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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 15 minutes ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    Dani and Elli are really upping the beauty of the team 😍


    The blonde one reminds me.....damn her name slipped my mind.  Cheered at Oregon, has ecsema, one of the prettiest ever......Lawd, my mind is slipping today!  Maggie?

    • Love 3
  2. On 9/14/2020 at 11:46 AM, AZChristian said:

    I've had several outpatient procedures done.  The last one was in July - surgery on my horrendously clogged and infected sinuses.  They let me keep my panties on.  But then . . . who really wants to see what's south of the border on a 73-year-old grandmother?  LOL.

    I am having sinus surgery in two days.  Of course as I was reading all of this, I was like, can I keep my pants on???   I'm only 59, but no one needs to see that stuff anyway.

    • LOL 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Dtowngal5280 said:

    Hi!  I’m a DCC fan and new to this group. 

    My DCC accolades include:

    • Getting kicked out of a DCC Facebook group multiple times and then successfully joining this same DCC group hours later. 
    • A certain admin that rhymes with “JACIE” needs to start a Maddie ONLY or Victoria ONLY fan page – because she clearly is so far up their asses.
    • Getting corrected/schooled by a former DCC – Meredith, not Magic Meredith – because apparently I invented Wikipedia and the poor girl doesn’t realize anyone can update that.  I tried convincing her The Easter Bunny was partying on the calendar shoot and not asked back for her veteran season – but she didn’t respond.
    • In the DCC FB group, I asked a makeover hair question that involved color and "JACIE" tagged Marshall who responded with a hard "NO"  - oh Marshall and "Jacie", "Bless your colorless heart.."

    Some DCC observations:

    • Cassie & VK are both women that have “peaked in high school”
    • Holly P. never needed DCC – she is way too talented. 
    • Lisa looks like she is participating in a “Tough Mudder” race 24/7
    • If I have to hear the phrase “empty my bucket” ever again – I will puke.
    • Finally – If you say, “I have no words” – than honor that and SHUT UP!

    Agree on that.....but Touch the Star is even better.  Talk about your cult......

    • LOL 8
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  4. 8 hours ago, TB12 said:

    Danielle is my all time FAVE DCC! Perhaps its bc she's from the Northeast like me. I always thought, oh she and I could be friends in real life, haha...

    Ummm Lisa's pic here... HOW does Kelli think this is a DCC look? To quote VK, I have no words for this pic, she looks like she could eat someone, MK... 🙂

    And to think the turned down sweet Lacey for being too muscular!  This is just gross.

    • Love 17
  5. I only have to picture Lisa and Denise when they were sitting on the couch (the you are so angry convo) to have my answers to all my questions.  Rinna looked like an old, over botoxed hag in mom jeans and Denise looked like the spectacular stunner she is (yes, she can have rough moments, but she is a beautiful woman).  It's just green eyed jealousy all day long.  Denise has the look and the career that Rinna wishes she had.  Period.  

    As far as Kyle's look - I judge looks differently.  Screw the current trends.  Yes, Kyle could have stepped out of Knott's Landing, but it was a BEAUTIFUL look on her.  The color, the hair giving height to a short girl, everything.  I thought she looked fantastic.

    Erica also looked good, but for what she pays, she better. 

    Garcelle is a gorgeous woman, and I liked the outfit, but her hair is her glory and it was short and squashed.  

    Dorit - shut up, you talk to much.

    Teddi who?

    • Love 9
  6. 28 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    Being Christian is a lifestyle in the American south, to be sure. I think some seem very genuine in their faith (Lauren is a great example here) and others it’s just a habit and for show.  When things don’t go your way, just chalk it up to God’s plan instead of looking inside and giving some good thought and reflection about how your own actions impacted your future. 

    Source: lived in the south 90% of my life, have been this girl, have degrees from TCU and SMU where Greek life, Jesus and #blessed #highlyfavored are just how things are. I’m exhausted just thinking about it, and apologies to those who knew me in high school. 

    Well said.  I live in the south and you got that right!!  To some it is a strong faith and belief system and a guide for life.  To others it is a PC way to fit in.  When I moved to the south as a child from CA, it was so difficult!  The ones who did it just to fit in were such a turn off as they held prayer circles at lunch and then talked behind each others back at 1pm.  It took me years to figure out there was a true difference and to not dislike the 
    "super Christians" because they weren't all the same.

