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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. On 4/4/2018 at 7:24 AM, IOU Payne said:

    I adopted a rescue kitty from the SPCA yesterday.  He's a 22-pound purring machine!  He was listed as a humanitarian adoption because of his obesity, although his "fighting weight" will probably be around 16 pounds.  My other cat, Max, is about 15 pounds and can cheerfully lose a few as well.  My vet (who hasn't met the new cat yet - his name is Diesel because he's the size of a freakin' locomotive!) will probably put them on a weight loss program.  They have one, like Weight Watchers for cats.  I can see it now, the entire household counting points.....  But there's got to be a better way!

    Can Dr. Meow come to my house to talk to my cats about their eating habit?   Can we have a show called My Nine 22-Pound Lives?  Does poor Diesel have to have closed captioning for his meows that say "Oww my paws?"

    OMG you had me laughing so hard I scared MY cats! 

    • Love 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I can tell you that being able to look up calorie counts online works in my case. I don't eat most fast food simply because there aren't many vegetarian options, but I was sorely tempted by the ads for one company's milkshakes. Oh, I wanted one soooo bad. Then I looked up the calories for a SMALL (10 ounce) and it came in at 1220.... I'm like "Jesus H. Tap dancing Christ, that's more than half a day's calories!!!" 

    Cured me of wanting a milkshake. 

    • Love 6
  3. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I think there should be a ‘Hello Fresh’ type service for these people. They are used to ordering all of their food and have no clue about calories or portions. If they could order the food like these meal companies only with their calorie/carb etc requirements, it might help bridge the gap between fast food and real food and reduce the number of people in the grocery store saying ‘that’s asparagus???’  

    Or maybe part of Dr. Now's program should include basic low-cal cooking and grocery shopping. Portion sizes. How to count calories. How to read food labels. Seems trivial to most of us, but these things are a mystery to this family.

    • Love 5
  4. 14 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I keep waiting for someone to speak up and say to other family members as they round the drive-thru," Hell no, I don't fast food! We are on tv you idiots. We are being filmed!  Don't you know that we aren't supposed to eat that way?" I guess it won't happen though.  lol Apparently, these contestants, I mean, patients never watch the show before going on it.  If they did, they might make a checklist: vehicle large enough to transport super obese person without killing them, cooler with prepared food for the trip, stove and fridge in new apt so we can prepare our own meals, map with designated places that sell suitable food, calorie book, so we can count our calories. 

    I heard someone say the calories on the chart included the sour cream.....lol.  Never heard that before.  

    But maths is so harrrrrrrd.

    • LOL 1
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  5. 37 minutes ago, MegD said:

    I routinely drink between 15 and 20 8-oz glasses of water a day. It's rare that I drink fewer than 12 glasses, but I also don't drink anything else. I broke a very serious diet Coke addiction (that withdraw was real I tell you!) and occasionally have unsweet tea if I eat out. Those have always been my only sources of caffeine. Since I live alone, I don't have to deal with the temptation of anything else in the house plus I hate milk and can't have juice due to the sugar content (I'm a diabetic, but I have tight control on my blood glucose). I've never had a problem but it may be that it's just become routine over the years. I'm rarely without my water bottle, even in the courthouse.

    I *routinely* drink 100 oz of water a day. Most people don't realize it, but you lose A LOT of water when you swim. I will typically lose 3# during a swim --- that's 48 ounces of water that needs replaced, or I start to cramp up. 

  6. 3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    They got a 10% margin of error in women with both PCOS and IR:

    That's a pretty big margin of error in a very limited study. I can't really tell from the abstract whether the methodology and the sample size (139 women) indicates much. Do you know of any other sources for it?

    That's the only study that I've seen. The margin of error is large precisely because the sample size is small. Know any OB/GYN or endocrinologist types associated with a medical school that might want to do the study with 500 women?

  7. On 4/27/2018 at 10:08 PM, Dot said:

    Fascinating. Thanks, @amacmom. That explains how the small mole on her neck remained in the doctored photo Twit posted since I think it would have disappeared with PhotoShop.

