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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 20 minutes ago, mizzhyer said:

    Me too!!  I can't even watch the episode where she is cut.  I still want to curse and throw things at the screen 😞 

    You're always going to get a like from me if you say nice things about Auto Amy.  To me, she stands with Brennan and Erin as comeback girls who came back right!  She figured out what they wanted and she delivered it!  The ONLY problem that I saw with her was those short legs.  And that's what really ticks me off.  She had short legs from the beginning.  If they didn't like them, she should never have made TC the first time!  But don't put someone through years of hell and make them change (albeit for the better) and then cut them because of the one thing they couldn't change but have had since the beginning. 

    • Love 18
  2. 3 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    To be honest I was wondering why she was even allowed to post anything in the first place, especially since in the first picture they are close together and not wearing masks. I took a screenshot the first two pictures, the third was just Amelia. IMG_2850.thumb.jpg.56557ca99074f6a07e4e9d01933c0b29.jpgIMG_2847.thumb.jpg.56b27ae4159cf80bfcc0ade111c12a28.jpg

    It's like they quit going for women and started going for little girls..............

    • Love 13
  3. 33 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

    They'd better keep Kat or there will be mutiny, LOL.  I think Lisa looked great in the uniform in that reveal video with the reggae-sounding music.  Lily seems like a nice girl, but I don't have an opinion either way.  I think the DCC could use some new blood so a few veteran cuts wouldn't bother me. 

    Who would stage the mutiny?  Other DCCs or the public?  Not fighting your comment, just don't know what you mean.

    Also, I think Meredith is safe.  Pretty and well-spoken for the win on a year when they likely aren't even going to dance.  Now if they were back on the field...... I haven't seen her at a game myself but others have said she doesn't keep up.

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Jennv said:

    So she said they would all be sequestered together. Like a jury then, they are all staying together in a hotel,  i assume. It seems like it would defeat the purpose unless it was closed to rhe general public while they are there. Or maybe Jerry has an extra house they are all in together, hell, he has more money than God. 

    Well if that doesn't bring on the cliques and the mean girls, I don't know what will!

    • Love 7
  5. 8 hours ago, go4luca said:

    Has anyone seen a TCC share something on such a personal level as this just before TC?

    Hannah shared about it on a TH during TC.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dance4life23 said:


    So I have followed Marissa for several years (mostly through pageants) and I have seen her perform in person and interact in person many, many times.


    and I just have to say....


    She is probably the sweetest, most humble, beautifully talented person I have ever seen in real life.  When she was a state queen, she was very much loved and especially by little girls and teens her age.  

    She’s extremely accomplished for her age but you would never know it talking to her in person.  She is as real as they come.  She had a friend die and she does this talent show every year to raise money for organ donation.  Like when I say you are gonna love her when you actually see her on tv.....you will see what I mean.  She comes from an extremely small town in NC and she has this big family that is very close and kinda quirky.  

    im rooting for her 100%.  She would make an amazing ambassador for DCC.

    I think she is adorable (but haven't seen her dance).  She reminds me of Buffy on Family Affair - jus wholesome.  Yes, I am old.

    • LOL 3
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  7. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    I don't think so at all.  Kelli couldn't have dreamed up a better ambassador than Malena AND had the DCC look to boot.  I think Kelli kept her as long as she did because if she showed even the slightest memory improvement (since that was her issue more than her dancing, her dancing was fine) she would have had a reason to put her on the squad.

    Absolutely agree!  Kelli had some trepidation because of the Jets benching but decided to take the risk anyway because Malena as a full package was amazing to Kelli.  But after the meltdown, I think Kelli was thankful that she dodged that bullet!

    • Love 8
  8. 1 hour ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    1693925958_ScreenShot2020-06-13at12_22_46PM.thumb.jpg.6f073476b1f844d152ff95efc07080e7.jpgI can't tell you how long I searched for a gif of Kelli making fun of the cheerleaders with her arm over her head but I can't even remember what season that was from 

    Jessica is pretty. She looks like Erin here.  In her audition pose she looked beautiful but very old.  Wonder what she will look like in person?

  9. On 3/24/2020 at 2:43 PM, Joan of Argh said:


    Jenny has a droopy hound dog face and then the long, stringy hair...  ugh!

    She looks like an old sea hag.

    I have horrible hair - the worst!  But I have a PPP (personal pet peeve) about people with long straight hair that is so fine that their ears poke through!  (Now mine OTOH is a ball of curls and frizz so that is like the only hair problem I don't have).

    • LOL 3

    2 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

    Rose is doing whatever she can to get away from poverty, but the girl has a quick temper and an unfortunate ugly expression when angry.  She did not get a good edit last night and too much make up. 

    And our own wee Darcy was lost under 30 pounds of fake platinum hair and layers of bronzer. But I agree there’s a kind heart in there somewhere.

