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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. On 7/26/2018 at 4:43 PM, calpurnia99 said:

    I have to agree because I imagine when a person reaches 300-375 pounds things start to get very bad, with their health, and they start to have pain from the weight,  and they see how quality of life is very much declining.  The person is out of breath walking,  uncomfortable all the time and you know you MUST do something.  The weight begins to affect many aspects of your life , you can't fit into an airline once becoming more than 150 pounds over your ideal weight. 

    Those who allow the weight gain to go on and on and get up to 400 pounds really start having trouble.  At 400-475 pounds you are having issues reaching your ass and showering yourself and pain in your knees and feet, and can't find any clothes to wear, cant find a seat to sit in in a public place. Can't fit through turnstiles. But these people  STILL don't face it, gain another 100 pounds,  now they are over 500 pounds, and then still do not face it, and then are immobile, can't walk to the bathroom, can't fit through the bathroom door, can't do anything for themself, because they are 600 pounds or more and keep cramming in food.  They are completely miserably yet do nothing about it.

    Now you weigh 650 pounds, your life is utter and total hell, you are in constant pain, but now you have only a year to live, you have your relatives bathing and changing your diapers. Only at this point do you think about getting help. Yes, a huge difference psychologically from a 300 pound person. There is something very very wrong to allow yourself to reach 600 pounds. Weight loss surgery cannot fix these issues.

    I think I've mentioned before that I knew a man years ago who was in the 600 lb range. He held a job (college professor), drove, was married.... diagnosis of type 2 diabetes scared the crap out of him (this was 40+ years ago). He and his wife went on Atkins (she was 250+). With Atkins and swimming, he got down to the 180s ---actually too thin for his 6'2" frame. 

    So not all 600 pounders are blobs like Sean and the Assanti brothers.

    • Love 11
  2. 12 hours ago, satrunrose said:

    I wonder what happened between Shawn and his mom before the injury. The broken ankle(?) didn't happen until high school, but most kids have some basic self care by grade 7 or so. Plus, by 17-18, most people's basic personality is pretty much set, so Shawn's mom must have been messing him up long before the football injury put the nail in the coffin. 

    Grade 7 or thereabouts is where we typically begin to push at our parents' boundaries in order to prepare for adulthood. Somehow, Sean got stunted before then. 

    • Love 2
  3. 6 hours ago, The Tex Kitten said:

    Yeah you're right Dot. I never check her SM accounts, this weave is new. 

    The only one I ever check is FB. On a related note.... Someone (whom I suspect might be one of our snarkmates) asked if she had any tips "for thinning hair." LOL.

    • Love 4
  4. 9 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    We build 'em tough in the iron city. I'm toying with the idea of earning an Ironman tattoo before my 50th birthday. It will mean picking a year and just balls out training for it, but the idea of hearing my name followed by "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" calls to me.

    I had a total klutz day at the gym today. Knocked over a whole stand of body bars, banged my knee against the kettlebell rack, got tangled up in the TRX, and knocked over a couple of bosu balls that were leaning against machines. I was almost afraid to swim after my weight lifting, afraid I might bang my head on the pool wall and drown. 

    I think you should do an Ironman. Definitely! There's something appealing about an Ironman from Arn City. ;-)  

    The tatt? Meh. 

    • Love 1
  5. 3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    Since I am a complete and total medal whore, I have now registered for my first triathlon. In a little under a month, I take on yet another endurance sport.

    I was just thinking about you yesterday as I was swimming my 1.5 miles, and wondering if you had ever done a tri. You go girl! Yinzer strong!

    • Love 1
  6. 10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    We here in the States never cease to be amazed that lots of "reality" stars have gullible diehard fans.  Have you ever watched an episode of Alaskan Bush People?  They DO NOT live in the bush . . . they don't even live in Alaska any more . . . and have faked everything.  And yet, the show's FB page is full of women who would marry any of the single sons.

    Whitney serves as a mascot for those who are overweight and can't / won't do anything to improve their health if it means denying themselves second (or third or fourth) servings.

    True. Remember all the brouhaha several years ago when "Breaking Amish" was exposed as fake? 

    I've noticed none of her barnacles have been posting on the MBFFL page or her page (on FB) lately.  Wazzup with that? 

    • Love 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    We here in the States never cease to be amazed that lots of "reality" stars have gullible diehard fans.  Have you ever watched an episode of Alaskan Bush People?  They DO NOT live in the bush . . . they don't even live in Alaska any more . . . and have faked everything.  And yet, the show's FB page is full of women who would marry any of the single sons.

    Whitney serves as a mascot for those who are overweight and can't / won't do anything to improve their health if it means denying themselves second (or third or fourth) servings.

    True. Remember all the brouhaha several years ago when "Breaking Amish" was exposed as fake? 

    • Love 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, Haleybug said:


    Oh my!  Do you guys remember the Orwellian nightmare that was those flesh-colored spandexish pants she had to wear when "working" for the Greensboro Grasshoppers?!  It was such an awkward situation overall.  

    I forgot --- or maybe mentally suppressed --- those pants. What I remembered most was her being caught sitting down when she was supposed to be getting some merchandise, or putting things away, etc. 

