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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 5 hours ago, Boston said:

    .. HOn more horrible news.. my brother's dog, SIMON.. is not long for this world.  The damn guy lived for almost 17 years without a problem.  He's older than my nephews..  Went to a Vet and he is still eating and drinking, but it won't be long.  I cried for an hour.  Pets are family.. My brother would never shed a tear.. I do it for him.  God Bless Simon (his sister only lived to be 11).  West Highland Terriers (like the on on the commercial)


    I just had to put my beloved 15.5 yo Cairn to sleep on 1/2.  They could be twins. (Fred was a very light colored wheaten so many thought he was a Westie).  I am still crying......

  2. 1 hour ago, 5678Pixie said:

    I wish Kelli would stop using Tangerine Salon they really are not very good and they have no idea how to take care of WOC.   Kat's hair looks  awful.  I like how other teams let the girls be natural instead of trying to make them all look the same.  



    Love all the images except Kat's.  It makes her hair look dirty to have that two-toned yuckety yuck.

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  3. 2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    I'll admit to staring at her rear in that photo...if she's sitting on her bum, what's that weirdly-shaped lump above it?  I'll admit, it confounds me.

    When the excess belly fat has no place to go, it rolls around the back......

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  4. 3 hours ago, DCC fan said:

    So, what happened between former besties Tara and Savannah? Their rookie year they were all over each other, even crying when they were just thinking the other might not make the team. The following year, they were never shown together, and Savannah was noticeably absent when Tara was called into the office and subsequently cut from the team. All the other teammates rushed over to comfort her, but not Savannah. Just wondered if anyone else noticed, or if anyone had any insight. Thanks


    I absolutely did!  To the point I wondered if the breakup is what caused Tara's change.  She was definitely down and out and not her A+++ self for that TC.  She used to sparkle, and someone took that away.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, allitator said:

    I thought Madeline Salter was super gorgeous and seemed very humble.  I really hope that she comes back with more power next year, because I think she has everything else.

    I thought she was beautiful and could certainly get the dance type if she wanted.  I also got an Anne Lutz personality type.  I don't know that she would ever be a CharJo fav.  Plus, honestly, she could do better.

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  6. 2 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    She was asked if she would cut Kelli or Charlotte.   I think that’s a pretty tough question.  She handed it quite well too.

    So would I if I had the question ahead of time and was delivering a prepared answer.  IMO it was clear that she had prepped that answer.

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  7. 9 hours ago, Lona said:

    Amanda, Kelcey or Chandi would do well for me. And Kristin Dodd is a favorite of mine, though not sure what others think of her? 🙂

    Love Kristin.  She is not getting much spotlight, though.

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  8. 12 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

    I winced when I saw Kat’s Instagram post. I’m not from Texas but I live in Georgia so I’m used to the “dumb toothless redneck” stereotype getting applied to us. It doesn’t “outrage“ me but it gets old after a while.

    Since she is now the wife of a MLB player in the public eye (and on a team currently embroiled in a scandal), I would hope she’d have enough common sense to avoid stereotyping his main fan base in such a blatant way but it looks like I was wrong.

    I understand that she probably thought she was just trying to be funny, but I think it was poor judgment on her behalf. 


  9. 4 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

    So Kat posted this... and don't take me wrong because I like this crazy girl...but I'm just curious if some Texans may take offense at her blacking out her teeth in reference to "officially being a Texan" now? Seems to be in poor taste, in my opinion.


    Bad choice, girlie!

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  10. 8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    VK told someone on IG that she takes ballet for a work out.  On the DC website, she says she takes classes as a ballet school to continue training in jazz and ballet.  I wonder if it was "suggested" she get more ballet training, or if her and her mom read comments.


    Wait....what?  Her favorite junk food is cookies?????  I thought it was milkshakes!  And she's never met anyone that doesn't adore Tina Kalina??????  Girl doesn't get out much 😞

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  11. 56 minutes ago, cgloss said:

    Wait, is my girl Brenda vindicated for being annoyed with Kat about the dress? 😊

    Ultimately, I never thought the dress mattered much. Kat was destined to be cut.

