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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. 51 minutes ago, Hellga said:

    I think office snacks can explain how someone gets 10-20-50 pounds overweight over time, but I don't think someone can mindlessly snack themselves to 600+ lbs.   To get that way, you really have to grossly overeat all the time and not notice/not care that you have a problem - there have to be some underlying mental issues there.  

    Office snacking does get to be an issue for me personally, though.  Not so much at my regular office, where I may have someone's homemade zucchini bread or partake at an office ice-cream social, but I can adjust what I eat at lunch or dinner.  When I travel on business, though, I often have 12-15 hours days, where I am eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the facility - and it is all often delivered from really nice restaurants, so I do enjoy the food, low-calorie it is not.  And I do like to try nice local food when I travel...  Also, when I am sitting and trying to listen and concentrate for hours on end, not seeing any daylight, and surrounded by all kinds of snacks - it is hard not to overeat.  Add lack of exercise and sleep deficit caused by having to be at the office by 6:45am (meaning, get up at 5:30-5:45) and not leaving until 10:30pm so bedtime is close to midnight if not later...  I usually end up gaining 3-4 pounds over 3-5 weeks of travelling.  But then I try to adjust when I come back so I don't just keep gaining, and gaining, and gaining.  That's what I find difficult to understand about the poundticipants - why don't they notice or care that they are gaining weight, even when it really impacts their quality of life.


    As a complete off-topic - is anyone else here watching the World Cup?  

    God, how I hated traveling on business. I missed my healthy foods, my decent coffee, my comfy bed. I'm so glad to be retired.

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  2. 3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    I really wish that Kirsten had stayed in Texas and perhaps gotten involved in a 12-step program like Narcotics Anonymous. She would have met people and felt a lot less lonely. She could have attended a meeting every day, every evening, twice a day if she so desired. And, it would be a great place for her to talk about her issues with both substances, and eating.

    I agree with what's been said about her strange affect. She makes some of the oddest faces I've ever seen. Like, Kirsten, please stop inflicting that on us! It was as though she's in agony, but that's not even an appropriate face for one to make when feeling agony, trying to make both sides of her mouth go diagonally to opposite ends of her face at once. I had hoped that seeing herself on television, and seeing some of the odd contortions she made with her face would convince her to do something different, but no, the self-awareness just isn't there. I don't recall ever having seen faces like that. Like sitting on a plane, and a face of pure agony! Not sure where she gets that from. 

    Like the scene from Bad Teacher when they were telling Squirrel, "Normal mouth. Normal mouth." And she just couldn't do it.


    Looking at her entire affect, I see clinical depression. It's as if her mind is telling her "you're supposed to smile and be happy here." However, the smile is obviously forced, and is not reflected in her eyes. Those eyes are incredibly sad. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    I just saw Steven got married. He got married in Iowa? So who knows where he is living now. His wife is on  facebook , Stephanie Assanti and has some pictures of him. It does look like he has lost weight, in his face and upper body. I'm kind of in shock that he tied the knot.  He still has a crazy look in his eyes and this women has a kid so I hope everything works out for them. 

    Holy crap. He looks like he REALLY lost a lot of weight. He still has those nasty teeth and gums, though. His breath must gag a maggot. 

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  4. 30 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

    @Dot I almost wish I could go to one just to see what a trainwreck it really is. Of course the rules are no cameras and no phones because otherwise people could leak what a big fraud she's pulling rather than allowing her to control the narrative through very carefully staged photos / videos of the attendees on IG and FB. They look to be 2.5 hours long from the Googling I did.

    We saw in S2 that she couldn't keep active for 40 minutes and in S3 that she struggled to make it through a single song with TFM, so what are they going to fill the other two hours and twenty eight minutes of "BGDC" with?

    Oh, I'm sure that Sweatney wouldn't let your skinny butt in the door!  But if she did, you could always report back to us.  :)

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  5. On 6/6/2018 at 8:25 AM, cherenkov said:

    It is incredibly difficult to be overweight due to muscle mass and still have a healthy body fat percentage. The people who are have dedicated their lives to being fit. They are outliers, and they know it. You will rarely hear them complain that "BMI isn't accurate". They just pull out the calipers or the DEXA scan.

    Whitney is way past the point where she could be considered healthy, athletic, or fit. Her IG proves it.

    Oh, for sure. Being the nosy beeyotch that I am, I used an online BMI calculator to see what her BMI is. *IF* we're really kind and assume that she weighs *only* 380, her BMI is 67.2 That's definitely Dr. Now territory. 

    As for the original topic of my post: I have a friend who is a body builder/ physique competitor. 5'5" 160. 12% bf ... She's "overweight" on the height/weight chart, but she's a beast. 