    • Love 8
  9. 2 hours ago, Dot said:

    Ah, it's that time of year when Twit goes full-throttle on her pitch to sign up dopes fans for her latest cruise. This always opens up pleas from several for her to hold a contest & give away 2-3 freebie cruise packages.

    So, we once again see that some fans think Twit is not only beautiful & inspiring, but also generous & charitable. This, even tho she was so cheap that she asked her fans to pay for her cousin's FL vacay. 'Tis a mystery.

    Or, in the words of Yul Brynner as King of Siam, "'Tis a puzzlement."  

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

    Lupe and G2 had me really sad, I thought she could do better, damnit.  When the patient starts to blame Dr. Now, you know it's over.  Back to purses filled with tacos and sad, sad men.  (<---An excellent title for a country music album, if anyone is interested....). I feel for her, really.  She's lost and needs therapy desperately.  

    Brittany was a testement to hard work and perseverance.  As another poster mentioned, it's a shame her husband gained weight.  They're both going to have to get their health together in order to get pregnant.  I think she can do it, she's got a lot of gumption. 

    Or a movie title. Hey, if you can have a hatful og miracles, why not a purse full of tacos? ;-D

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, aliya said:

    I am so going to be Debbie Downer here, but I feel impressed to say something about the overall humor.

    I live in a college town in a rural state. Many of my students, and not a few of my co-workers, either grew up on a farm, currently live on a farm, or the grandparents are still running the family farm. There are farmers at my church. There are farms probably not 7 minutes from me and my cute little townhouse.

    I see guys in overalls in the Walmart, at the bank, in the grocery. These guys are growing food for the nation. I don't make fun of them (and yes there is farm humor) because of what they wear.

    This isn't a knock on anybody  who thinks Ashley's husband probably needs to find something else to wear (especially since he's a truck driver, right?), just a small rant from an east coast city girl who learned a thing or two when she left the city behind.

    America Needs Farmers

    ps - Junior Samples? That's a trip down memory lane.

    I certainly wasn't knocking farmers. But unless a guy (or gal) IS a farmer, they really don't need to be wearing bib overalls everywhere.

    • Love 4
  12. 11 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Any way to verify the Greensboro police ever had to do a welfare check on Our Whitney because they got a tip she was going to be knifed? Probably not enough detail in that little tidbit for it to be verified . . .

    Not really. The database only contains reports of crimes.

    • Love 2
  13. So, today I went back and looked at some of the "vandalism to motor vehicle" reports that are in the Greensboro PD database. I wanted to see how many days delay there was between "reporting" and "response by PD." 

    It's not days, it's HOURS. GPD responds within hours to vandalism reports --- even on the weekend before July 4th (and you know that's crazy busy.)

    "Shitney" is a good nickname for her, because she's full of it.

    • Love 16
  14. 34 minutes ago, Kaia40 said:

    So on Facebook there was a lady that went through all of the online Greensboro police reports and there was no report for this spray paint BS. I guess that’s her way of getting out of being charged with filing a FALSE police report because she NEVER filed one.  She was very selective in her wording about calling the NON Emergency Line but if you read what she said, it never said anything about the police finally responding or her filing a report.  She did take the time to report the “crime” to Social Media. lol.  Here’s exactly what she wrote:

    “I called the non-emergency line in Greensboro, and was told that since it’s not a hate crime and it’s not gang-related, someone would return my call tonight or tomorrow in the order it was received. I’ve removed the RV from in front of my house, but I can’t say I feel a whole lot better”

    Ok, I realize If something is not an emergency, it goes lower priority. But is Greensboro now South Central Los Angeles, where there’s so much crime that they won’t get to it until the next day even for non-emergencies??? She’s such a liar!!!

    Oh and apparently she considers herself a celebrity:

    “I will say this: if you know where I live or where a celebrity lives, do not go to their home, even to pay them a compliment. When a stranger is on my property, I do not feel safe.”

    She’s a big fat liar!  (pun intended)

    Yes, I also went through those online reports and didn't find anything. I think I mentioned that upthread. I also mentioned that there were quite a few reports of vandalism to motor vehicles....but none of them were Shitney's. 

    • Love 8
  15. On 7/13/2018 at 4:55 AM, Kaia40 said:

    That was my first thought too @Brooklynista!!!  We haven’t seen much on her SM lately so she probably doesn’t have anything going on in her life right now after her “tour.” So she needed some drama in her life. Also, the paint conveniently covers her triple chins.  Spray painting “Fat Bitch” would also be an opportunity for her to say “look what I deal with every day” and “people are body shaming me.” 

    Another thought I had was this was a set up scenario on her and productions part for filming. What better spectacle for  filming purposes.  It has fat shaming, police and tons (pun intended) of drama for the attention whore that she is! She’s the kind of person that even bad attention is good! 

    She’s such a disgusting piece of crap whether she did it or not.

    Or, getting her barnacles riled up to agitate for "fat pig" as a protected class. /sarcasm follows/ I mean, that really needs to be charged as a hate crime! @-@

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