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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 1 hour ago, Stee said:

    There are two points being made here: one is that Kelli would never have a man on the team based on tradition, and truthfully because Dallas is pretty conservative and the fans even moreso. I have my own opinions about this, but I live in New York and I’m a gay male so I don’t expect to share the same perspective as Kelli and Charlotte. 

    The second point is the one to note: they don’t even ACKNOWLEDGE that a guy has tried out, and one who has gone to prep classes and is friends with many of the candidates. This is the point that disappoints me. They spend countless segments on bad dancers, bad bodies, bad hair, humiliating falls, etc. so why not carve out 2 minutes to showcase someone who has worked harder than VK or anyone by taking prep classes and just happens to be a guy. And a black guy at that. 

    Based on all of the positive and supportive feedback on this message board, and how much the fans LOVE Marshall, I am sure that guy would have the most fans and be revered. But again, maybe that’s not that Charlotte, Kelli and Judy want. I do hope he reads this board and sees how loved he is - he is kick ass, and doesn’t need a DCC Star on a vest to prove that. 

    Honestly, I think those of us on this board would vote that guy in in a heartbeat!  But I don't think we represent the fans.  Apparently, we don't even represent all "boards" because I am in a couple of those FB groups, and those people love VK!  SMH......

    • Love 5
  2. On 3/23/2019 at 7:39 AM, SkysMama94 said:

    So I’ve been pretty behind in watching season 13, and I just finished the episode where VK gets called in for “not being herself” and she blamed the fact that she was distracted on not making SG. Correct me if I’m wrong but if anyone else had said that, they more than likely would’ve gotten their ass chewed. Which Kelli kinda put her in her place but it was like a little slap on the wrist compared to what she would have said, had it been anyone else. 

    Chewed up and handed back to them on a gleaming platter!

    • Love 5
  3. 1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

    ROTY I think will be a dark horse.  My guess is Caroline.  She is another Heather O in my opinion.  

    VOTY is harder.  I could see it being  Lacey, or even Kashara pulling a Holly Hubbard and getting VOTY and ROTY.  But Robin  won it her final year without ever being a pro bowl girl or point or anything so someone like Tasha or Khalyn I could also see. 

    Good to see you!

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, dccfan321 said:

    Is it just me, or do Maddie’s kicks look really bad in this video?

    I thought most of the dance and most of the girls looked weak.  Is that Kelli on the end?  With the floppity foot?  And one of the blondes in the middle looked like she barely had the energy!  Not good!

    • Love 1
  5. 10 hours ago, M1977G said:

    I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

    I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

    As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

    I second it all.....but I almost had a stroke when you said more MRS!!!!  I was getting ready to type "hush your mouth" as my response!

    • LOL 1
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  6. 7 hours ago, raindancer said:

    There's a passage in an L.M. Montgomery story written nearly a century ago where it talked about a family who didn't know what to name their babies after having so many and so gave the first and last-born boys the same name.  Also, in Magic for Marigold and Pat of Silver Bush, the first couple chapters dealt with family arguments about what to name the babies.  Suppose it must have always been a thing 😄

    Also, I worked as a secretary at a high school in rural Oklahoma when I was in my early 20s.  I can't be direct about the names without violating my students' privacy, but I will say, there are some parents who had some very interesting ideas about what is funny when they made decisions about what to name their children.

    Haha!  My mom's name is Marigold - but she isn't southern, she is British.

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  7. 12 hours ago, hannahbanana said:

    I do a lot of genealogy research & in a census (around 1870 or 80, if I remember correctly), I came across a little girl named "Sister." The census taker had written a note off to the side that the little girl was really named "Sister" because the family had run out of names! 😲

    I grew up in South.  I knew plenty of "Sisters".  Sometimes it was a real name and sometimes it was given as a nickname.  I am actually reading a book right now with a girl named Sister.   I guess it's where you are from!

  8. 9 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

    She does have the guts for it, but she's gone so far past confidence that she's also passed cocky and hit arrogant.  However, I'm of two minds about SYTYCD.  On the one hand, I want her to make it so she can't audition for DCC, but on the other hand, she's nowhere near good enough to be on the show no matter what she thinks.  I could just imagine her thinking she could do lyrical all the way through and throwing a temper tantrum when she can't or has to share the stage with someone else. 

    I doubt she'll say anything if she doesn't make it and would splash it all over social media the moment she can if she does make it.

    Om SYTYCD, they have group week as one of the early elimination steps if the dancer makes it to Hollywood. It is not for the faint of heart!!!  Many the EXCELLENT dancer has failed because they couldn't work as part of a group.  If she gets that far, I hope she has fixed that mascara problem!

  9. 18 minutes ago, dccfan204 said:

    What about something along the lines of this? Brunettes are bolded.


