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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. 1 hour ago, Brooks said:

    So she actually reported this to the police?  Any way to confirm it made the police blotter?

    When did this allegedly happen?


    Ok I went to the GPD web site. They have a search function where you can search for incidents by various criteria. I searched 7/1/18 to today, with Sweatney's last name.... NADA. There are lots of other "vandalism of motor vehicle" reports there, but not hers. 

    Hmmmmm. Well, whatta ya think? Think GPD doesn't log an incident until they send someone to talk to her? Ain't buying it. 

    • Love 9
  2. On 7/1/2018 at 10:04 PM, cooksdelight said:

    Yes. I love it. :)

    Blais is an attention whore. On GGG, I've seen him make nitpicky criticism where literally every other judge *raved* about the dish. 

    As for John Tesar, I love him and hate him at the same time. 

    • Love 5
  3. 2 minutes ago, Hellga said:

    I guess maybe if you got one of those weird Midwest things for some reason considered to be "pizzas" maybe I can understand dipping those, but I can't even imagine the physics of dipping an honest New York slice.   Nor why you would even want to.   Though I am so hardcore, I only recognize Margherita and a couple other classic types! :)

    If you can't fold it, it's not pizza. And margherita? Yum.

    • Love 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Brooks said:

    The pink bush in the buddy photo looks like something that would be in bloom in the spring, not this late in the year.  Anyone know?

    It's actually a tree. Crape Myrtle. Why some people insist on cutting CM down to nubs in the fall is beyond me. They're actually beautiful trees if you let them be. 

    Edited to add... Crape Myrtle blooms in summer. 

    • Love 7
  5. On 7/10/2018 at 7:44 AM, Judi said:

    I would  like to know why their families do not go on a better eating plan also.  some of them need a better eating plan as they are too big. also.   Also when you loose weight your whole eating plan should be healthy and what is the problem with families to do it forever and support them also.  Why does the doctor not consult with that also. 


    I have no idea how I wound up inside the box again, but here's my (Colleena) comment:


    It may be that the family is ALL swimming in De Nile. "I'm not the one with the weight problem! I don't have a bad eating habit. HE does!"

    • Love 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I love this.

    A totally random related thought - from Weeds - when Agrestic (white picket fence, McMansion strewn neighborhood) is going up in flames, Mary Kate Olsen (as a HS/College student) is planning to stick around believing that "Jesus will protect her." Silas (another teen), trying to talk some sense into her yells "Jesus does not make you flame retardant."

    Well, only from the flames of hell.... ;-)

    • Love 2
  7. On 7/7/2018 at 10:06 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Hey, I had a hard boiled egg too, but, no pickles!  lol  I'm no longer in the baby making days, (over 40) so, I knew it was not THAT kind of craving, but, it did make me go hmm........ lol.  I'm still loving those orange diet Sunkists though.  I bought some more and enjoy one a day.  If I can limit it to one a day, I'll be okay.  I suppose there are worse things that I could consume. I had a piece of apple pie and a hot dog on July 4th, but, I'm not regretting it.  My philosophy is to enjoy life and my food, just not overdo it on the treats.  I'm back to focusing on the foods that help me be healthy. 

    Don't be so sure. A relative of mine had a child at 41 (her youngest had just turned 21). When I asked "how'd that happen?" she said "I thought I was done with all that!" LOL.

    • Love 1
  8. 5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    More likely that the residents would petition the Town  Council to rip out the historic staircase to get her out within the first few days.

    Especially if she started whining like she did when she did the split on the bunny slope.... ;-)

    • Love 5
  9. 15 hours ago, Dot said:

    Twit gave away all the story lines for S-5 on her SM pages a year before, so I think she's been instructed not to do that for S-6, hence the silence.

    Some fan asked her what's in store for S-6 & she made a vague comment that included the possibility of another vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's going on now.

    On another site, I suggested The Gang could vacation at a dude ranch where Twit could injure several horses by riding them & sexually assault cowboys. Any other suggestions?

