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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. 4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    I had to rewind that scene because I thought "Do they have grass in their living room?"

    Someone posted a message on her FB asking if that guy was the father and another person answered no, but said he was stepping up to be a father to the baby.

    I did not see the original of this show. Just this updated version. One thing that always makes me wonder is when they are going on about having a visit with Dr. Now soon and they hope they have met their weight loss goal. Don't these people have a scale at home? Do store bought scales have weight limits on them? They probably do but if I was two weeks out from a visit with the Dr. I'd find some place to weigh myself so I'd know if I need to step it up to meet the goal.

    Most scales for home use have a weight limit of 350 pounds. Still you'd think that once you're under 350, you'd buy a home scale. 

    • Love 3
  2. On 5/26/2018 at 2:08 PM, Trees said:

    Ugh, the pregnant one's Facebook page.  She's going the route of Schenee and drinking the "religion kool-aid" with that new guy she's hooked up with.  Apparently they work at Walmart now.

    This show sure gives insight into some crazy lives.  I guess that's why it's so addicting, as maddening as it is.

    That poor baby, though.  

    "Religion Kool-Aid?" Perhaps she was a follower of Christ most of her life. Some people are. Some intelligent, educated people.

    • Love 8
  3. On 3/29/2018 at 9:55 AM, BlossomCulp said:

    I agree with you.  From what I've read I think the new ones are being brought in not so much for fresh and new but because they can pay them less than the regulars.  It's really too bad because if the show isn't making enough money to pay the "stars" then maybe it's time to call it a day.

    Gawd yes. Especially the tacky women from Vegas.

  4. 3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

    All of the needle in a haystack stuff is basically impossible, and some of it is so pointless I don’t know why the FBI would waste time on it. The cars bought with cash were done so using fake/stolen names and addresses. They aren’t going to be where they’re supposed to be. 

  5. On 5/25/2018 at 7:02 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Yeah, that's funny about that wig slip.  It must be that P and E are professionals.  Tatianna just didn't know what she was doing. lol

    Wig adhesive. P&E would know this;  Tatiana, because she is not field, would not. 

    • Love 1
  6. 9 hours ago, cpcathy said:

    OK, I'm going to be awful right now, so forgive me....

    Why wasn't their hair every dry? Was it grease, or water, or "product?" I'm so confused as to how you keep your hair wet that long.

    Why weren't they wearing "girl" clothes, just to make themselves look a little better, therefore they would feel better? Something that wasn't a washed out enormous tee shirt and pants. It looked like they both had jeans with cuffs on them. I was recoiling. Where is What Not to Wear when you really need them?

    Lastly, and this is the worst, how does a woman who drones in a monotone, wears no makeup, no hairstyle to speak of, wears baggy, draggy clothing, get someone to get her pregnant? If I weren't married, I would be alone because I am not a Barbie doll and don't make the cut for what you need to look like to get a date. Are Brandi's standards really super low? Who is this guy, or guys, she's dating, and how soon after meeting does she hook up? Why no condoms, lady? First rule!

    I felt so bad that having the baby was her only option. I was hoping she would at least explore the other options, even if it was adoption. She looked so unhappy to be pregnant, like, REALLY unhappy. No baby deserves to be unwanted.

    At the risk of being crude, some men are looking for nothing more than a warm hole to put it in. And some fat women (think Sweatney Bore) take the tiniest expression of interest as TRUE. LOVE. FOREVER. and jump into bed to seal the forever. 

    • Love 19
  7. 40 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

    AH HAH HAH HAH, good one, Whit, let's see if this trend continues, oh wait, it won't because No Body Shame means Body Shame so we'll all keep seeing those overhead angles and be kept FAR away from this rare appearance of the Big Chins.

    Well, if ya didn't pick yer nose on the right side, they'd be the same shape and size.....

    • Love 5
  8. 13 hours ago, jcbrown said:

    Is it that TLC pumps them all full of quaaludes before they do  the narration or does being super-morbidly obese rob  you of all affect or what?

    No, but clinical depression ---- which often leads to morbid obesity ---- definitely CAN rob you of affect. 

    • Love 5
  9. 17 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    But what an odd and unflattering angle! The body slumping to one side, little T-Rex arm, the massive bosom and gut, and the photo-shopped face where the facial hair was removed from the left side, but is still obvious on the lower right side of her face. (Left and right as you are looking at the picture, not her anatomical left and right.)

    It looks to me as if the head/face was cropped and pasted from AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PICTURE. So much easier to use a head shot that's already been photoshopped than to do ALL. THAT. WORK. AGAIN.

    • Love 8
  10. 1 hour ago, leFay said:

    Wait a minute-You Are What You Eat- is that the show where the lady would also analyze their "pooh"??? I loved that show!
    I've been watching Fat Families (UK) on You Tube... there's also Food Hospital that I'm getting ready to check out...

    Yes, that's the one. 

  11. Ermagawd.... I went to her FB page where she's got this incredibly long post about everything, and one of her worshippers (Twitniks?) actually posted "you're not fat you're chubby." 

    Guess you have to qualify for Dr. Now surgery for that Twitnik to consider you fat....

    • Love 4
  12. 4 hours ago, hellmouse said:

    And she did say that Elizabeth needed to take care of him "today or tomorrow". So she may be thinking, okay it wasn't today, but we still have tomorrow. 

    Maybe if Elizabeth still won't do it, Claudia will go after him herself the way she did back in Season 1 when Elizabeth kidnapped but didn't kill Patterson. 

    Or maybe Claudia will have Paige do it.

    Just my personal opinion, but I see the story arc ending with P&E turning themselves in to Stan in exchange for protection. That's where I would go with the story. And spilling everything they know to bring down the spy cell...starting with Claudia.

  13. 3 hours ago, Tosia said:

    Ok, so Twit is, a "fat-lete"?  Hahahahahsha. 

    Let's see her walk another 3-5 mile "marathon" for a charity.....  without blubbering and howling like a stuck ox in a tar pit. 

    Let's see put on and tie her own shoes ....like the big toddler that she is.  

    Let's see her lead a dance class for a full 5 minutes without turning red and out of breath. BGDC my Aunt Annie. 

    Who is she kidding? We have eyes. 

    It seems like Twit is desperate to get some cred in physical activity like those big yoga/exercise female quasi-celebrities that are going to be on the cruise.   As if. 

    OK, then, by golly! That means I'm a "try-athlete."

    • Love 7
  14. 1 hour ago, Aw my lahgs said:

    This scene?




    And she even says, "It's like I'm sitting on 10 pillows but it's just my butt." 

    Delusional toddler.

    2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Because Whitney is so short she’s much closer to  600 lbs life than her weight would indicate even if we believe she’s “only” 380. And her problem with folds would be much more pronounced because of her height as well. 

    There was a Dr. Now patient about Sweatney's height --- Lupe, I think. I don't remember Lupe's starting weight but Sweatney is not far behind her. 

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