    I agree, Brenda heard Char/Kelli say Kat may need to go.  Brenda decided to pull her badass news reporter attack mode on Kat to help make it easier for the queens Char/Kelli to cut her.  So Brenda earns herself a guaranteed future spot on the panel.  It wasn't about the dress.  The decision had been made.  Brenda just did the dirty work.  It's the same Brenda that teared up on Veruca.  Apparently the judges spot is worth selling your soul over (Scott, are you reading this??)  Gurrrlfren, Brenda is my least favorite judge.

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  12. 17 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

    Re: "Finnish Robot Girl & Rap Label VP Guy", from what I remember,  his parents are buying a house and living in the apartment while waiting for it to close.  Their son & GF will take over the apartment.  

    Re: "Big Mike and Nutty Ukraine Girl", I agree with you,  DMarie019!  He is one of those guys who you fall in love with for their personality.   I think he's adorable! 

    See, now TLC should be listening to us.  All of us that like boys seem to be half in love with Big Mike.  You can give us nice, good, wholesome people that we like and we will tune in for that.  They don't all have to be disgusting like Angela, Tania, and snot-boy Mursel!!!!!

    • Love 14
  13. 20 hours ago, Boston said:

    Anna, do you really want a stunted, wimpy, mama's boy that you will be treating like a child the rest of your life to live with your smart, beautiful sons??? you will lose your sons.. I hope he doesn't come back.. but who knows.. she keeps chasing him.. GIRL, GET SOME PRIDE.  I would NOT want some low IQ guy crying on my floor.. my shoe would have been in his ass a long time ago.. and really, the sex was that good???? I doubt it.. I don't think she knows what 'good' is like.. again.. GROSS


    And let's not forget one that blows his nasty snot in a kleenex and chunks it on the table with a disgusting thud because it has so much snot.......gross!   This man cannot smell good between the kleenex, the peeing on the seat and the blue shirt that is permanently attached to the body.  I am gagging.  Truly gagging.

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  14. On 1/13/2020 at 11:14 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

    Tania. This show has had its fair share of creepy old man, fetishists, gold diggers, narcissists, and fame whores, but I can say with confidence I’ve never hated a participant with the same white hot loathing that I do her. “I’ve been so lenient with you!” I don’t even know this woman and that made my blood boil. I would have absolutely handed her back her ass on a silver platter if she said that to me. What an insufferable, condescending, miserable loser. Syngin is right, she will go through her entire life claiming that no one ever understands her and victimizing herself as a pretext for controlling and demeaning everyone, but he’ll bear the brunt of it. Sure, he’s clearly a deeply damaged, unmotivated man with a Peter Pan complex. I don’t know if I would date him, but that doesn’t make him a bad person and he definitely doesn’t deserve the way she treats him like a servant worshipping at her altar. She also seemed very callous about his time in the mine, which clearly did some permanent psychological damage to him that he desperately needs therapy to process. I love him not giving a shit about her threats. "I'll leave you on the side of the road!" "Sounds pretty good right about now." HA. Eat shit, Tania.

    This is going to sound weird, but Juliana and Michael’s ex-wife have one of the best, most wholesome relationships we’ve ever seen on the show. I’m hoping all the prenup shenanigans and fake parenting showdown was producer driven. I love when they were both in the car shit talking Michael. Sarah was so earnestly listening to Juliana when she was opening up about all the terrible things she’s had to go through. She actually respects Juliana and cares about her as a person instead of writing her off as an empty sugar baby or a kid. The scene between them in the bridal shop was very cute and they seem to have a great mutual friendship and understanding. Regardless of what happens between Juliana and Michael, I hope she and Sarah stay friends. It will drive Michael up the wall if nothing else.

