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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 7 minutes ago, rhofmovalley said:

    So, what I see in this freeze frame is Victoria's torso facing the extended leg while the other 3 are facing forward (which is proper technique).  This causes her arms to be facing in the wrong direction as well (to the side instead of toward the front).  It also makes her look off balance. This to me is a demonstration of why some people think her dancing technique is not up to the level it should be.  However, I restate my opinion that nearly no one at the stadium during games cares one bit.  They want to see pretty young women in skimpy outfits dancing.

    When I was on the high school cheerleading and dance teams, the high school boys always stood around watching us practice.  Not one of them was criticizing or commenting on our dance technique lol.

    I am not a dancer, but I do think that the kids from Dance Moms are more synchronized and precise than this group.  They usually only have a day to a day and a half to prepare.  And yes, they are competition dancers, but I know at least one of these ladies was, too.  I just think they should have cleaned it up a bit before releasing it.  And tell VK to stop pulling at her clothes.  That is something an individual performer can do, not a group dancer!!!

    • Love 13
  2. 28 minutes ago, cgloss said:

    That said, I do wonder what it does for the sisterhood when those who make the team find out that the GLs essentially voted against them. I would think there would be hurt feelings and mistrust. 

    Yeah I kinda think that shouldn't be shown.  The other stickers, absolutely.  Just not fellow team mates.

    • Love 7
  3. 56 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

    Several of us have mentioned repeatedly that it's not Kelli's influence in the dance world that prompted the praise from Travis.  It's Travis giving praise based on competition dance bots who fill his sessions at dance conventions.  He makes money off girls like Veruca.   Did you every wonder why the judges on SYTYCD seem so comfortable with some contestants?  Occasionally they slip and mention that they've known these dancers since they were kids.  I believe Mary said this about Benji (she knew his dad quite well and watched him dance for years before he tried out on the show).  And Mia did the same thing with Travis.  Who do you think paid her for years for her classes at dance competitions like Nuvo?  So yes, it is in Travis' best interest to praise the dance bots so he can get more dance bots who want to turn just as badly as Veruca.   Especially since she is in his genre.   

    I understand we all have favorites.  But there are facts that are hard to ignore.  

    Thanks, I was gonna respond, but you covered it for me.  I am tired......

    57 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

    How did Kelli not know this?


    I didn't, but then that's not the kind of news I watch.

    • Love 7
  4. 1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

    Goodness - VK looks amazing in those photos.  I know many will disagree, but I think she is just stunning.   Her look is the epitome of that DCC glamour that we saw on the early days of the show.  

    Yep, I agree.  For many, that's all they will ever know about her.  They are her fan base.  For those who know more......not so much.

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, cheeseslices said:

    I love Molly, she's my fave. Funny personality, eats like a teenager, and has an adorable dog. We are pretty much twins, I'm just the overweight one 😉

    As for VK in the background, LOATHING her hair. The harsh part and teasing makes it look like her head has wings. Soon they are going to flap away like The Flying Nun.

    Ooo child, that body part is holding on with a hope and a prayer.

    Whitest Sneakers Award of course! (If you know the show that comes from, you are officially my new favorite person).

    The Dundees!

    • LOL 1
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  6. 20 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    I think it was an issue last year.  I mean she asked Brennan...BRENNAN...if she was there for the "right reasons," and with editing, who knows who else.

    Well, I posted a picture (prob a few pages back by now) of Heather presenting Christina with "Gem of the Game"!

    I forgot about that beautiful (cardboard) trophy!

    • LOL 9
  7. 5 hours ago, Tootie said:

    I'm not going to say "never," but IIRC, DCC social media hasn't highlighted "Sideline Sweetheart" before...  They will post who the Game Day Girl is, but we usually find out who the SLS is from the girl's personal social media.  I find it interesting that this is the first one that they've posted.

    eta: I just went back and looked through IG, fb and twitter and I didn't see anything about SLS prior to Molly.  On Ashlee's IG, she posted a video (when she was SLS) from a friend/fan that was at the game.  Also, Savannah posted a IG Story (no longer visible) about her being the SLS at a game. (I think I took a screenshot of it, I'll post it if I find it.)

    Sideline Sweetheart, Game Day Girl, Abbey Bear....what next?  Participation trophies for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • LOL 15
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  8. 2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    I am curious how Julia's cut is handled on the show.  Reportedly, Kelli told Julia that she fears she was just using the DCC to further her career with Fox Channel 4 in Dallas.  Some have also reported that Charlotte said it was a conflict of interest for Julia to be on Channel 4 and a DCC, but I get the impression Charlotte just doesn't like Julia.  At any rate, I'm curious how they'll present it on the show

    I am dying to know, too!  If they do us like they did with Jalyn (leave us with NO answers!), I swear I am going to throw something at the TV and break it and never watch any TV again.  I like Julia (and Lisa, too!), but I have to say that Julia has some of the most amazing hair ever.  The cut is so phenomenal!  It moves beautifully when she dances.

    • Love 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    I just think she’s a poor manager in general. She’s passive aggressive and the type that makes everything personal. When someone has screwed up or made a mistake, she always make it into a character flaw. She’s catty. (see her interactions with Colby). She’s goes between treating DCC like a sorority in one respect and a job in another (an example is how she treats point and show group as if they’re the heights of prestige in the DCC org but has gotten upset on 2 occasions when she’s demoted people and they’ve sought clarity - guess what, in real jobs, people want clarity on their status. The “just be happy to be here” is sorority talk). Different girls are consistently held to different standards (see weight issues). She plays favorites. VK is just the most obvious example but certainly not the first.

    Now, I think she presents a good product to the public and is a fabulous marketer. It’s the managerial stuff that she’s terrible at. And FWIW, I’ve been saying this for years about her. 