    Can you do anything with her two rodent front teeth?

    BTW, I had a good laugh over your software being unable to find her neck! ?

    ETA: I like to go to the "Ask Whitney" column on the MBFFL FB page to ask a question each month. This is the one I posted for this month: "What facial-sculpting software did you use to 'photoshop' the 2 selfies you posted Apr 25 on FB?"

    Soooooo..... did she answer? Or delete your question? 

    • Love 2
  8. Throughout this episode, I kept (mentally) repeating my "mantra:"  

    "You can't fix what you're eating till you fix what's eating you."

    Melissa won't sustain weight loss until she gets to the root of her "worthlessness."

    • Love 6
  9. On 4/26/2018 at 12:24 PM, Cajungirl64 said:

    Ready to weigh in after 1.5 seasons... First, I LOVED Josh Henderson on the Dallas reboot. He was perfection as John Ross. I don't love him in this role. He's much better as a "bad boy." It might be his chemistry with the girl who plays Megan, but something is missing. Speaking of Megan: BORING. I don't think it's the way the character is written, I think it's the actress. (The actress who played Cliff Barnes' daughter and who married John Ross on the Dallas reboot would have been PERFECT in this role IMO). And finally re: the cons; the story continuity is all over the place. There's a way to do surprise reveals (and I suspect they're leading up to a biggie), but this isn't it. 

    Now, the pros: I really love Vartan in this or any other show. In this show, he brings the right mixture of menace and charisma to his character, although again, I know they're saving up some big reveal regarding his past but they're not giving the audience enough reason to really care. Next, I really like the actresses who play Vartan's wife and Megan's former agent. They play well off of each other and I could easily see them as friends OR foes on another nighttime soap-type show. I also like the actor who played Xavier (aka "the only normal guy in the Universe") and the actress who plays Megan's BFF (or former BFF now that she's totally entranced by Vartan's character). 

    I guess im disappointed because this show had so much potential. I'm still watching because I've already invested so much time. But unless something spectacular happens (and they replace the actress who plays Megan ?), in the end ny assessment will be "meh." (The fact that I can't remember most of the characters' names off the top of my head after 1.5 seasons speaks volumes..). 

    The actor who plays Xavier is Ruffin Prentiss III. (Kinda hawt). He was also on "Power"  and "Elementary" . I think he is on a new show ... definitely too good for this dumpster fire.

    • Love 3
  10. On 4/9/2018 at 6:58 PM, cherenkov said:

    A good running store is absolutely vital to finding out what kind of shoes are best for your feet and gait if you're going to do any kind of serious walking or running. It's so awesome. When I do go get them to show me things and do gait analysis on me, I tend to buy shoes there because it's a local shop owned and run by local people who are seriously into the running (and walking) community here and I want to support them. I do also buy shoes online because I burn through shoes due to the other thing you mentioned: they need to be replaced so you don't hurt yourself.

    I retire them from races at 300 miles. I retire them permanently from running at 500 and will only wear them for stuff like going and spending a few minutes picking up sticks out of the yard or going to the mailbox.  My running shoes are for running only. I have trail shoes for trail running. Hiking shoes for hiking. Lifting shoes for lifting and climbing shoes for climbing. I guess you could say I'm kind of a shoe hound.

    Oh, a fellow athletic shoe slut..... At one point, I counted 25 pairs of athletic shoes: running shoes, walking shoes, Zumba shoes, lifting shoes, cycling shoes (with clips), and water aerobics shoes. Now that I no longer run or do water aerobics, my collection is considerably smaller.  Like fewer than 15 pairs. 

  11. Mike Isabella is being sued for sexual harassment. Multiple other employees (besides the complainant) have supported the woman's story. Apparently he has a drinking problem and is prone to inappropriate comments and behavior.

    • Love 3
  12. Some of you have commented that perhaps TLC is showing you only the failures because of ratings. In reality, the long term success rate of bariatric surgery is less than 5%, so maybe they're just showing us reality. 

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