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Everything posted by Chellfairy

  1. How old is Deidre?? I think she looks good, great fillers and makeup/hair. I appreciate she hasn’t had her lips overdone, like LK…too much too much!! and I’ve always loved DH’s eyes. They smile.
  2. ♥️💔 Ohhh. I knowwww!! 😞 my life is kinda pathetic right now!! oh why oh whyyyy did a I start watching again. Poor choices! Definitely in need of a hobby. I was a mid 90’s - 2010 fan. ps Still think I have better ideas than Ron & Co , then again don’t we all!! my 10 ye old niece could do better!
  3. 😬 Oopsie!Ahhh crapola! An extreme chronic case of narcolepsy!? I’m disappointed in myself! Wish I could come up with something better, but right now I’m suffering from an extreme case of insomnia. IDK, maybe Jan is a Botanist and cooks up special herbal plant potions to make it like she’s in a coma?!? Unlikely…but it’s Days, soooo I just need something to believe in 🙄😖
  4. All the recasts of Philip sucked. I know JKJ was not the original teen Philip, but the first one..can’t remember who he was, so I always think of JKJ as the 1st, as the one who developed the character.
  5. Hahaha! Beaver Cleaver…but honestly, he kinda resembles Wally a bit more. That being said, I am disappointed as well that this awesome Spartacus ( god, I miss that show) guy came in like this.It’s too soon to tell, but yeah, at this point, they could have cast a better look-alike. Not sure what the actor has been doing since, but it saddens me he can’t pull this off a bit better. But I’m still holding on ..hoping it comes together. Here’s hoping he goes full on Spartacus on Salem! 🥂🍻 @DisneyBoy awesome post. Regarding Belle..only thing that would plug-gate better for me is if Philip and Chloe wheeled on in before ShawnD..(the mostbestestcop/husband/allaroundguy ever in Salem history) and they were all just sitting there watching Jan! Then, as Shawn goes in for the plug in, Phil’s fakes his fake leg giving out, causing Chloe & wheelchair to fly into the wall, hence causing electrical failure..sparks flying around everywhere! This 3rd coma Jan thing..is going too far. If she’s not faking, (and she betta be) because How does that happen? It’d be wayyyy more realistic if she just had a severe case of That’s how I’d write that one! I’ve also been up for 18 hrs though 🥴
  6. Love that.. but nope. When has fire ever killed anyone/thing in Salem?? They should have it really be Sarah in a mask of Kristen, who then turns out to be Eileen Davis..which then I say..keep Kristen. IDK. Just OTT thoughts. It’s all driving me nuts! And this just sucks big balls! Finally a villain they should keep around, yet, I guess that’s just too much fun for them
  7. I get it. And she obviously won’t do it because Jake, the dweeb, would end up leaving as well..to take care of Kate. I think she should kick Jake out on his ass until he can be a man and tell Kate the truth. Give him an ultimatum. Have some self respect, girl! And I just don’t buy the “love” between Gabi and Jake. I can see the attraction he has for her, but a spunky Gabi with Jake?. pretty much everyone involved is or should be suspicious of Kate ..so I’m interested to see Gabi/Kate showdowns. I don’t really care about Chad/Abby, as mentioned earlier, Chad is best as a Dick, because he is
  8. Seriously. Chad sucks but I enjoy watching him SO much more when he's being an absolute dick rather than when they're trying to make him seem like a romantic hero. Exactly. I’d rather everyone stays at the diMansion. It will be fun watching Gabi screw with Kate. And Kate with Gabi, And other shenanigans! Bring it on! I’m sick of being bored
  9. I disagree that Gabi belongs there more than Kate or Chad, regardless that she is the owner now, with her contrived way to get ownership Everyone who resides there has more right, in my humble opinion, to be there than Gabi. Gabi and Gwen are 50-50 in my eyes.They both do what they want, to who they want, to get what they want. However, I see no reason for Abby to make amends. That’s up to her. I’m not defending Chad, but he has a point regarding Gabi and Jake.
  10. We have wow. I’m surprised that it won’t let me ff a local station. Some on demand I can ff. But w/Days, which there are many scenes I wish I could, no can do. With the DVR. I can.Hate that! anyway finally got to watch it. And the scene with Shawn..”Belle..please tell me ya didn’t pull that plug,” Lolz, why would she not???? all the other stuff 🥱🥱🥱
  11. I have to say Eileen Davidson ruled as Kristen..her Susan was great too i’d be all for Eileen coming back
  12. Bonnie : could never not see Adrienne. And that irritates me. Does the actress maybe have more fun playing Bonnie? Idk.. but it would be nice if they did a switcharoo and made it that whoopsie..Bonnie IS actually Adrienne!! Easy peezy! Justin: I see this as days dumbing down all the men. Like Jack!!! Brady!!! some have always been clueless..Shawn D! RAFE!! Jake! Im not feeling Paulina either. I just don’t have the energy. I’d like to see more of Jan. Having them all interacting, sans kidnapping and all that jazz.
  13. Michigan interrupts too. Even if our Governor has something to say 😖🥱 I have cable, however, on demand , won’t let me fast forward 😫 that’s a problem!
  14. Hated Stephanie, especially with Philip. But at this point, I’m up for anything.
  15. Sounds fine to me, but Jake is so dumb. He’ll only be able to do it with help. which means, Gabi? Kate? This guy could not do this on his own instincts
  16. I loved the B/N/X scenes! Brady needs some friendships, like Nicole and hopefully Chloe..but Bhroe can’t be friends after her new found “old” feelings coming back. And she has always played Philip, however, If it has to be, ok I think their may be some good scenes between the ole’ Phloe/Broie conflict, with Philip-Brady duking it out.. hopefully old school. Hoping Philip wins those battles though. Brady needs to relax. And focus on Rachel, Instead of Chloe. And so un-Sami-ish..it grinds my nerves.
  17. That is what I’m thinking will definitely happen. I don’t care about Jake..can’t see what anyone see’s in him..especially his flip-flop/ all about …wiggling. Be a man and tell Kate the TRUTH , or end it with Gabi.
  18. I never liked Ejami! Agree that James Scott and Sweeny had better chem, but I’m not sure how much I really care if nuEj / Sami have any chem at all . Yesss!!!!
  19. He’s definitely not even close to James, but maybe, hopefully, it’ll go well.
  20. Umm.. that would most likely be Kate, then. And I’d most definitely be in for that, only if she chucks Jake out on his bum… otherwise….dare I say Vivian?? 😀😧
  21. Now that would be very interesting and a hoot if she laced the secretHorton DonutRecipe with weed!! That would be a gem, for sure ! Oh, the horror of it all! Scandalous!! 😀 Yep, Eli acts “horrified “ that Chanel keeps catching him nude, EXCEPT, I’m feeling he secretly likes it. The reaction..since he gets not an ounce from Lani.. Almost like he “plans” it! 🤨 And this Allie/ Tripp thing is typical psych 101. Her ..feeling “guilty” that She wrongly accuses her rapist (not to mention, guilty about not remembering even being raped. Then her rapist baby daddy is murdered and everyone around her is accused..Bottom line, she wants a daddy for Henry Blanket..and, well, Chanel doesn’t fit that role. So who better than “Uncle Trippy” ( have I mentioned how stupid I think the name “Trip “ is?) I just think they are boring and as much as Chanel is complete opposite, still not enough to save that pairing.
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