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Posts posted by Opine

  1. There are things that can't be edited for a story line.  

    Gina said what she said and clearly turned off her fellow TCCs by giving herself a trainer status her rookie TC.  Can I assume that maybe she has accepted the fact that this is team, not an individual dance competition and that the team is better if everyone on the team gets along?  You betcha I can.

    Now our girl Victoria is a little different.  Her words and actions were a problem.  However, the ridiculous forgiveness and opportunities extended to her were also a problem.  So for me it isn't about whether she lost weight (clearly, she did) or whether she is pretty (I always thought she was basically pretty but needed to brush the mop) or whether she can kick or dance, it is about her entitled attitude and the response to that from TPTB.  

    If TPTB really wanted to give her a fresh start, they would have sent her off to prove her talent on another team (pro, semi pro or college) and brought her quietly back in a year or two.  And they wouldn't have started off the season by giving her a Barbie.  That one act really makes me concerned for the rest of the season.

    My heart (which is quite big and caring) goes out to the other girls.  The ones that worked all of their lives for this and fear for their positions because what was openly discussed on these boards (tattle taling, mean girling, guaranteed spots, etc.)  

    • Love 17
  2. 4 hours ago, JayDKay said:

    Can someone with the Star Mag post someone pictures pretty please!! 

    I am in the middle of moving from house to house, so I don't even know where mine is.  If no one has posted any by the time I settle in a bit, I will.  But I will say, it was def worth the $4.95!!!!!

    • Love 2
  3. 3 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

    Interesting reading everyone's opinions! I really liked Lily and think she looks like a vet.  Victoria was great in the clip too and she still seems to be keeping weight in check.  

    Gina is a rockstar.  I still think she should at least get to practice at point and see if she helps elevate the others to meet her performance.  

    Agreed on Caroline - WOW.  Love her. her kicks are sooo pretty. 

    New pic?

  4. 1 hour ago, M1977G said:

    I recall Show Group being at Oxnard more than once on the show. When Ashley Nicole blew out her knee and Kinzie practically got heat stroke, for instance, and I remember discussions and photos here of another year with Jenna at point pre-season (before she lost point in TC). 

    I seem to recall lots of complaints last year that training camp social media and news was on lockdown, too, with people saying they were losing interest in the show and not watching. Now, yes, this is different and less fun than those summers when we had insiders spilling tea (hello, Megan-Kyndall tense moment), but I feel like this is on par with last summer. Of course, I would like more spoilers, too!

    I'm really hoping we see individual group work and more of what the leaders (including 2nds!) do with their groups and in rehearsals without Kelli and Judy present during training camp. What kinds of feedback do they give the rookies and their vets? Some of my favorite scenes are vets working with rookies, so I guess overall, I just want to see more of that. For example, I thought Sydney was especially fun to watch at that rookie rehearsal the day after their first night of training camp, because they showed her making real corrections about the dancing and performance styles. Or Ashton working with Taylor one-on-one. Or Lauren working with Simone and I forget who else. The more recent scenes they show with Melissa Rycroft and a vet filming rookies are OK (they're waaaay better than those filmed rookie chats over coffee), but I prefer to see more of current vets working with rookies and each other. Please, CMT? And give those 2nd leaders some spotlight! I watched this show for several years before I even knew they have 2nd leaders on the squad, because they never were mentioned or shown. 

    And one more thing I really want to see on the show: more about the process of vets and rookies receiving their individual notes that Kelli dictates about rehearsal/game performances. I want to know what kinds of positive things they say and what kinds of (constructive?) criticism they offer the ladies in that format. They don't have to show how mean they can be--not a good look for TPTB and probably embarrassing for the candidates--but they could pick a strong vet or rookie to show some part of the notes/reports process. One thing that is annoying on the show, which everyone has pointed out, is that so much focus is on the struggling rookies that we get to know little about the stronger ones who make the team. Showing this (and individual group rehearsals), we might get more glimpses of what kinds of corrections/feedback the strong ones get and it would show that even the stellar ones have to bust ass and work on things. We got glimpses of this last year, with Judy correcting Amber's "floppy" foot in kickline (I think she's an amazing dancer who just hasn't been shown much at all) and Bridget "stomping" their first night in the triangle formation on the practice field. I want to see how hard everyone works to be great on the team, not just the strugglers. 

    I'd love to see more of the vets training the rookies, too!  Those stick with me because they are always so memorable!  I will never forget Brittany Schram "shutting the door" with her hips and Erika getting a boy to follow her by walking on her toes and swinging those hips!

    • Love 9
  5. 2 hours ago, Corky28 said:

    Point has not been decided yet someone posted what they thought it would be with Gina, Maddie, and Bridget. I'm hoping for Maddie she deserves it. Also if you go back and look at last year's episodes in one episode Maddie is at point cause kashara was absent. So I'm thinking she will be point like they were grooming her for it last year. It's about time dcc has a brunette as point.

    I was one that didn't think Maddie had a shot for point.  Then I got my issue of the Star.  Some of her pics were sooooo good, I am seeing it differently.  Lexie and Heather, my two favs for point, also did a beautiful job.  

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, UT2004gal said:

    Okay where is our insider information?? Shouldn’t last night have been a cut night? I guess I’m just spoiled because the last 2 summers it was drama city at DCC training camp and I was living for these boards everyday! The tea was crazy good during the Holly/Jenna/Erica and Victoria fiascos. Yawn I’m bored 🙄

    I know, right?  The boards were my way of keeping my interest alive.  Now I am bored and getting hooked on other shows!  They are really making a mistake by going on lock down.

    • Love 6
  7. 5 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Hopefully there are pics of Savannah, Brennan, Bridget or Alanna that are so good they are being saved for the calendar.  For all the pics that they take, there has to be one great shot of each girl.

