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Posts posted by Opine

  1. 7 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I realize that when they are editing, they are concentrating on the one episode - but yeah, when you do a re-watch of last season in one swoop, it's just annoying.

    Ok, first of all - warn a person that KaShara is extra perky:)  She scared me😂

    And second, does VK trip people so she gets in the front row every single time:/

    I think she stands up at the beginning and says, "Hi!  I am Victoria KALINA and I WILL be in the front for every shot.  I am a legacy!!!".

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  2. 1 hour ago, HowdeeDo said:

    Excited to hear there’s a new production team on board, maybe this will bring a new flare to the season. The typical layout and style has gotten kind of stale. 

    Maybe we won't get Malena in a TH saying the SAME.  THING.  EVERY.  WEEK.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

    Made a list of vets cut/quit from past seasons

    Season 1 (2006) Deanna H, Melissa R 

    Season 2 (2007)  Ducle R, Cori R

    Season 3 (2008) Leah M, Carmen B, Michelle M, Kelli Jo, Kristin H, Carrie S 

    Season 4 (2009) Lauren C

    Season 5 (2010) Amy R (TC)

    Season 6 (2011) Olivia S (finals),  Kaitlin L (TC)

    Season 7 (2012) Cassie K, Meghan M, Kamilah B, Jenna A, Alyssa T

    Season 8 (2013) Kali, Collin, Teri. Chelsea (TC)

    Season 9 (2014) Alex H, Courtni S, Morgan

    Season 10 (2015)  Breelan, Ashley P, Jasmine

    Season 11 (2016)  Calia, Kat

    Season 12 (2017) Mandy (quit), Heather H, Raylee ( both @ finals) Alexandria, Milan & Kalyssa all quit during the season

    Season 13 (2018)  Tara (TC)

    What about Keyra? 

  4. 34 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    I know I always yammer about how much I like Brennan, but I don't think I ever said why.  I do think she's very pretty, but the main thing is I just think she seems so nice.  The times she didn't make it, she never whined, she never made excuses, she didn't get a nasty attitude,.  She just cried and seemed really heartbroken, and it made me feel like going through the TV to give her a hug.  I actually cried when she was cut and when she made it.

    Awww......I have always appreciated your Brennan love.  That was just sweet.  Now if I could just get you to appreciate one of the best DCCs of all time...KASHARA!!!!  🙂  Just ribbing you!  I couldn't believe that they took Kash to TC.  She didn't look good at all that year.  Then the whole outfit disaster....  But she turned it around and became a true positive influence!  Of course, I appreciate a true accent :).

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  5. 7 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

    I thought she was cute as a button. Great personality and work ethic and a good dancer. She wasn't heavy. They just didn't like the way her butt looked in the uniform. But to me she didn't look overweight at all. I guess they admitted that she wasn't overweight, but thought she didn't look good in the uniform. But she had a very tiny waist and she wasn't jiggly at all, unlike some of the others they have taken. I was really mad/sad they got rid of her. 

    And there are a lot of guys that prefer that to a shape like Colby's!!!!

    1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

    I will pretend I did not read that. We do not need Melissa the Mentor and Victoria scene.

    Pass those airplane puke bags now!

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  6. 9 hours ago, DCCme said:

    There will also be the 27 different ways we will not so subtly be told that there was no favoritism (for a refresher or a drinking game they will sound like: she did it one her own merit, proved to the judges, everyone loved her routine, flawless, best legs, that girl was clearly in her space and it wasn’t at all VK being out of control, etc.).

    Let us not forget "beautiful storm"!

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  7. 17 minutes ago, Txmomof2 said:

    Her Instagram recently changed and it now says she is from Texas and not an RCCL dancer. So it does look like she is back home. 

    I hope she is ok. She is so close with her mom that I wonder if she just is one of those people that needs to be closer.  

  8. 11 hours ago, dccfangirl said:

    I'm honestly a little shocked at the Rachel W dislike  - I think she is outstanding on every front and completely adorable!!!

    I am with you!  I don't do the Twitter thing, so I don't know if her tweets are truly horrible or just of a different political persuasion than some posters. (Truly, I don't know.  I am not trying to start a political debate.)  But I will agree that I think she is adorable, and her dancing is better than Savannah's and Christina's.  Re the calendar shots - I think TPTB are holding out on us this year, and I think we are going to see some amazing calendar shots we didn't see in the dailies.  I honestly believe one of those will be RW and may even be the cover shot.  There was one pic of her in a black bathing suit with some drapey things.  I bet one in that series surfaces.  

