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Posts posted by Opine

  1. On 12/23/2019 at 11:09 PM, Lona said:

    daaaaaaang #IceCold 😂

    Will let others talk about Christina and Savannah. But I really like Molly. Is gorgeous and always seems very nice.

    Love Molly!  I think she would be great as a GL.  I hope she stays.  I could see the rookies looking up to her.

    • Love 7
  2. I agree that Gina's facials are a problem. I also agree that sometimes Hannah's sexy is too much.  She tries too hard (like Gina) to put her own style in it and ends up limiting her own potential.  Caroline is not as exciting to me as she is to others. But Kash saw something in her.  Now Erin?  Smoking hot look-don't see enough of her dancing to know her potential.  Bridgette and Amber are amazing - love love love them!  Wish they would offer Maddie a job with DCC staff to encourage her to retire. No point should kick that poorly.  

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Spooky said:

    Check out the blonde in the lower right of the screen; she clearly notices VK's mistake and brings one of her hands up to her head and places the other on her hip. Looks clear to me she's reacitng to VK. The hair doesn't look long/thick enough to be Judy; any idea who it could be? Would TK be allowed on the field? 


    Didn't Judy get her hair cut?

  4. 11 hours ago, Newmanbritt said:

    She has definitely stepped up the glam game this year. definitely has star potential if she stays around another year or two

    But sadly, she won't get the chance.  Miss Mess-up will take her place.

    • Love 5
  5. Correct me if I am wrong (and y'all will :😁), but I thought that the original owner of the phone case was not identified, but that it was one of those "wouldn't it be funny if it was" things that spun into a fact.  Multiple posters have said that the theft happened, but I don't think that those are the posters that brought Gina into it.  It was just convenient timing and conjecture, right?

    • Love 9
  6. 18 hours ago, DiamondGirl said:

    What’s the point of going furniture shopping when she hasn’t even seen the house yet?  I would need some idea of the rooms and what would fit where, etc.

    I don’t agree with the whole renovation of an entire house just because styles may have changed.  It’s one thing if things are in bad condition, but why is it considered necessary to change things to the current trend (which will be “dated” in a few years again)?  Sure, change wall colors, rip out wallpaper, that kind of thing, but I think it goes too far with every house having to look alike.  

    I think it’s a moot point anyway - this guy doesn’t have the money he pretends to have.

    OT, but I agree!  If I never see another Agreeable Gray house, I might die happy.

    • Love 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    I don't know. I agree that a veteran is more deserving but with Meredith dancing she needs to go somewhere near the back. By giving VK Gina's spot, Meredith can take VKs. Problem solved. VK's blonde is right and her height nicely balances Tess. Plus Judy wouldn't risk putting her there if she wasnt sure she could do it. 

    If you moved any of the "deserving rookies" to Gina's spot, then you have to move someone from the back to fill their spot and then Meredith has to slide in that vacated back one. So it is an extra move. 

    I get that favoritism is in play but Victoria looks pretty good in front to be honest.

    Actually, the blond blob that you see when you see all of VK's locks next to all of Lexi's is part of my argument as to why it should have been a deserving vet....that's a whole lot of blond right there.

    • Love 3
  8. Just looked at the Min v Dall pics on the website. 

    There are not one, not two, but three pics of Daphne that are startling!  Daph, I am on my way!!  We are going to eat pancakes at IHOP and then stop by Krispy Kreme for a dozen or so donuts.  

    Bridgette, my beloved Bridgette, tone down the dance tights or spray tan the belly.  You don't match.

    Heather, you should be point.  You look awesome.

    The regular photog must be sick - only one pic of Rachel W!