    Natalie is a gaslighting manipulator. “I threw my ring at him and he was supposed to put it back on me but he didn’t!“ So to be clear, you breaking off the engagement is a sign that HE doesn’t care? Huh? I’m sure she was being passive aggressive about saying she loved him in the interview because he had said or done something to piss her off the night before. It’s never ending with her, and she always has that vindictive deer in the headlights look. She’s beyond obnoxious. Mike needs to get out while he still can.

    Watching Mursel and Anna break up 45 times was like watching high schoolers do poorly acted theater. What was up with all the kneeling and wailing? 

    Re Tania:  "I’ve never hated a participant with the same white hot loathing that I do her."  I also have strong feelings but I save my white hot loathing for Anna.  She is choosing to destroy her life and the lives of those poor boys.  If we got to choose one person on the show and bitch slap them - I'd pick Anna and I would pay big for the opp!

    Re Juliana and Sarah:  "This is going to sound weird, but Juliana and Michael’s ex-wife have one of the best, most wholesome relationships we’ve ever seen on the show. : Agreed again!  I don't adore Juliana but she is a bit of a little lost girl just wanting to have the childhood she never had.  Sarah may well adopt her and give that to her!




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  15. 2 hours ago, DCCFanFromTN said:

    I’m semi-new to this forum (and tried posting this a few times so if it accidentally went through more than once, my apologies, mods)- how did VK piss off Jinelle? Or am I misreading something?

    Jinelle was assigned to help her learn healthy eating.  Jinelle was texting her, trying to set up appts etc and VK just didn't respond.  When asked about it, VK said something like Jinelle just didn't understand her.  Jinelle told her off for not at least responding.  MILD-MANNERED Jinelle had enough of the Brat Factor.

    • Love 10
  16. These are Dr. Phil's Parental Fitness Factors - basically call DFACS if these aren't met.  While it doesn't explicitly say don't make your kids feel like they are likely to be dumped in favor of a non-English speaking schlub just so you can have sex, I kind of feel like our friend Anna ought to maybe take a look...... 

    1.  Provide a safe, stable and secure environment

    2.  Maintain loving, stable, consistent, nurturing relationship with child

    3.  Attend to daily needs of child:  feeding, clothing, physical care

    4.  Attend to adequate education for the child

    5.  Provide for the financial support of the child

    6.  Ability to identify & prioritize child's needs ahead of own

    7.  Ability to empathize with and meet child's needs

    8.  Ability to regulate impulses and emotions

    9.  Assist child in developing and maintaining appropriate relationships

    10.  Exercise appropriate judgement regarding child's welfare

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  17. 7 hours ago, Blndee6 said:

    So I’ve been wondering: at what point in the chronology of VK’s future glories (ROTY, 1GL, diamond/triangle/Point, VOTY, etc…) should we expect CMT to re-shoot the opening of the show to feature VK parading/performing in front of all the other DCC? 😂

    Next week

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  18. 47 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Nothing would make me happier than to see Vic be a one and done.  The amount of preferential treatment she has received her ROOKIE year is nauseating.  She didn't earn it, she does not deserve it.  It's an outright slap in the face to more deserving veterans. 

    As for PB, I've been rooting for Heather since day 1.  I hope she gets it.  She would be a fantastic representative of the DCC and definitely deserves it.

    If only.   My prediction is that she won't leave the org until she is at retirement age.  Cheerleader, employee, ascension to Director....

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  19. 40 minutes ago, dotdot 37 said:

    How are they going to show case VK next year 2020 making the team

    "The girl who stepped up" to make all the videos, dance forward for a rookie, etc. because clearly no one else could.  "The mentor" who steps in and helps all the new girls because she can talk from experience about having a rough time.  "The second year point" because I feel an injury coming on for Maddie if she doesn't step out of the way.  "The 50 yard line girl" because she will be right there with the tall girls.   "The prettiest DCC ever", "hair and legs forever", "long American thigh girl"......but mostly ONLY VICTORIA (isn't that what Kelli said when she fell out of turns at auditions?)  I am just sick thinking about it.....it would be so wonderful to have her fade into veteran anonymity.

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