    There was at least one good pic in there of Savannah and Brennan.  Bridget's weren't bad - they were just like a friend at the beach pics, not calendar pics.  Alanna had multiple pics and she just wasn't photogenic.  Oh, and the pics I really hope would be amazing of Gina (the ones in the suit everyone hated but I loved) are bad.  She was fine, but they had shoveled the makeup on her and the lighting they used showed that.

  8. I got the Star.  Q&D-couple of AMAZING Maddie pics.  Daphne, Lexie and Rachel W win the day.  Madeline Malloy did much better than I would have thought. Also old Rachel was generally better than expected.  Miranda had one that was stunning.  Worst pic in mag was a Savannah pic.  And there was a Savannah pulls her pants down pic :(.  Brennan's spread pic was so sad.  Bytor is gonna be pissed.  Bridget did not photograph well at all.  Alana was a girl among women.  The rest had some hot, some not.  Some of the bad ones (like Brennan's) were photographers fault.  Rachel Ws pic in the B&D suit was the best in the book.

    • Love 1
  9. 14 hours ago, hypeman said:

    For fucks sake, Savannah messed up at least 6 times in 90 seconds (pardon my French).

    She's a 3rd year. Meaning these dances are not new to her. There are literally no words.

    She's not just the worst vet, she might be the worst DCC ever.

    Seeing Savannah and that deer in the headlights look she gets is an argument to me for putting Malena on the team, and I am totally against putting Malena on the team!

    • Love 3
  10. On 6/12/2019 at 10:10 AM, sleepyjean said:

    Kelly Sherwood. I don't know if she made it back or if she auditioned at all. Her Insta still says MDC, but she's not very active on there, so that's not necessarily a clue.

    Jenny Smith is back for her third year. She seems to be thriving in Miami. I'm very happy for her. She's one who tried so hard to make DCC, and it turns out the most amazing opportunities for her were elsewhere. Funny how life does that sometimes.

    I think Popcorn Kelly looks amazing!!!  She was odd, but wow Ian she pretty.  Also, I just think the little skirts are so much classier than the diaper shorts!

    • Love 1
  11. 56 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

    That background looks like the ones we chose when we had school pictures in the 90's

    I saw a show on Farrah recently.  The photographer talked about "the" pic.  He said the background was just an old beach blanket he had tossed in the car.  

    Another thought........hmmmmm....remember how last year so many posters talked about how Lauren should do the famous Farrah pose?  Do you think they saw that and did this????????

    • Useful 1
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  12. 2 hours ago, go4luca said:

    Amy handles the questions effortlessly.  She continues to impress me.  Still love how she laughed off picking the wrong dance as a GL after 3 seconds of listening to the DJ's music choice during quarter change practice last year.

    I thought that was Kash that picked the wrong choreo.  Amy went down into the jump split when she wasn't supposed to and when Kelli brought it up, she giggled and Kelli told her off.

    • Love 6
  13. I left RHOA because I was embarrassed for my city.

    I left RHOC because Vickie was gross - she was playing a part to keep her job, not living a life.

    I may leave RHBH because of LVP.  She was definitely the queen.

    I will definitely leave if Dorit returns.

    Kim is sad.  She needs a permanent residence in rehab.  Whether she is actively drinking or not, that girl is permanently messed up.  She does not need to come back.

    Denise  needs to grow up.  The sex talk is disgusting. 

    Brandi just doesn't belong on this type of show.  She is nothing.  

    Kyle I like.  I know that's unpopular, but even with her crazies, she is endearing.

    I wouldn't mind Heather Dubrow joining in.  Rinna appeared with her on OC as her buddy.  You know that relationship would blow up.  That would be worth the watch.

    • Love 2
  14. 29 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

    What I objected to was the tone of Judy's tweet about "you all sitting on your couch." Tale as old as time...a reality show participant shaming the fans for WATCHING YOUR SHOW and gasp having opinions. I think the pressure was getting to Judy. Not a great look responding in that way and she knew it because she deleted the tweets. 

    A thousand times yes.

    • Love 8
  15. On 6/5/2019 at 3:24 AM, ivygirl said:

    I’ve worked in digital marketing basically as long as it’s been around, but I’ve never heard of online sales referred to as “e-com.” I know what Dorit meant by that, but it actuality sounds a little dated (even though she means for it to sound “cool”). Maybe I’m wrong.

    It was also weird to see Rinna’s business absolutely covered in neon “Store Closing” signs like a rug store that’s been “going out of business” for years. Seems pretty down market.

    She also sells polyester for QVC and Depends, so I am not surprised by the down market thing.  It looked a bit like a fireworks store!

    • LOL 7
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  16. 33 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

    I forgot how bad some of these were.  

    KELLI FINGLASS - Retire the over the head arm pose.  IT IS ABSURD!  Also, I thought we all complained last year about how bad these were?  I think they look kind of good now.  I think Hannah's is amazing.  Other than Erin's stupid pose, the only other one I don't care for is Bridget, and I love Bridget but she looks squinty.

    • Love 2
  17. 8 hours ago, onthebubble said:

    Hi friends! 

    Long time lurker, first time poster.  I have stalked this board for so long but was finally motivated enough to post after VK got a barbie. Can we just not please 😡

    Love the idea of Alexis / Lexie / Gina triangle. Unpopular opinion I also love Maddie so wouldn't be entirely disappointed if she was there too.

    Totally rooting for Kristin Dodd this year. I loved her last year and was bummed she didnt make it. Fingers crossed this is her year! 

    I am a big Kristin fan, too.  I hope they make her lose those caterpillar eyelashes.  They aren't doing her any favors.  She is stunning without them, or at least a gentler version.

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