    • LOL 1
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  9. 5 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

    Vivian's post is over the top just like her 2nd season and her ridiculous poem.  Vivian's road to DCC became Vivian's road to fame.  From her discussing her thousands of fans, to her very pissed off face when she did not get the fan vote the 2nd time, to her lyrical solo which was way out of her wheelhouse, Vivian's second training camp was cringeworthy.  Vivian sold her self as this poor child brought up on hot dogs her first yea but had years of dancing classes.  Vivian tried to create a brand for herself the first year but we still all rooted for her.  The second year, I just could not.  Vivian saw herself as a star of a reality show and it blew up in her face.  

    I remember a clip that was not shown on this of Judy and Kelli asking Vivian where was her spunk? why did she do lyrical? where was the hip hop dynamo? and when Vivian discussed a breakup, Kelli in a very mom and concerned voice told her not to let the guy win.  Bring back Vivian's spunk.  They (Judy, Kelli,and Kitty) were clearly rooting for her but Vivian spent most of training camp primping in a mirror.  The first season Kitty helped pay for her second costume and change her solo so she would not be laughed out of auditions.  the quote "mean" girls did a lot to help her.  All of Vivian's  focus should have been spent on her dancing.

    The self awareness to not even admit the poem was ridiculous, unprofessional, and plain bad shows Vivian never learned anything.  The clip shown this year really focused on Judy laughing at Kelli's face.  Who could have kept a straight face in that train wreck?

    Add in trying to start a go fund me page for "bullying" when years ago she had some other go fund me page to raise money for a show for her or some idea, this reads of Vivian thinking her fans are still lurking out there and will contribute to poor Vivian.  Shame on her!  Go get a job like the rest of the world.

    As to those who say if she was truly forgiving she would not have posted that long post, so true.  Vivian wants to shame them because her campaign for Vivian the star that blew up on her got brought up again.  I own all seasons except for 1 and 2 and CMT and Pluto recycle them.  So Sorry Vivian what you did to yourself is out there...........She chose that poem.  She thought that would get her lots of sympathy then.  She has tried to remain in this world and even was on the team to cheer for veterans or whatever that don't cheer.  It's Vivian who needs to move on.  As I said I saw the clip as Judy laughing at Kelli more than anything,  Sometimes when people want to criticize you and there is some point (the poem was over the top) , one looks the best just joking what was I thinking.

    Yas!!!!  My reaction, too!  A facepalm and a groan and a laughing at herself pic would have gone a lot farther......

    • Love 10
  10. 7 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    Hmm I don't know. I have mixed emotions about all of this. On the one hand I do believe that the "Most memorable elimination" video was in poor taste. For whatever reason our culture has changed and I found the snarky cackling very uncomfortable and petty.

    But to be honest, one of the things I enjoyed about this show -way back starting with the first season- was the snark. I loved, loved, loved Judy yelling at the TCC. And I loved the sarcastic remarks and judgement by high and mighty Kelli. It was much more pervasive back then. I truthfully kind of miss it because it was entertainment. Does that make me a shallow and less enlightened person? Or just someone watching a reality TV show. Because that is so often what reality shows feature - human nature - the good yes - but also the bad and the ugly.

    Do the girls know that it's possible that Judy and Kelli will make faces at them on MTT? Do they know their body will be scrutinized on national TV? Do they know that Kitty will tear them to shreds? Yes! Vivian saw the show. And yet she signed up anyway.

    Yes, she was young, impressionable, and vulnerable. And yes, to relive those moments over and over again is I'm sure terribly painful. She's clearly an empathic person and one who feels and thinks deeply about things. However if she were genuinely willing to display unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness she would not be calling Kelli and Judy out on Facebook and Instagram. By her stating that she feels sorry for them is in essence shaming them publicly. Perhaps they deserve it! But that is not pure forgiveness nor is it love as she professes this to be.

    I am so with you!  Although I see the points brought up by one of the other (extremely well-written) posts, this is reality TV.  The point is snark.  Do I sometimes look in the mirror and think less of myself for loving it?  Yes, yes I do.  If it was all about the dance, I would watch.  That's why I checked it out in the beginning.  But I stayed for THOSE moments.  Based on other comments here, most of us did.  (Some posters have come just to get there agendas across, all hail VK!). 