    • Love 4
  6. Just for shits and giggles, I looked up the obesity rate for NC (2016). 32% ... It's not among the *WORST* states (MS,AL, TX) but dayum. Cultural thing? Southern diet (aka greasy fried meat and overcooked vegetables)? I mean, the weather is nice enough to get outside and walk/run/bike most of the time. 

    Beats me. 

    • Love 3
  7. 6 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t think there is any question that she has to be eating when she isn’t hungry in addition eating high calorie and high fat foods. She doesn’t seem to have a lot to do so she probably spends a lot of time eating for something to do. 

    Its hard for me to imagine how much she eats in a day. I know for me, stress eating was a big contributor to my weight gain. I look at the amount of food I was eating then and it was way too much. And I was not anywhere near the kind of overweight that Whitney is. She must just eat constantly. I remember a TV show I saw once. I don’t remember what show it was but they set out a table with everything the overweight person they were discussing has eaten that day. Not only was the volume over the top, but everything was tan/brown. No veggies or colorful food. It really helped that person understand what was wrong with her eating habits. I’d love to see something like that with a day of Whitney’s food. I doubt it would affect her but it would certainly be interesting to us. 

    British nutritionist? Might have been "You Are What You Eat."

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  8. 3 hours ago, Littlez said:

    I was prescribed the antidepressant mirtazapine, which has a side effect of increasing the appetite. I was grazing on snacks pretty much all the time, and ate much bigger meals, which caused to to gain just under 30lbs in a year. I was eating the same foods I had always eaten, just a lot more of them and there was plenty of fruits and vegetables, just far, far too much food overall. Quite how Whitney managed to put on 100lbs in a year, I have no idea. I only ate as much as I did because I was so hungry all the time due to the pills! I cannot see how putting on that much weight in such a short amount of time is even possible, the amounts she must eat is insane. 

    Well, the one time I saw her eat pasta on the show, her 9" dinner plate was piled about 3" high. Considering that a serving of cooked spaghetti the size of your fist is 220 calories, I'd say that plate contained 1500 calories NOT INCLUDING THE SAUCE. Her Starbucks drink weighs in around 450 cal, and pizza at 300 per slice. So she's probably eating 3,000 calories a day.

    • Love 5
  9. 8 hours ago, Brooks said:

    MegD, kudus to you for doing so well managing such a volatile condition.  Just wow.  Not that I have any idea what you're dealing with, but during a 7 day water fast I did a year ago, to induce and try to maintain ketosis and just see how I would react physiologically and emotionally and mentally, my blood sugar was down to 35 and I was feeling fine because ketones were taking care of my brain energy demands.  (I'm not diabetic or prediabetic, so no underlying issue I'm aware of.)  I expect you would still need some insulin no matter what, but have you tried ketosis to cut the severe blood sugar swings?  Just asking since you're our first admitted hybrid on this forum that I can recall.  Good luck on your health journey!

    If Whitney has to go on insulin, she will have finally utterly lost the battle, because she won't stay away from high carbs and therefore will need a lot of insulin and therefore will pack on masses of more weight.  I figure a doctor would start her on metformin and try to hold the line there.  Whitney, are you listening?  There is nothing you have told us that would indicate you can't take control of your health.  If you ever want to, that is.

    My BIL is very much like Sweatney. Don't know for sure how much he weighs, but I'd estimate it at "at least 450." Been diabetic for years. Had gastric bypass decades ago. Has had a heart attack, quad bypass, and lost a foot. You'd think ONE of those things would have been a wake-up call. You'd be wrong. He eats mountains of high carb foods and sits on his arse all day. 


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  10. On 6/3/2018 at 9:07 AM, cherenkov said:

    Yesterday I ran three races and even with the not-ideal running conditions (warm and humid) I got second place in my age group for the mile.


    There's a "Vegetarian Summer Fest" at Pitt in a couple weeks. I really wanted to go until I read some of the speakers/topics. Too much politics! Made me appreciate the moderators of Previously and their diligence.

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  11. 12 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    How ironic . . . you are willing to struggle to find MBFFL in England . . . while some of us Americans are so addicted to British shows that our Netflix queues are chock full of them.  LOL.

    Oh well - I'm just so jealous that you live in the UK that I can't stand it.  I LOVE all parts of the UK that I've been fortunate enough to visit.

