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Prevailing Wind

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Everything posted by Prevailing Wind

  1. For some reason, I associate Kahuna with Kahlua, so now I'm craving a White Russian beverage. Wasn't that what The Dude drinks? I can abide that. hahaha
  2. "They" say death. Death comes in threes. Also, little pigs. Tenors on PBS. Also...My correct answers this week. * for NASA
  3. I hate that chick in the Carvana ad that continually screams, "Say WHAAAAAT?" in a voice so high, it's about to become a sound only dogs hear. How desperate does an actress have to be to accept a job like that?
  4. Ken's a Dad. I bet he's gotten LOTS of ties as presents. And I'm sure all his show wardrobe is kept at the studio. Maybe he'll have a charity auction some day.
  5. Thank goodness it wasn't on Lake Superior, or you KNOW what song we'd be singing. LOL. When I think about CCR songs, I'm surprised I don't own any records (CDs? mp3s?) of theirs. I've always enjoyed singing along with them.
  6. I really enjoyed the dino episode and was totally surprised by who the perp was. I've been watching old Murder, She Wrote episodes and I've seen them so often, I know who the perp is as soon as they show up. It was nice to be surprised by this one. But I don't remember Todd. Have we seen him before? What did surprise me is that for such a small town, they have their own "geoscience department." I did laugh out loud when Kristen handed the coffee to Rowena, who said it was just awful & Sims said, "We're trying new beans..."
  7. Google's reading your gmail, too. I had a gmail conversation with a neighbor - he was a special needs schoolteacher and had had a particularly hard day. He said he was gonna have a big glass of bourbon. We exchanged names of our favorite bourbons. Next day, I got an "ad" for Alcoholics Anonymous. Not only are they reading, they're being judgmental. That day, I bought my own website, solely for the email access. Screw you, google. (it's $14 annually & $4 monthly - well worth it.)
  8. My Stella is a very patient girl. I don't think she would eat me. She lets me keep sleeping even when her dish is empty. When Bosco was alive, however, I had no illusions that if I died undiscovered, he'd be the first to chow down. Stella would reluctantly follow him if she got hungry enough, but Bosco would have been right there, teeth bared.
  9. No, you didn't imagine it if it's the one where she rubs it on her inner thigh.
  10. In the early evening, sometimes afternoon, I change my computer clock to reflect a time zone that's past midnight and then play tomorrow's games. It doesn't work for the Globle games, but the NYT and Wordledaily games are playable with an altered clock.
  11. I, too, being young and relatively poor at the time, fed Chester those tall cans of Kozy Kitten. I found an intact crab claw in it. At first, I was kind of freaked out, but then I thought if he's eating crab, he's eating better than *I* am. LOL
  12. Two with one asterisk. Wouldn't that make the mountain's name "Rainy-er" ?
  13. I don't recall how I found out there was a Parthenon in Nashville, but on a family vacation in the late 60s, my parents and I went there. This was way before the giant statue was erected. They had a smaller, gilded statue on a pedestal that was taller than the statue itself. Pre-internet, how did we ever find out about places to see when we went to other cities?
  14. From mythopedia.com: Centaurs were originally all male. Female Centaurs, or “Centaurides,” were probably introduced no earlier than the fifth century BCE, and even then, they were regarded as novelties.[12] Female Centaurs did sometimes appear in later art and literature: Ovid, for instance, tells of a female Centaur named Hylonome, whom he may or may not have invented.[13]
  15. A female Centaur makes no sense any way you look at it. Dove has had "+MenCare" for quite a few years - My SIL turned me on to the soap. (The green one, not the orange) It's got such a lovely scent. I now use their (pit) deodorant, too. I wouldn't doubt they'll soon have a full-body version.
  16. I've seen it. She whinnies the name Native. WHINNIES!! "Na a a a a a tive"
  17. I said Rogers Brothers solely because they made my Nana's silverplate cutlery. ETA: I used the archive for yesterday's game. I am gobsmacked that I got Toshiro Mifune.
  18. I'm not sure Mario500 understands why we're here. LOL
  19. I did listen further - Jonathan later says you can keep the insurance as long as you want to, so, I suppose, once you turn 86, they figure you're not gonna throw away all the money you sunk into it and will keep on paying nine ninety five.
  20. If you get Colonial Penn and then turn 86, are you no longer covered? Jonathan talks about being 50-85 to get their insurance.
  21. Two for me, one of which I know nothing about the category. If I had been a Friday contestant, I would have bet 0 on comic book characters, yet, whoo-hooo, I got it. I also got CT, which was an asterisk.
  22. And Hayley Mills' brother in law in the 1966 film, "The Family Way." I thought he was adorable and she probably married the wrong brother.
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