    Meanwhile BGL looked like she’d just arrived home from an all nighter at the bar and flopped down on the sofa for filming.  She did get a good edit, tho, but baby girl needs to stop with the cigarettes. That deep gravel voice....

    Yolanda is either a good actress or dumb as a turnip. Stephanie needs some new friends and it looks like narcissistic Tom thought he could hit on Avery. LOL


    The turnip thing............

    • LOL 1
  11. 8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Well, those shorts do her no favors.

    The top does no favors either.  Girl needs all the vertical lines she can incorporate into the outfit and and a VS bombshell-esque top to create cleavage and take the eyes off the lack of waist.

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  12. 10 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

    She is gorgeous and talented.  I hope the DCC don't say she's too thick.  She looks great to me.

    It would just be delightful if one of them would admit that many of the highly trained dancers have a lot of thigh muscle and quit cutting them for being too thick!  

    • Love 10
  13. 8 hours ago, AAT said:

    I didn't mean to insult Georgia, just using it as an example. My sister lives in Florida and it's the same there. It will be like that in a lot of places. Crazy people all over. 

    I didn't take it as an insult, sorry if it came across that way.  The gov has lifted the SIP except for at risk people (which is a whole lot if you read the list!), but we are still under a state of emergency.  Restaurants can open but only at 25% capacity and following certain rules.  Many are choosing not to open.  Some (not all) malls are open, but the stores in them are not all open.  Many are choosing not to open.  You can get your nails done, but you can't send your kids to school (absurd).  You can bowl, but you can't do many things.  Gyms are allowed to open, but many are choosing not to.  It is a weird world.   

    • Love 2
  14. 2 hours ago, Holly85 said:

    Georgia is opened up fully 

    No.  We aren't.  Restaurants, hair and nails and (for some odd reason) bowling alleys with very strict rules.  But, yes, in ATL as elsewhere we have people who break the rules!

    • Love 2
  15. Seems like it would be prudent to say that if they can't have TC, they have a vet only season just in case football doesn't happen this year.  It would be really hard to have online TC and a HUGE bummer for a girl to make it if football does get cancelled.  I'd love to see the season then morph into a "top 5" format or something - like senior superlatives.  Five most popular over the life of MTT, 5 best dancers, 5 most awkard moments, 5 best comebacks, 5 youngest, 5 oldest, 5 shortest, 5 tallest, etc. interspersed with where are they now moments on one of the five......something like that.

    • Love 9
  16. 2 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

    Gripe #1: I am watching Season 5 on Pluto right now...and Charlotte's comments about the "more mature" dancers who auditioned needing to move on to their next passion, is just hateful.  They have more moxie getting out there and trying than she will ever have!!  I don't like saying mean things...I really don't but she is a bi*ch!!

    Gripe #2:  The Minchew girl ...did she really think they'd take her back to TC after the stunt she and her sister pulled the season before?  Of course, she also blanked during semis.

    Gripe #3:  Why on earth did they take Meghan F back into TC?  They knew she wasn't going to ever be anymore than what she was and yet they did...I felt bad for her knowing she was never going to be on the team. 😞 

    Question: Kamie O'Teater said she was the last girl cut (said she was number 36 and they took 35).  For some reason, I thought she was cut a little earlier than that.  I never manage to watch beyond her call back to TC to see where she was cut.   Was she the final cut? 

    Observation: Ashley Kelley looked more like a stripper than Brandi Kilby ever did.  She came back this season and looked quite harsh.

    Observation: Stephanie Heymann really should not have made the squad. 

    Observation: Sasha Agent was the bomb!! 😉 


    Sadly, I agree on Char.  The woman has every chance to look good, but she comes across as a catty, snarky wannabe.  She has all the money in the world!  People that have that much of a lead on others should have grace, at least in public!  But she has to cut those eyes and be a bee-otch.  Char, honey, we see the reruns.  All of us "more mature" ladies could look better if we spent what you did on surgery et al.  Hell, all of us could retire based on what you spend on that!   Whenever I see that quote about women helping each other instead of tearing them down, I think about Char being the poster child for tearing women down.

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  17. Tania - Did someone tell her that she should open her eyes as wide as she possibly can so that they looked bigger?  No girl, when the whites show around the entire eye you just look crazy.  Your orange tan clashed with your red dress.  But THANK YOU for wearing a bra!

    Angela - Maybe we should change her name to MANgela!  Did no one else notice that the tshirt under the duster was tied in the lower belly region giving her the side view of a woman with a slightly erect but very small man part? Now that was funny.




    • LOL 5
  18. 39 minutes ago, PepperM said:

    Other than Rachel A jumping her turn in the beginning around a little, what else did you see here that the girls didn't look like they could do? Most of the tricks here looked fine to me?

    Heather's start wasn't the best.....

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