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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. On 6/20/2018 at 3:57 PM, Brooks said:

    Thanks Ketzel!  Doesn't look any slimmer to me!  Buddy must still be unemployed.

    So cameras were allowed at the meet & greet but not the dances? 

    Wow. OK, Todd appears to be a slender to average sized man. I'd estimate his waist and hip girth at about 33" . Sweatney appears to be more than double his girth. I'd estimate her hip girth at around 75" .... She's bigger around than the height of an average dude. 

    What's everyone else think?

    • Love 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, Azubah said:

    If James's kidney and liver are really failing, and we have no reason to doubt that, then he would in fact swell up with fluid. Both those organs are necessary to processing fluid. I'm willing to believe he wasn't eating thirteen million calories a day; some of that IS fluid retention.

    He's probably eating a lot of processed foods, and things like french fries and potato chips, which contain an assload of salt, which would also contribute to fluid retention.

    • Love 9
  3. 14 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    Right? Hell, you can eat vegan and still eat nothing but junk. French fries and Oreos are vegan, after all. (I have a vegan friend who mostly eats healthy but would occasionally get french fries from the cafeteria when we worked together. And there are regularly Oreos at game night at his house, which he doesn't provide, but I think some of his friends bring because they know he can eat them.) You can sabotage just about any diet plan with stuff that's technically compliant.

    Yeah, my bad joke is that I'm a carbotarian. And effing cheese. Cheese is my addiction.

    • Love 4
  4. 14 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

    This is like a bad Lifetime movie where you think the woman is meek and then she turns out to be evil. I wonder why Lisa is like that. People in chat  suggested she was  killing him for life insurance or Munchausen's by proxy. She gets some psychological kick out of waiting on him and sabotaging him? I guess APS couldn't do anything because he wasn't being force fed, but like Dr. Now said, food addiction isn't fully understood. 

    She's "shepping naches" --- deriving joy from the attention of others, who tell her what a saint she is for taking care of him.  

    And I'm not sure APS could do anything even if it was, say, alcohol she was providing for an alcohol addict. As long as the person is competent, and the substance isn't being forced on them, APS's metaphorical hands are tied.

    • Love 8
  5. 19 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

    No. And neither did James daughter. Hopefully she's gone for good and is living a happy life. 

    Nope. One of the articles I read said Lisa got his daughter to take him food. And now, we know how Lisa could boldly say "I have not gave him no food!"  No, you used his daughter for that dirty deed. 

    • Love 11
  6. 8 minutes ago, Hellga said:

    For some people, this literally makes their day (month, year) when everyone is running around them, and they just savor the attention.  Some will attempt suicide like that by taking just enough of just the right meds right before calling ambulance, some prefer the slower route like James...

    A form of Munchausen by proxy? 

    • Love 8
  7. 5 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I think she posted it because she knows it’s weird. She likes to create situations  that are  sexually inappropriate. I don’t think she and Glen have an inappropriate sexual relationship. I think Whitney likes to give the impression that they do. She likes to push all of her relationships over the appropriateness line. I wish I believed it was just to get attention or cause criticism/drama. But I think she’s got a real psychological problem.  

    From what others are saying on her fb feed, it's a "southern thang." One woman said that at age 39, she still kisses her father... oops, "daddy" ... on the lips. 

    Ick. Just.....ick.

    • Love 3
  8. On 6/16/2018 at 12:11 AM, aliya said:

    I don't know where to put this, so I'm going to put it here.  It's something I've been thinking about for awhile.

    I write a regular column for a journal aimed at managers in my field. One of my recent articles was about seniors and stereotype threat. I did a lot of background reading on biases against the elderly and learned that it was one of the earliest prejudices we develop - starting in children - and we often say really offensive things about older people that we wouldn't say about minorities or the disabled.

    Anyway, I notice that here, and very much so on Reddit, people refer to Dr. Now as 'cute.'  I have to ask, "How is he cute?" Because he's older? Because his age makes him non-threatening? Cute, when applied to an older person, seems to diminish them in some way. It doesn't seem respectful. 

    In getting background for the article, I learned that I am 'young-old.' Groovy. Now that I know that about myself, it's possible I'm a little sensitive about the age thing. : ) Y'all feel free to tell me so. I just wonder why we refer to an older person as 'cute.' Dr. Now is a caring humanitarian. He has skills and talents that few possess. He has saved many lives. He is the occasional badass - I'm just not sure that he is cute.

    Well, as an "old," I have no problem with the term "cute" (not that anyone would ever call me that.) 


    I think Dr. Now is "cute" because he has a merry smile and a twinkle in his eye. 

    • Love 9
  9. 3 hours ago, CatherineM said:

    My Mom had enormous ones. In her 70’s she got a tumour. Tried to get the doctor to take both off, but he couldn’t. At her age they didn’t do reconstruction. She got a special bra and a prosthetic boob that was the size and weight of the missing one. She could not lift it to put it in the bra. It was too heavy.

    I had to be late to court once because I had to run over and help her get her falsie loaded up. When I explained that to the judge, he believed me immediately. Said no one could make that story up. I went and got a half dozen of those bathing suit falsies from the fabric store to sew together to make one she could lift herself. 

    Good thing I lift weights. ;-)  

    • Love 1
  10. 20 hours ago, aliya said:

    I watched Renee's repeat tonight. I found myself getting misty-eyed as well; surprisingly. When she was in the bookstore (a treat to see in itself) and said she never thought she'd be in a public building again, you just want to cry. How on earth does life get away from these people so much that they wind up 600 lbs, often bed-ridden, and just on the fringes of being human? I hope she is doing well and that we get to see an update.

    She needs breast reduction STAT, though. There was a scene where she got up and those boobs swung out, it was almost scary. I've had breast reduction and I was no where near her size. I guess no one would operate at her weight, but I hope Dr Now can do it as part of her skin removal. At that size, it's not cosmetic, it's medical. Mine was medical as well, and covered by insurance. 

    Yeah. I've wondered more than once how these women find a bra to fit them. I'm a G cup (though at my age, it's more of a "42 extra long" LOL) and those are fricking HARD to find. These women make me look flat chested. AFAIK, bras only go up to a J cup. 

    • Love 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Mileage varies, of course, AuntJess  but just this bit of  instagram video is more than enough for me. Also, that costume is hilarious - it's the first one I've ever seen that actually covers the whole belly! (Aside from costumes designed for modesty.) Usually the belt part of the a nightclub-style costume wraps around the hips, but Whitney's belly is so large, it would hang down well over hip level if it wasn't tightly wrapped.

    Thank you. :-P. I now feel the need to Drano my eyes. 

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