    I *loved* the BBC show "The Street." I *hate* that BBC America has become essentially another TLC. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Haleybug said:

    Definitely the latter.  I couldn't really put it into words but you said it pretty perfectly.  When I see someone overweight I don't generally just assume they're lazy (due to all the variables that go into being overweight), I don't usually think much about it unless I know what's going on.  I tend to lean toward using the term "overweight" versus "fat" unless I know for a fact they are lazy and/or have an unhealthy lifestyle (Twit).  If someone has an actual health condition or is actively making changes I would never refer to them as fat.  If I see a stranger who is morbidly obese I obviously don't know their situation so I don't spend time thinking about it or applying either word to them.  So yeah, I guess to me lazy/slovenly = fat but I definitely don't assume overweight = lazy.  I wish I was better with words.  Thank you for breaking down what I was unable to articulate!   

    People can be overweight and very fit. That, in fact, is why BMI and height/weight charts are not necessarily a good measurement tool. 

    Person A.... 5'8" tall 180#, 35% body fat. Person B, 5'8" tall, 180#, 20% body fat. One is fit, one is fat.

    • Love 1
  13. On 6/3/2018 at 10:34 AM, cherenkov said:

    Yeah I lost 160 lbs and have extra skin. At some point I may have the skin removed from my abs, thighs, and upper arms. That is mostly because it can cause me problems with my sports (chafing and such) and not because I'm particularly vain about it. My man doesn't care about the extra skin, but he would dump me in a second if I got lazy and fat again.

    Whitney is incredibly vain. Every photo is heavily edited or carefully curated.

    I would be willing to bet that the reason this photo:


    Doesn't involve an actual swimsuit is that Shitney knew there would be still photography and she's trying to hide the actual reality of her size.

    Wow!. I've lost 90 and still have 30-40 to go. My loose skin is primarily my "Yoo hoo Helen" wings, but that will probably change as I lose more.  And I'm old, so I don't really care about the loose skin anyway. 

    • Love 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Sterling said:

    The higher-than-normal goal weights have been brought up before, and I, too, wondered, as it does seem a bit high.  Like, 145 would be more "normal".

    But for these patients, first of all, maintaining a goal weight that low would be near impossible, as they've totally messed up their metabolisms, gut bacteria, leptin & ghrelin levels, etc.  They can semi-fix these things with a healthy diet & lifestyle, but it's like scar tissue, as it will never completely heal.

    Also, they still carry a ton of excess skin, even past skin removal surgery, as it's impossible to get all the skin off of every nook & cranny off their body.  So that extra skin probably weighs about 20-30 lbs. total:  upper back, legs, etc.

    I saw a woman recently at a park, in shorts, out walking, and she had extremely saggy skin all over her body, as though she had lost 100+ lbs.  It was easy to "see" the weight of the extra skin.

    There's that show that comes on after My 600 lb. life about the people who have lost a lot of weight and have the extra skin, and they are brave enough to be filmed nearly naked.  It's very apparent there.

    I had a friend many decades ago who lost 300+ pounds (the hard way.... Atkins diet + exercise). He had a LOT of excess skin. I lost track of him about 40 years ago, so I don't know if he ever got skin removal surgery. He was fairly young (30) when he lost all the weight so some of the skin might have tightened up a little.

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  15. 8 hours ago, CarolMK said:

    I'm losing weight on a low carb, low fat,, high protein program called New Direction, and it's administered by my local hospital. 3 products a day and then one "lean and green" meal. It's a total of 1200 calories and I've lost about 30 lbs since I started in mid-March. (My profile picture with my husband is from several years ago when I lost 83 lbs on Weight Watchers, before I regained nearly all of it). I have often wondered why Dr. Now doesn't have his clients follow a diet of meal replacements. At least there might be a decent chance they would stick to the program rather than doing it on their own and making mistakes.  I never thought I could do it, but it's been relatively easy after the first couple of weeks. Many of his clients don't really like to cook, either, so this would be perfect for them. 

    I've noticed that there is a selection of "meal replacement" foods there in his office, near the inner exit door (ie, the exit from exam rooms to the lobby.) Many bariatricians are proponents of something similar to Medifast. But I think  he wants them to "get" calorie counts and portion sizes, so that they don't regain all the weight. Heaven knows, Medifast and Nutrisystem are NOT sustainable long-term.

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  16. Slightly off topic... there's an article about a couple who made a weight loss resolution in 2016 and lost an astonishing amount of weight. Only reason I bring this up is the wife's starting weight was 485, and she looks SMALLER THAN SWEATNEY. 

    Here's her picture before and after.


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  17. 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    I set my DVR to record every single replay of the upcoming episode.  I have always done that because my DVR likes to screw with me sometimes and not record it the first time it airs.  FX has never aired the reruns often enough.  Sure, the first night they do, but it would sure help if they aired those episodes each day for a few days.

    Yeah, unfortunately cable and high-speed Internet not available where I am, so for TV, it's DirecTV. Which is most excellent, except during heavy rain or snow storms. So I do the same thing about recording replays. 

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