    Our friend Viv came on with an agenda.  Her backstory and everything was designed for attention.  She was gorgeous.  She could have had it all.  But she focused on her agenda of Viv-promotion and not on being a DCC.  So she got attention, but as another poster pointed out, it just wasn't the kind she planned for.  

    I am totally ok with the K&J clip.  It made them real.  I just can't pass judgement on them for doing the same thing we are all doing here.  Yes, they are more public.  But if you sign that waiver, that is the risk you run.  

    • Love 16
  11. 37 - Just my conjecture, maybe it's some softening and sensitivity to the girls who have life happening.  I remember Simone crying about missing a wedding.  Maybe K decided that she'd let the girls make some choices but they'd have to want it bad because they will miss a game to do it.

    Lily - I love her now.  She won my heart with her real emotions.  She'll be a fine dancer once she calms down.

    VK - I will never like the person she has revealed herself to be, but she worked hard and got the dance and look.  To anyone who knows nothing about these ladies, just the look on the field - she's all that and a bag of chips.

    I really liked the episode.  It was fun!  I loved the squad reveal.  I loved the real emotions.  It reminded me of the old days.

    • Love 21
  12. 1 hour ago, TxBex said:

    I kinda agree. There is a diversity problem, but I think the bigger reason Kat made the team is Kelli's beauty bias. Kat is just flat out gorgeous and the team needed more conventionally pretty girls. For the record, I think that every single DCC is attractive in their own way, but some are more universally accepted as pretty. I would love to see a DCC makeover with natural curls like former DCC Jacie wears now. When's the last time a DCC WOC sported natural curls? I feel like for the most part the current squad is pretty generic with so many girls that look the same.

    It would be awesome of Kat came back next year natural!!!  Honestly, with her skin being so light and the blond hair, I get her mixed up with the pack of blondes in a lot of pics.  Her look doesn't scream diversity to me.

    • Love 6
  13. 28 minutes ago, liliparis said:

    Hahahahah too funny!  I had the same reaction to her over the top antics in the stands.  The other thing that stood out to me was Victoria and talking about this "sisterhood" that she now shares w/her mother.....yadda yadda.  Its like EVERY word out of her mouth this year is so scripted and cornball.  This was shades of the awful dialogue at the spa day.

    "Now Victoria, when you spew that ridiculous line, look serious.  Then smile towards the end.  It will make you look intelligent AND grown up! Then we'll cut to your mother....."

    • LOL 5
  14. BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!  We actually saw not one but two whole dances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you CMT, you got it right this time.  See, that was the way to take the heat off the Vickie situation - show us what we came for! Not defer and deflect with Kat and Meredith.  I loved it!  

    I also loved

    1.  My girl Kristin getting some love

    2.  @ByTor's girl Brennan getting some love

    3.  Vickie's no words

    4.  Tina showing up as her true self

    One thing I didn't understand though was not addressing the Julia F#gate.  That was odd.  You know the producers made them aware.  

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  15. 9 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

    Reason #105 why Kelli is a heartless swine...when Bridget passed out her immediate reaction is "Oh God..." like it's an inconvenience not "Oh my God..." like is she okay. 

    She's always been like that - she's even said she needs smart dancers not dancers who need inhalers in the Oxnard heat or pull something because they didn't properly warm up.  It's a lot like how a girl should do a 50 point check on her car before she drives to makeover day because it's her fault that a tail light is out.  Ya know?  Real compassionate and all..................

    • Love 9
  16. 11 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

    Meredith Land is such a complete bitch. I think she takes sick pleasure into seeing these women fall. Same thing with Brenda. Sandie Newton has class. At least she behaves like she wants the TCC's to do well behind the mike.

    I feel it more stongly about Brenda but Meredith is getting closer!

    Also when the TCCs were in the chairs rewatching, did anyone else think that Kat's face read "oh, I am about to get PRAISED???" and then the hammer falls?

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