    They could vacation in Vermont, where Twit could take twice daily tours of the Ben & Jerrys factory.

    • Love 6
  10. 2 hours ago, Marilee said:

    But, she’s just fine cause if God wants her to lose weight she will. 

    I may go to hell for saying this but I get the feeling that Schenee was pulling the religion and faith talk out of her ass only because she finally caught on that  Dr. Now was not going to buy her water weight excuse at all ever. This is just my opinion, but I believe in God and I believe he shows his love and grace for humankind by giving us the knowledge to be capable of saving ourselves. I’m on board with Dr. Now on that one, God’s not going to magically make her lose weight and he can’t magically appear and snatch the pizza out of her greasy hands (though I’d pay to see that lol). Dr. Nowzardan isn’t going to wave a magic wand (or scalpel as the case may be) and fix her either. I hope I don’t offend anyone, it just drives me crazy to hear people speak about God as if he is literally going to reach down and fix your life. So, I’d like to tell Schenee that, no God will not reach down and catch you if you jump off a building. But, he made you knowledged enough to know that you shouldn’t do it and what the outcome will be if you do.

    (It would’ve been nice if she was right and God could’ve controlled  my eating habit and stopped me  from eating that huge bowl of Raisin Bran earlier.)

    I agee. Or, as I've said to others, God is not a vending machine. You can't magically get what you want. (Hey, that would make a good song... you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find.......)  *snerk*

    • LOL 1
    • Love 16
  11. 24 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    That is probably my biggest cooking show peeve (well, when it comes to this show, it may just be a tie with the sob stories)!  The average person transposing the letters - mildly annoying.  A chef doing it - nails down a chalkboard level of annoyance.

    Ditto. And "chi-pol-tay" instead of "chi-poht-lay." Re the sob stories, my husband and I call that "playing the dead (grandmother, mother, father, etc) card." 

    • Love 2
  12. 52 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

    Why am I not surprised? 

    /sarcasm font/ Why are you not surprised? She was so knowledged. You know that hateful Dr. Now and TLC must have caused her body to quit burning calories. 

    • Love 14
  13. 17 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    Michael Symon and Anne Burrell are just as annoying as Sunny, Katie, and Giada to me (if not more--well, equal to Sunny. No one can be more annoying than her).

    That's why cars come in more than one color. Potayto, potahto.... There's probably someone on here who actually LIKES Sunny and/or Katie and/or Giada.

    • Love 1
  14. On 6/26/2018 at 1:26 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    TherebutFore, I appreciate your perspective.  I get that you continue to eat and don't feel full.  I know that it does exist. I have read about a theory that says the brain signals that say you're full are not firing right? I wonder if that is true.

       I suppose my question with the person that I described above is that she does feel full, but, still eats to the point of misery.....almost every meal.  I'm not sure if she does it for attention or not.  Like, maybe, she wants someone to chime in and say, but, you didn't eat that much.  Because, honestly, I don't think she seems to eat so much that she would be in pain and miserable, but, that's what she claims.


    You have to wonder if she gets the "overstuffed" feeling when she eats alone... 

    • Love 3
  15. I have watched exactly one third of one epi with Mahhhtha as judge. I took Chopped *off* my DVR scheduler until she's gone. 

    • Love 3
  16. 20 hours ago, Vaysh said:

    The 90's would like a word.

    There may or may not be pictures floating around somewhere of me wearing t-shirts under spaghetti-strapped, thin, flowery dresses. Matched with shitkicker boots. The 90's were awesome.

    And they are coming back fashion wise so I suppose this girl could just be attempting to be trendy... although that particular dress is a little tragic.

    More likely, she buys her clothing at a thrift store. People don't usually donate current fashion to thrift stores, so maybe that's what was there? I don't know.

  17. 1 hour ago, DragonFaerie said:

    This is what I don't get with these fundie girls.  WHY buy a spaghetti strap dress at all??  Just buy "proper" dresses and wear like a sports bra under it - no way to defraud anyone with a sports bra.

    True! Unaboob is not particularly alluring. 

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