    The #blessed one cracks me up.  They say in the south that "bless your heart" basically means "you stupid idiot".  I have a whole host of FB friends that crack me up with their #blesseds.  Whenever you see that from a southerner, read it as "I am about to brag". 

    Sign me #blessed




    • LOL 11
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  7. 1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

    From Cassie 

    She gave approval to post it... I asked her opinion about everything that was going on.

    I’ve been wanting to speak on it, but I didn’t think anyone cared about my opinion haha. Soooo... my biggest frustration is that the girls who were cut kind of made it seem like they were forced to go in the bubble. They actually had a choice. They 100% did not have to go. Their cuts had NOTHING to do with their opinions on the whole situation.... it was regular dcc stuff- dancing, attitude in previous years as a dcc, look, etc... that’s the name of the game! I just hate that Kelli and my mom are getting a bad rap because they were just doing their jobs! And when the girls who were cut claimed that the bubble was “unsafe”- CMT shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire a health group to regularly test the girls, they had a Covid “coach,” they rented out an entire tower of the Gaylord, and every single person had to test negative 3 weeks in a row to enter the bubble. It’s insane to accuse them of putting their lives at risk The test that came back “positive” that shut down production on the last day, turned out to be a false positive. 
    I just feel that they are being scrutinized because a couple girls have a bad taste in their mouth after being cut. My rookie year, they cut 5 vets.... it happens.

    And there you have it-the GREAT SPIN of 2020!  Meetings were held and plans were made. Keep the cam on B until she makes a mistake-then we will have K&J have a talking head about how she has lost her spark.  Then get shots of Hannah from all sorts of weird angles.  We'll pick one that makes  her look fat.  Then we'll cut them and ignore the whole COvID thing.  I do wonder how Judy can stand it though.  Like when the time cut Jalyn from Show Group-Judy didn't agree.  You know that.

    • Love 19
  8. 23 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

    Well-Judy and Kelli have no one to blame but themselves. This is what you get when you reward mediocrity. Everyone in this new 3rd year class may not be everyone’s favorite (I have had vanilla ice cream more exciting that Caroline and Daphne, and Ashlee just is not my style), but their talent and ambassadorship can’t be denied. But Judy and Kelli would rather continue us believe that Tess, Maddie, and Savannah (hell may as well name em all) are the elite of the elite on this team. It is going to take a small miracle by the hands of Jesus himself to keep DCC relevant. And when they have the team to do it, they highlight Maddie, Victoria, and Daphne. Or whatever other bland trio they choose that day. To stay relevant these women need voices and to be thought leaders. And yet you go through their social media, both personal and dcc, and all you see is ads for hair ties and soul cycle. Ok I will shut the hell up now.

    Someone finally said what I feel about Caroline.  She's fine.  But she has kind of a stepford look in her eyes.  She's pretty, she dances well, but she just isn't exciting.  To quote a certain person "she just doesn't have the "it" factor"!

    And Daphne.  What the what?  An ok dancer, sure, but I am sorry, she is no more attractive than the average girl at the mall. the hair is dreadful.  And clearly she struggles with eating issues.  So maybe that's not a good plan?  

    • Love 13
  9. 5 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

    I am thinking the end cuts were done like at the end of tryouts...everyone was “sitting” there but on screen and they just announced the names of the new team and if your name wasn’t called that was how the last 4 cuts went down?  Or was there a phone call before hand to the TCC who were cut and then on the announcement you had to look to see who wasn’t on the call?  

    I got the impression from Brennan's post that a specific convo happened.

    • Useful 1
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  10. 42 minutes ago, TB12 said:

    Yessssss.... I still can't figure out how Kat made the team given how she looked in the uniform ESPECIALLY when Kelli cut Colby for being too thin. Colby looked way better in the uniform. I think Kelli was just so enchanted with Kat being a former rhythmic gymnast. There again, Kelli LOVES a title or someone who she thinks she can brag about... 

    I think they were reluctant on Kat, but she was an end girl with a perfect kick.  You don't always get a perfect kick in a shorty.