    Agree to all this PLUS her new found in ability to stand by her own decisions.  She is bringing in all of these guests to try to justify her decisions so that she doesn't have to take the heat for them.  And sometimes it back fires 🙂

    • Love 7
  10. Madeline Salter - I truly think she is one of the prettiest TCCs ever.  Her dancing is fine.  She would pick up the power quickly.  It's her expression that is a big no from me.  She just doesn't smile.  Not even sexy smile.  She looks like an accountant (or lawyer :)) in dance clothes.

    OTOH I don't think that has a damn thing to do with her cut.  Her mom was one of Kelli's contemporaries.  And Kells conveniently "forgot" her?  PUUUHHHLLLLEEEEEZZZEEE.  I think old momma Salter has some stories.  Stories about Kelli girl.  Like maybe she wasn't the only DCC to never have to re-audition.  Or maybe she was just the top mean girl.  Or maybe something more dastardly (thinking like Holly/Jenna things). I am not from Dallas, and I don't know these people, but come on, this story line reads like a bad made for TV movie plot.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 12
  11. Oh, goodie, Evan Miller got the memo and called out VK as good.  Actually, she didn't look bad (to an untrained dancer) other than her inability to stay in her spot which is just absurd.  But Amy couldn't either and she's point.  This team is going to hell in a handbasket I tell you!

    • Love 6
  12. 2 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

    70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

    Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

    1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

    Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

    Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

    Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

    What the what????

    My anal retentive, OCD nature is bothered by the Heather/Lexie uneven split! And why are Savvy and Rachel W on one side and two dark brunettes on the other???  Get the front row right at least!

    I think we now see that Rachel W, Ashley, and Caroline are contenders for point because they are good dancers and up front - so considered pretty.

    Jalyn next to Christina in the netherlands?  Well, that sends a message.  Can't wait to see the Christina visit tonight.

    And last, but not least  WHATTTTTTTTT???  VK is buried.  FTLOG, this is the one thing she IS good at - hair and legs!  And on this TIIC decide to be fair????  Headsmack!  (And, no, K&J this does not redeem you for the other atrocities you have done on her behalf).

    • Love 7
  13. 2 hours ago, lah715 said:

    Watching on pluto TV - Jenna Brooks from season 6 that was cut for weight - should have been given a chance when she came back in season 11.  

    I am thinking once you are voted out you really dont have chance to get back in 😞 

    She was cut for weight not dance and she looked better and stronger than season 6 ... that is a shame and they took Briana a that had no hip hop or modern dance style because Kelli thought she was beautiful  ... seriously the girl never danced to modern music 

    Honestly, if she had worn a better bra I think they wouldn't have noticed the weight.  The girls just were too soft looking so you noticed the belly.  And, if she had made it I wouldn't be able to tell her from Lexie.  Talk about twinning!!!

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, CaseyLee0911 said:

     i did notice that at birthday dinners or group outings they do and post on instagram VK is never included in them. I find that odd. 

    One of my dearest friends is 11 years younger than me. Its more of an older sister/younger sister relationship but we've never had an issue with it. always have a great time hanging out and doing things together. 

    Being under 21 and not drinking is not excuse not to relate to the other TCCs.  Perhaps Kells should call her in and interrogate her about who she is friends with, what she knows about them etc. (thereby giving the world cause to think of her as a mean girl forever, cough *Gina* cough).  Or maybe it is because she is elbow rubbing and brown nosing with folks they have been told (according to Milan) to not even address.  I mean, honestly, whether she is liked or not, the only TCCs likely to be friends with her are those that want to kiss up (and those aren't people I want to be friends with, myself).

    • Useful 1
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  15. 10 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    The sad thing about the Jalyn situation is that there WAS no right reaction. 

    1) She stays in the room and tears up, sniffles a bit and gets called out for being unprofessional.  

    2) She has NO reaction and gets called out for not caring enough to work harder to make show group, calling into question her love and devotion to DCC.

    3) She smiles, congratulates the girls around her and gets called in for being frivolous and giving attitude.

    This is the problem with passive aggressive bosses.  It's not about how you react.  It's about how they twist your reaction (or lack there of) to suit their needs and goals.  That's why Kelli had nothing firm to correct Jalyn on because she didn't do anything wrong.  Trust me, J, just cry and say you are sorry because it's all about power and making people grovel.  Yeah, I have a Kelli boss, too.   There's nothing more evil than a bitchy woman on a power trip.  

    Do we work together?  I think we have the same boss!!  

    • Love 4
  16. 2 hours ago, lah715 said:

    I still dont think its a point of doing badly just not making an impression ... maybe the way Rachel did.  Charlotte once asked about a vet making it back on the team did they do anything to keep it when Christy said she didnt think they did anything to lose it ... same thing with show group. (Not sure what vet that was)  Brennan was clean and they cut her .... she was boring at that time.  SG is usually made up of majority votes. So you had Kelli Jacie Shelly Melissa voting yes there you go 

    Melissa was the first to bring up Victoria with Jacie following behind her

    Kelli has never even tried to get us to believe that.  Votes are opinions.  The judges opinions are taken into consideration.  Those votes are often referred to later, but again, not even KF claims it is a majority vote.

    • Love 9
  17. 3 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    She’s probably done some conventions with him or he was a guest at her studio.    I’m sure she’s not the only dancer in TC that’s done that stuff.   He’s still very big in the dance world and I don’t think he’d back a dancer he didn’t think was actually good.  

    Unless it was to try to get himself more screen time by becoming Kelli's new BFF by "loving" Vk, that is!  Please, all these people that LOVE VK really LOVE what Kelli can do for them.  That's why Cheryl Burke didn't notice her.  She can't be bought with screen time.  But even our past favs like Marshall and Scott got bought this year.

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