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Everything posted by Kenzie

  1. They sign a contract to show up and will lose about $10,000 for not doing so. My guess is money will win out.
  2. It never occurred to me that Aaron was black or bi-racial until it was mentioned here.
  3. I don't get it either. He has a great physique but looks-wise ... not so much.
  4. "Karishma was inspired by a family of very strong, fearless and ambitious women.” "Strong and fearless" yet each and every one of them couldn't break the chain of arranged marriages. She was “taught to be a leader and take control to solve problems.” Nonsense, Karishma. You were an adult with a decent living who couldn't say no to mommy and daddy. People in control choose their own life-partners.
  5. That sounds about right. Her new life goal, now that her apparently poorly planned or poorly funded fashion business flopped, is to prove, once and for all to her friend that she is not a nomad. Lofty goal.
  6. The other thing these women seem to have in common is they often brag at the end of the program that they "won" or "got their way" as if that proves their ideas were better.
  7. Thank you! I'll check that out right now.
  8. I moved today and for the first time in 39 seasons missed an episode. I don't have cable yet. Would anyone know where I can watch S39, Episode 2 for free or pay online?They used to make them available on Survivor FB but I couldn't find it. Thanks for any recommendations.
  9. You are not alone! I want to work in my kitchen without an audience or having to listen to someone's TV show droning on a few feet away. I don't want any view of my kitchen seen from the front door and I definitely don't want my fridge or dishwaser a few feet away from my couch.
  10. No, it's not. And not only is it financially stupid to spend a couple of hundred grand on a new girlfriend but it reeks of his need to impress the girlfriend and one-up Christina. Does he really think the HGTV cash-cow is going to last forever?
  11. Temecula: She was so dismissive of her husband's wishlist that I found myself feeling very sorry for him. She seems to have a great husband but treated him like a peon. Ugh.
  12. I don't think this has ever been asked before: Does anyone else find the opening music jangly and annoying? I always fast forward through it.
  13. And any house on stilts. I know why they're built on stilts but they all look the same to me.
  14. I had to laugh when Christina said the door was boring and needed a "pop of color" and then painted it ... gray.
  15. Not only that but outdoor appliances in Hawaii soon become a home to spiders, geckos, roaches and all kinds of other creepy-crawlies.
  16. The Oakland to Paris daughter was quite full of herself and the vocal affectations were silly and pretentious.
  17. I thought that too, especially in the beginning. Did anyone else notice how awkward it was to use the stove in his mother's home? The low cupboard above the stove overhung so far that she was cooking while standing to the side of the burners.
  18. Every once in awhile I get really surprise by a homeowner's choice and this was one of them. The "green area" was minuscule, the size and paving cheapened the whole look of the place and it had an air conditioner sitting there like a sore thumb. I also thought house #3 was the best choice.
  19. David is a nice looking guy and I'm not a psychiatrist so I can only speculate on why he has purposely set out to deface himself.
  20. They really were. Every parent thinks their kid is wonderful but they seemed to think their rather average kid and his every utterance was simply extraordinary.
  21. I think there's a certain amount of hate watching / curiosity viewing going on.
  22. If there are any radiators in Southern California (where I'm from) I've never seen one in person but even I have seen enough movies and TV shows to know what they are and how they work! How could she be that unaware?
  23. I'm so disappointed to see David has added even more tattoos, this time all around his neck.
  24. Poor Flinders. I haven't seen a case that bad of unrequited puppy love from a grown man in a long time. If she had been a Milk Bone dog biscuit he couldn't have been drooling more!
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