Let me start off by saying that I won't be answering any questions after this post, and I apologize if this reads like a riddle—although I want it to, and my usage of the word actor includes both genders. The network is trying to patch up leaks and is becoming more like Fort Knox as each day passes. I'm here because I don't like liars, or manipulators.
A decade ago, things were a heck of a whole lot different, and the ego of a fellow colleague on [various projects] had not yet exploded the way they have now. The charm has now run out, and as a result we're seeing more shameless behavior.
Do not let the forced and phony attempts at PR to salvage unnecessary actions fool you, don't fall into the same trap these actors did. In late 2016, carrying into 2017, meetings were held with the cast, sometimes in groups and sometimes one-on-one, these meetings served as a way for actors to provide positive feedback, or constructive criticism of their current storylines and to pitch future ones. One actor in particular was very adamant about what they wanted and stood in solidarity with a co-star—who previously pitched a very successful storyline, which had a few people on and behind screen seeing green and feeling undermined. The actor received an affirmative response but there no intention on going in the direction they were promised.
What caused the breakdown and the take back on a promise? Egos and results from focus groups. One of the top billed actors had seen a slip in likability on screen, but it wasn’t significant enough to worry about, but created even more of a one sided rivalry rooted in jealousy. Others did well as expected, yet saw a significant drop in airtime to reset things; viewers expressed that they could relate to these core characters, felt sympathy for the characters, felt represented and would change very little about them and their current stories. As I continue, please keep in mind that successful pitches that positively impact ratings, create significant fanfare, and positive focus group results is great leverage for negotiations.
Another soon to be top billed actor already apart of the main cast scored very poorly, initially the reaction had been indifference which was expected due to the lack of development, however the second round of results provided unexpected negative reactions to the character from the audience despite attempts to make the most ideal character that the audience would root for and sympathize with. Typically, this would result in either a complete revamp of the character, integrating them more with the popular characters or a reduction in airtime. In order to fill a much-desired [and needed] quota, a reduction in airtime was completely off the table, so a hard push toward integration was made despite overwhelming negative responses.
So what happens next? The overall new direction left a few in the shadows, but in order to appease—because of previous success, another storyline pitch was given the green light and again could be used as leverage to garner a lucrative deal not close to one we all know about, but one that would be well deserved and most likely granted despite how stingy our network is.
This pitch was the perfect scenario for our agenda and vendetta driven crew to follow through with their premade plan. A seed was planted, but wasn’t expected to flourish because of promises previously made and our parties were told not to worry and to just go with the flow. Unbeknownst to our main parties, this was not going to be a comeback story but a way to get over what was considered a roadblock. So here’s the thing, you can go around or over a roadblock, but it’s still there, so it’s much better to have it removed. A semi collective agreement was made, but in order for it not to look like this was an agenda driven blindside, collateral damage was made. Those who opposed fought hard, but the bottom line is to always to preserve the almighty dollar, so it was already a lost cause as others gained. And with that I bid you all adieu.