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Posts posted by Colleenna

  1. 22 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

    I think that was You Are What You Eat with Gillian McKeith. (A quick Google search and brought up this part one of three of an episode). I remember the table of food they ate but also (and part 2 shows it) was the table of foods that would be on their plan. It was almost always a contrast of beige brown foods vs the vibrant colors of fruits and veggies. 

    I *loved* that show. I would always start drooling over that table full of beautiful fruits and veg. I have the same reaction now to the produce section in Guy's Grocery Games. Ditto the produce section of Whole Foods as shown on Top Chef. 

  2. It may be related to impulse control..... can't control the impulse to eat (and eat, and eat...) / can't control the impulse to get a tattoo. Eat a lot / tattoo a lot. Failure to consider the consequences of a choice. 


    That's my theory.

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  3. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Since there is apparently a hereditary component, she’ll blame Babs and say it’s too late to cure her. 

    Even if they are able to cure Twit's PCOS, that still won't cure her overactive salivary glands and that elbow condition.....the one that keeps bending her pasta-laden fork toward her mouth. 

    • Love 7
  4. 22 minutes ago, Dot said:

    I had the same feeling about all those "old men" who constantly stop her in the street to tell her what an inspiration she is.

    ETA: She also once again claims to be so "happy." To paraphrase Kerryn: "For someone who says she is so happy, you sure do spend a lot of years with a therapist."

    Now, now.... she needs therapy because the world is mean to her! She's fabulously happy. Not.

    • Love 7
  5. To my fellow athletic shoe slut: 

    Asics released its new Cumulus 20 today. The women's shoe weighs in at 8 oz, only slightly more than my Hoka.

    And conveniently, the running store is near my massage therapist......

    Oh, I guess to stay on topic I should mention these are good shoes for big people. 


    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, SenshusWoman said:

    I don't care how many videos she posts of herself in the gym, or how many dopey-damn-faced selfies she shares; the truth remains that this is a woman who can barely walk without wailing in some level of discomfort. So anything she does, IMO, is for attention and head-pats, and to deceive her audience to further her reality show "career." Yeah, gurl, you might be fabulous but I could poke you in the eye and run away and you'd never catch me. 

    Yeah, but if she trips and falls, I'm imagining Road Runner cartoon....boulder, hill, Wiley Coyote. You'd be smushed.  :D

    • Love 4
  7. On 4/24/2018 at 1:32 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

    She could enter a twerking contest... of course they'd need a seismograph to measure the results.

    Maybe that's what set off the small quake in Cali earlier this year....

    • Love 5
  8. 28 minutes ago, dleighg said:

    remember that weird show on ABC (I think) he was part of? The "just one taste" on a spoon along with the kitchen goddess Nigella Lawson?

    Never saw it. 

  9. 18 hours ago, TheNewJanBrady said:

    Ha, yes, thanks, corrected!

    It’s not a recent insistence. This was in grammar books over 30 years ago.

    Yes. I was taught that in elementary school 60+ years ago. It also grates on me to hear "and I" when it should be "and me." Same for the other way around..... "Sam and me went to the beach....." Aaaaiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee.

    • Love 9
  10. OK, I'm just gonna put all this out there in the interest of full disclosure. 

    I am overweight, though not nearly as much as Twitney Ways2much Thore. She weighs well over twice what I do, and is 3" shorter than I. I'm also more than twice her age. (I'm almost Babs's age.) 

    So I have zero tolerance for Twitney half-assing it through her "workout," not caring what she eats, and accusing anyone who dares to mention her weight as "body shaming." 

    I GET THAT IT'S HARD. Christ on a bicycle, I'd give a small fortune for a day without sore muscles, when I could eat all the froyo (my downfall!) I want. I've been 70# heavier than I am right now. I've gotten it down, but it's been slooooooow. 

    But tomorrow morning, I'll get up, have my breakfast smoothie and whole grain toast, and head to the gym for an hour of weight lifting and a mile swim. 


    Sorry.... I just had to vent.

    • Love 10
  11. 14 hours ago, IvySpice said:

    This is a great show to watch 12 hours before I'm going to a fancy buffet with my family for Mother's Day weekend. The sweets table alone is more than I should eat in a week. And it's murder because they have SO MANY different delicious things that even if you just had one little taste of each, you'd overeat...

    Nope. Nope. Nope. Thank you, TLC, for the extra boost of willpower. All I have to do is contemplate these patients facing that buffet and I lose 90% of my appetite.

    This is why I avoid "all you can shovel in" restaurants. They trigger me to pile my plate high with mac and cheese, green bean casserole, potatoes and gravy, and then do the same thing at the sweets station. I swear I should change from saying I'm vegetarian to saying I'm a carbotarian. 

    • Love 5
  12. 2 hours ago, Donut Bear said:

    40 pounds -  this guy makes his look a lot harder than Whitney does.  Guess she is a gym monster.  Notice the bended knee squat.  Essential to avoid back strain.  

    Well, Twit was using a 40 lb ball. If you look at the wording, the man is using a 40D 150 lb ball.  I think Twit deliberately worded hers as "40 lb D ball" in order to confuse. 

    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Dot said:

    Can one of you gym enthusiasts explain Twit's latest IG workout video? What is the purpose of throwing a 40# wgt over your shoulder? (All I can see is a way to severely wrench your back.)

    Not a clue. I googled it--- apparently it's a crossfit exercise. In all my years in the gym, I've never seen anything like that. 

    • Love 1
  14. On 3/3/2018 at 10:03 AM, mythoughtis said:

    True- and Jen spent quite a bit of time at her conference. That was one of the problems with the kids and the trip. Bill either wouldn’t or couldn’t corral them at the castle, for example.  Many of us commented then that the kids should have stayed home with the grandparents. A business trip with  Bill would have been similar. Someone would have to be with the kids while Bill conducted business or went to dinner with the factory execs, etc.   it’s just not appropriate to take kids that age on a business trip.  

    Aaaaand this is one of the reasons I quit watching this show. It seems neither of them wants to actually *gasp* discipline the children. The kids --- especially Will --- have become incorrigible, insufferable *brats* .

    • Love 6
  15. On 5/2/2018 at 11:45 PM, jjj said:

    Did you catch the reference to the artist Erica?  Another agent is working as a nurse, and Elizabeth was actually hurt that Erica "let" the other "nurse" touch her feet.  "She let you touch her feet?"  And then Elizabeth became inhabited by Erica  when she tried to draw the light after that conversation -- and there were tears in Elizabeth's eyes as she was drawing, I noticed on the second viewing.

    I was a little surprised because I would assume that at that stage of disease, all of her body would be under treatment, with not much off limits. 

    Have they ever said what disease she has? If so, I must have missed it. 

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