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  9. 10 hours ago, ByTor said:

    NOW I understand what people see in Hannah.  

    WOWZER!  This vid just confirmed that what they've shown us so far have been the shit shots!  This is going to be a WOW year.  And Hannah, yes!  I didn't see it before, but those shots.....

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  10. 3 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

    I agree.  And you know what?  Now that I think about it, wasn't it Bitchy Kitty who "mentioned" something was off about Tara to Kelli and Judy which ultimately led to Tara being cut?  Not only is VK toxic to the team, but Kitty is too.  I hope Kitty is not in private talks again this season with K & J.  Kitty is too toxic and I used to like her ability to speak the truth about some girls. So when it came time and VK was brought up, I was floored when she told K & J that VK "deserved" a spot on the team.  Kitty would NEVER say that about anyone!?  Who paid Kitty off?  Tina?  Hubby?  The nepotism is off the charts.

    And seeing all the smiles and lovely trim bodies during the Meixco trip, I couldn't help but think how toxic it would have been if VK was there.

    And looking at VK dance lately, I can't help but think if she had gotten on the team last year, no way does she currently look like a Vet, so obviously she hasn't changed anything about her body or her dance ability.

    I used to love Kitty and her truth talking.  Then the VK incident.  I want Kitty GONE.  She has ZERO CREDIBILITY with me.  Nothing she can do will change that.  What a load of crap that was!!!!!  I don't need any verification from an insider.  I don't need to wonder re the edits.  It happened.  Very rarely in my life has my opinion about someone changed so permanently and dramatically as that one sentence from our lying two-faced pal Kitty Carter.  Dayum, I should probably have less coffee tomorrow.......

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  11. 16 hours ago, go4luca said:

    I saw it and hate to say it but Savannah's one piece is god awful.  I feel sorry for her having to wear this one.  There is nothing even remotely attractive about the bottom half of the suit.

    saaavy_23_4_2019_11_10_7_809 copy.jpg

    Poor Savannah!  That thing is nasty.

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  12. 9 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    Courtney in Season 5. Karissa and Kali in Season 6. Rachel Buckmaster in Seasons 4 and 5. You could tell Judy did not want Courtney on the team at all. Karissa, Kali and Rachel could not dance at all. One of my biggest pet peeves is when Kelli and/or Charlotte want to take a girl into TC because of their looks or because the girl reminds them of a movie or television star. Seriously...

    Alexandra the special ed teacher from Fla-don't remember the season.

  13. 5 hours ago, hannahbanana said:

    Not sure what point you're trying to make. No one is saying she should or shouldn't have come out sooner or how she should have come out. If you go back to the original posts, the question was "why are you shocked?" and the simple answer was because it was unexpected and seemingly out of the blue. In our eyes, she went from having a boyfriend in Australia to being engaged to a woman. We would have been just as shocked if she had suddenly announced she was engaged to some A-list male celebrity. It was a surprise, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Thank you.  I was surprised.  It does not in any way represent a close-minded attitude.  It is merely because she had a boyfriend. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    Is there something to suggest that VK has issues with LGBT people (referring to the comment about VK and Tina’s views about Jinelle’s relationship)? I’m not asking this in an argumentative way, just wondering if something has been said on her social media or elsewhere. She’s pretty young and has grown up in the dance world. She may be a brat, but I wouldn’t peg her as having an issue with LGBT people. 

    Absolutely nothing I have seen or heard about VK or Tina led me to believe they have a problem with Jinelle being gay and my intention was never to categorize them in any specific way.  I do not know their opinions on the topic.  I was just relating what popped into my head when I heard.  My perspective is simply that I have always thought that VKs expression and tone of voice toward Jinelle during the office meeting seemed unwarranted.  So, when I found a new fact, it made me wonder if that wasn't the missing link.  

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  15. 13 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    With Jinelle now out of the closet, that's one fewer thing VK can gossip about.

    I had no idea until the engagement pic yesterday that Jinelle was gay, but when I saw the pic yesterday, I immediately wondered if the VK disrespect last year was driven by VK and Tina's views of Jinelle's relationship.  

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