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Everything posted by lencidoll

  1. Who else wondered if Paige would become a prostitute? Or, would she try to make it to Argentina to work with Pastor Tim? I can't imagine how she'd be able to get a real job after everything.
  2. I thought Elizabeth was on the verge of telling Paige that she and Phillip were paired up but, she didn't.
  3. Uhh...,.so, what happened to Caroline and her baby? Did Sasha just disappear? How long before Thomas is head designer at Spectra and maybe Sasha models for them? These new Spectras sure are campy. New Sally makes me think on recast Phyllis on Y&R.
  4. So, I guess Aunt I's friend was returning Sabrina's baby at the end? I'm still surprised Felix or Michael didn't look around the corner and see the crib. And, that baby is too white to be the offspring of Carlos and Sabrina. Michael most likely is the daddy, by whatever convoluted explanation they make up now.
  5. Steffy's hair looks greasy. What an ugly wedding dress. It also looked like she was barefoot when she was coming down the walkway at the end.
  6. Dear Laura: 35 years ago when Scott Baldwin was a law student, he had to sit through really boring lectures. He amused himself by circling random letters in one of his textbooks!
  7. My guess on Dr. Munroe: Duke's nephew, fathered by Julian Jerome! I was watching way back when Duke and Anna first met. I could swear Duke used to meet with a nun, who turned out to be his sister! Think about it, why else would Griffin and Lucas be best buds from med school? I think Griffin reminds Anna of a young Duke. I don't think she would know who his bio father is. But, I can just hear Anna now - "Jullian's got children popping up all over the place!"
  8. Funniest line of the day, "No one wants Kiki!"
  9. I really thought Jason was about to say to Carly, "you need professional help!"
  10. Jason should move into the Q house while he gets his head together and get to know his mother again!
  11. That baby would look more believable as Valerie & Dante's.
  12. Does anyone else think Olivia's baby looks black?
  13. I was expecting Ally to head-butt Steffy out the window! Why does floating-head Darla now look like Roseanne Barr?
  14. I also appreciate being able to read ahead here. Thanks Banana! I think Jack's club soda must have been drugged with whatever Fen used on the cabin gang which is probably some form of the formula Victor stole from Ashley. As for a pesky little detail like how would a two-bit teenage drug dealer that Fen used get his hands on it, well, never mind that. I just hope we don't get Jack on trial for rape. Between Phyllis, Kelly, and Summer, all three are so crazy that its unintentionally hilarious.
  15. Who else thinks "Kobe" looks like a beefier version of Nathan and slightly Asian? He could be related to Brad and then we could find out that Nathan's real father was also Brad's never seen Asian mob boss father. Voila! A new instant family for Nathan.
  16. Wow! Two unappealing choices in Liam and Wyatt, I wish the actor playing Liam would shave off his repulsive beard. Wyatt's hair looked better after he jumped into the ocean. What's with all the hideous wedding dresses that this show uses?
  17. I don't think Levi is Coma!Baby - he'd be too young. If that were the case, he'd be Morgan's age, 19 or 20. More likely he'll be said to be Mac's from a one night stand before he left Australia. Isn't Maxie supposed to be somewhere between 25 and 30? Maxie is a hopeless dimwit! The Nina Clay stuff was funny, and thank your lucky stars that so far the actress playing her is wearing a bra! If you never watched the other show she was on, you have no idea how awful is was to see a middle-aged woman sagging and jiggling all over the place. I just wonder how many crimes will she manage to run around committing and no one will catch her?
  18. Delia did say she was helping her son John who owns Ryan's Bar. Way back when for the few years that Delia was played by another actress, Delia did have a fascination with a mob boss (Tiso Novotny), so it's not out character for her to be all "wink-wink" with Sonny. I've often wondered if IK wears a wig or hair extensions, her hair just does not look natural. Even though Sonny said Delia didn't bother him, she will. I can just see her getting involved with everyone on canvas somehow. As for Maxie, she's dumber than dirt. Now she'll be arrested and eventually barred from seeing her daughter for even longer than the additional six months. It's probably a given that Nathan has to arrest her but will she have to appear before the same judge from the visitation hearing?
  19. I just saw the news that Billy Miller and Elizabeth Hendrickson could be the Jason and Robin recasts. While I love BM and think he could do a great job as Jason, I can't stand EH. There's potential in a storyline where Jason comes back as Jason Q, finds out Sonny killed AJ and pretends to be Jason M for a little while to bring down Sonny and succeeds! I think BM would probably work well as Uncle Jason to the Michael character. As for EH as Robin - eh....if that's the case, poor Patrick, I'd rather see him become friends with Brad first!
  20. A few nights ago I saw Tony Geary on a 1990 episode of Murder, She Wrote. It was odd to see him with dark hair. One thing was obvious though, he's not a good actor. He came across as obnoxious and over-the-top in a show where he was just a guest actor. I've also seen Genie Francis in a few old Murder, She Wrote episodes, it's always nice to see her.
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