    • Love 14
  11. Just now, SmpIsimon said:

    The biggest difficulty will be weaving a narrative where it makes sense to cut Brennan versus just give her more time to heal.  I mean they can't say "we're just out of time -- we have a game coming up!" The DCC can't even be on the field this season, so they could have totally kept her around for appearances and what not as she got better.  But not, it's creates more drama for the show to just cut her.  How do you justify that? 

    I suspect she voiced concerns along with Hannah, and we have learned that the girls aren't allowed to question anything, which apparently now includes being put in situations that threatens their health.

    Exactly which is why I came up with the non-Covid problem for her.  Make it sound like she has become arrogant.  Even typing that makes me laugh.  Brennan arrogant!  But Kelli could def spin that Brennan's new arrogance means she isn't a good vet anymore.  Oh, and we might even have Verucca in there before hand giving testimony that Brennan did .......  some made-up bullshit.

    • LOL 1
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  12. 3 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

    A 'talking head' of Kelli saying (teary-eyed) "We lost two veterans today...Brennan has been struggling with the after effects of COVID so is unable to continue in camp...Hannah is studying for her masters in (whatever subject), that is so consuming her time and attention. The DCC so value education so we understand." It's neat, clean and so clearly lies by omission.

    That def sounds like a possible scenario.  I also see one where Brennan's Covid isn't mentioned.  But when she makes the "you got this" comment in her interview we get a side of Kelli snarkeling with Judi afterwards (think the bitchy little Jalyn scenario) about "who does she think she is?  her britches are too big for this team!".

    • Love 7
  13. 1 hour ago, BulaKitty said:

    I'd been thinking about the bubble breach too and was thinking for a couple of days it could have been Kashara leaving to go to a former dcc's bachelorette party and returning. Or even Taylor J's one day audition, unless she didn't have contact with anyone or anything in the bubble technically it breached it.

    It was breached when they all reported to the bubble with no quarantining.  I don't follow their IGs but just from the little posted here, Lisa was traveling and many went on beach trips.

    • Love 11
  14. 4 hours ago, jlc said:

    No, I think Kelli has lost her loyalty. She is no longer wanting world class dancers, wholesome women, outstanding ambassadors for the team. She wants to go to CMT Afterparties and hang out with Kelly Pickler and Raelyn. She wants to be friends with Entertainment Tonight and other Hollywood shows. She wants people to hire her for Birthday wishes and happy anniversary posts. She wants to be bigger than the team. This woman has destroyed the credibility of the team to maintain her ego. 

    So honest.  So well-written.  So on point.  Thanks

    • Love 3
  15. While we all know the TV edit will be of how horrible Brennan and Hannah are (for whatever made up reason...), do you not think folks around DCC and CMT are a little nervous about all that film that was shot?  And can be discovered?  Is there some backroom somewhere that is filled with DCC PR double deleting all of that?

    • Love 1
  16. 50 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    Brennan and Meredith, my 2 favorites, CUT!  Still trying to process this.  I don't even know these women, but I am BUMMED 😞 

    We know you are, BYTOR!  A lot of us here thought of you first!  I know you have said you won't watch the show, but I hope you still hang with us.  You've been a great poster over the many years I have been here!

    • Love 20
  17. 59 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

    To the ladies....

    Meredith - I hope you had a fantastic year with the DCC, made some great memories, and some even greater friends.  You have many fans who will eagerly await your next opportunity to shine.

    Lily - You should be very proud of what you accomplished. I remember all the smiles when you walked out onto that field and the other gals realized you had made the team. They and we were so happy for you. Good luck to you in whatever you may do in the future.

    Hannah - What a stunning dancer you are. Better still, what an intelligent young woman! Get that graduate degree and take on the world. You will always light up any room you enter. I will miss seeing you perform on the field.

    Brennan - You are a credit to your parents and an excellent role model for every young person. You have shown all of us that persistence pays off and that with a positive attitude and great work ethic, you can achieve your dreams. I have enjoyed (along with so many of us here) watching your journey. You are pure class.  

    Bridget - Everyone should be as lucky as to have a friend like you!

    Remember, you all have accomplished what very few obtain. Years from now, your team photos will be on display for your own kids and grand kids to see. You were a DCC, and they can never take that or the good memories you made away from you!

    Well, damn, you made me cry with this.  I second all of it!

    • Love 14
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