                                                             Gina       Heather

                                                  Bridget     Tasha         Lauren

                                        Daphne       Tess           Kelli            Lexie

    As cute as Amy is, I don't think she has the power or the cup size to be point.  Of the ones you show, I'd love any of them except Gina.  But I think Heather made someone mad (still dying to know that story!!!), and Tasha will retire.

    • Love 7
  10. 9 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Is it just me, or do Maddie's & Tasha's shorts seem oddly long?  Weird angle?


    We've talked about weight issues on both of these ladies, but I am not seeing it here!  This is a great shot of Maddie!  If all I saw of her was this pic, I could go for Maddie as point.  But I realize this is just one good shot.

    • Love 5
  11. My comment is on the entire slew of PBC videos......

    1.  My voice is killing me.  I feel like Judy.  "LINES!!!"  "Point those toes", etc!!!!

    2.  I don't get the uniform designers.  White and maybe neon yellow catch the eye from a distance.  When you put your dancers in solid red uniforms and black boots, they get lost.  At the very least, outline in white!!!  Or better yet, white overall with your colors on the white.

    3.  Those Saints shoes this year.  That just looks dangerous and trashy.  If your uniform is so absurd the dancers can't dance.....well that is just stoopid.

    4.  Blue eyed girl from Kansas that never made DCC, yep, could've picked her from a mile away.

    • Love 3
  12. 37 minutes ago, cheeseslices said:

    I'm very curious to see if she comes back. Only thing she posts is lyrical/contemporary dancing. Plus her body doesn't look to be any different since she got tbe boot.

    Well, she doesn't actually have to change.  They just have to SAY she changed.  Ya' know, because we are really dumb viewers and all......Signed, feeling snarky today

    • Love 16
  13. 23 hours ago, rose711 said:

    I’m pretty sure that was “I’m a stripper. I’m a slut.” I think it was Christina.

    i remember #grandmamoses to Pittsburgh Shannon and the bitchy girl from the  old salon who said “she couldn’t get the look.” Shannon is in reality gorgeous. The girl from the salon was a terrible judge.

    My favorite is  when the weather guy was saying Victoria dances out of control and got the death stares from the group.

    Charlotte to Kelli “what are you feeding these veterans in the off season.”

    You're probably right. I am old and tired.

  14. 23 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

    I hope Malena does not tryout or if she does, they should cut her in the beginning.  Her response to being cut along with all the other ugly cry and hysteria during training camp was not professional.  She's a pretty, well spoken girl who cannot remember choreography and  does not have strong enough fortitude to handle criticism or pressure.  Please do not put us through her again.  Everything about being a DCC is pressure and Malena has proven she cannot handle it.

    I hope Lily comes back.  Not a popular opinion but I believe Victoria is very pretty and if she can keep her weight down would be a fine DCC.  She does have power but needed to grow up.  Too bad her cut showed her at her most mature moment.  

    Time for Jessika to go.  Blender!!  Khalyn is gorgeous and a great dancer but seems to miss a lot of games and appearances.  At some point, Kelli has to be over that.  I like Amy.  Not the sexiest DCC but cut and fun.  Amy came across great as a great group leader when she said she was rooting for Malena but did not see it happening.  So great when a group leader separates the personal feelings from the work feelings.  

    Tasha has grown on me but she is a mom and has danced for years.  It just may be time to turn in the boots.

    Christina needs to quit while ahead.  

    As for Gina's sister Christina, I also thought she was not quite as pretty as most DCC.  Maybe her sister can glam her up.  Reminds me of Melissa's comments, hair products and make up is all the girl needs.

    Co-sign it all, but the Malena paragraph should be labeled "Dear CMT:".  I am with you.  Nothing will stop me from watching the show, but the Malena stuff was just hard to listen to.  She said the same thing in EVERY.  SINGLE.  TALKING.  HEAD.  And, the melt downs, oh the melt downs.  It's occasionally interesting viewing the first time someone falls apart.  But after the first one, it was just made me as a viewer feel awkward and uncomfortable.  That just isn't good TV!!!!!

    • Love 6
  15. 17 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

    I am glad you have that opportunity and I appreciate you sharing your experience, I consider your posts a great read, 

    The idea of suggesting that any of us not lucky enough to have met the DCC's opinions are less valid is really disrespectful. We all matter here, and if we all agreed it would be boring, and no one would come here and that would suck. I think we are all better people than to invite that kind of snobbery.

    One person's experience is going to be unique to that individual because it's still based on personal perspective. I mean, I've met Kim K and think she's a slob. But she's a rich famous slob, so clearly A LOT of people disagree with me. 

    Co-signed!!!  I mean, isn't this forum really about the SHOW????  I appreciate inside info too, but short of John Galt or Shelli B, I take it with a grain of salt anyway.  Candidly, I don't care what relationship people SAY they have, that's easy to falsify.  I do give weight to grammar, spelling and clean logic.

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