancer on camera.  With Sara, they did say she lost her power on the field., but then they showed a clip where she looked awesome!

    • Love 4
  12. 4 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Ok, I was wondering about the Kalteen thing......LOL

    I used to be a double feature every weekend kind of kid.  Then we moved to a town that got the movies about 6 months after they came out, in a one screen move theater, so not too many movies at that time.  Used to rent a lot when that became an option.  And now, I don't know - it's like I just don't have the patience to sit and watch a movie.  I mean, I haven't even watched the first 3 eps of this season:)  And when I do, I will probably be fast forwarding thru stuff.

    Just ask any 20-25 yo for their copy....

  13. 2 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    What the heck is the DCC look? And what is the standard on being HD ready? Lol I know beauty is subjective and we all think some girls are pretty and some aren't. There have been girls that made it into training camp or on the squad that I think are average looking. And some saying Sarah might not have made it beacuse of that. But I thought she was cute enough. And they gave her so much praise. But I don't think Cianna is very cute after seeing her on pictures and video, not sure how she is dance wise. And I've been rooting for Jalyn ever since some people were commenting that she wasn't pretty. I thought she doesn't look that bad at all. so I've been very happy to hear that she's actually a really good dancer and made show group and everything. 

    I actually don't recall anyone saying Jaylyn wasn't pretty.  Many people (including me!) didn't like the maroon (violet) hair.  She's a beautiful girl.  I hesitate to even say this but I think the least HD ready look is the Hannah.  Of course, Brennan's issues have been discussed at length, but I will say I teared up when I saw her in the uniform.

    • Love 3
  14. 9 hours ago, Stephieg84 said:

    This is not directly responding to your post but since it describes TK...

    Am I the only one who thinks of Melissa Peterman’s character Barbara Jean from the show Reba every time she’s on screen??

    Yes!!!  Just a big old, lovable goof without a lick of sense!

    • Love 5
  15. 12 hours ago, Jennv said:

    I hadn't noticed this, but if they are doing this then they should totally play the imperial march whenever Charlotte is on screen 

    I liked this, but I had to quote you too because that is the best thing ever!  We're baseball people in the Opine household, and we really get a kick out of the songs the organist picks to play when a player walks up.  It's so fun to try to get the connection!

    • Love 3
  16. I don't hate VK, but I hate so much about the situation!  After 3 episodes, we haven't seen Caroline, Ashlee or (where the heck is!!) Erin and others AT ALL.  Why?  Because it has truly been the VK show.  I mean, come on!  Charlotte, Kelli, CMT...you didn't give us a chance to even like VK by just shoving her down our throats. 

    Charlotte seems to be getting a lot more camera time.  Not a fan of her role.  Yes, she is a Jones and Kelli's boss, but get the heck out of here woman.  Let Kelli do her job and quit micromanaging!  Charlotte is just so UNGRACIOUS.  We all know she has 100% of the power. Quit being so snarky.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE.  When you have all the power, smile and graciously share your opinion.  It started before this season, obviously.  Remember, the "really?" comment she said in such a condescending way last year when someone disagreed with her?  Just. don't. go. there.

    And Brenda?  You all know I am not a fan.  But I do wonder if she is sick based on here presentation.  And, if she is sick, she might be more likely to be emotional about things that aren't emotional.  However, if that isn't the case (and I hope it isn't), I think she just read the book "How to Kiss Charlotte and Kelli's Butt".  Thankfully, Scott Padgett didn't get a copy!  #TeamScott 

    • Love 21
  17. 1 hour ago, BonnieBlue said:

    Can someone send me a PM and let me know what happened on the Social Media thread to get it locked yet again?  Ugh.

    Me too, please!

    • Love 1
  18. 2 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

    Oh, have you not heard? It was none other than Jenna! ??


    Hahahahaha!  You beat me to it!

    22 minutes ago, tinabee1967 said:

    Here is the moral of the story in a nut shell:



    We need a separate thread to all write thank you notes to him!  He's one guy who I hope was a google alert on his name.  

    • Love 18
  19. 10 hours ago, M1977G said:

    Thanks, @NMDD43! I also found it on CMT and posted the link (I found it right after I posted the question so I edited the post--you're fast!) Since there is no thread for the next episodes, I'll mention that CMT has posted an interesting (at least to me) video of Marshal and his team doing a hair consult and makeover on one of the TCCs. They showed a lot more about how they analyze each girl's hair and teach them how to keep the DCC 'do looking Texas big and DCC glam. It was an impressive makeover, too! Here is the link, but be warned, it's a bit of a spoiler--if you watch the video, you will know at least one girl who made it into training camp, and I don't remember seeing her in the first two episodes of this season: http://www.cmt.com/video-clips/dvbour/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-get-the-dcc-look-hair. I don't think we'll see makeovers until episode 3 or 4, so if you don't want to be spoiled at all, don't watch it. There's also a DCC makeup bonus video with Peggy (their head makeup lady) and a TCC on the CMT site. It was nice to see more of Peggy and the transformation in the TCC, but it's not what I'd call a real "how to" video because it goes through the steps so quickly. I got a couple of pointers, though.

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    Also, I saw on a DCC fan Twitter page a post from a few hours ago that they heard that the squad has been announced but they didn't have any details or concrete knowledge this was true. With the Finals, Training Camp, etc. thread closed, I don't know where to post that, or where to ask if anyone here had seen/heard anything about announcing the team, so I just thought I'd put it in a spoiler bubble.

    But it is the exact same haircut they all have!

    • Love 2
  20. 22 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

    Dragging the auditions out for three episodes is getting tired.  Its almost a quarter of the season just spent on the audition process and every year its the same story - we see the shoo-ins, the maybes and then a goodly while on the 'why are they actually here'?s

    I don't love the 3 episode approach for the current season, however, I do love it when we step back in time.  To me, it really helps link the seasons together.  We may fall in love with someone this season that we notice for the first time, then we back up and watch earlier episodes, and there they are!  I love that!

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