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  1. I'm glad Mr. Lewis didn't listen to his guidance counselor! I miss him and his unique comic voice.
  2. Ouch. 0/5. Another at the doughnut table 🍩 and also without the root canal excuse.
  3. Marianne Faithfull has become the latest victim of the Jeopardy! curse.
  4. I like Roy's new sign-off: "Remember, there's still two people stranded in space."
  5. DXD526


    Alex Wagner is also out, or at least, her role will be changing - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/msnbc-removes-joy-reid-alex-135733265.html
  6. 1/5. Tue only.
  7. Everyone should be aware by this point, even if they've never seen one, leopards are native to every state. This was my reaction, as well. I want to do my part. 🍦
  8. Not nearly as dated as I thought it would be. Carlin's routines are still funny, even though I've heard that stuff many times. And still mostly relevant. It was interesting that all he did was host, he wasn't in any sketches. He didn't mingle with the cast at all, so in that way, the 'host' role has really evolved. Anyone notice Carlin stumble on the way down the stairs? He seemed a bit altered 😊 Once he started with his routines, though, he was fine. He was a pro. Janis Ian was amazing. She was just mesmerizing. And At Seventeen is still scarily relevant. I also love that they just threw the craziness of Andy Kaufman out there with no explanations.
  9. 1/5. Friday was an instaget. Otherwise, nada.
  10. The Lithgow thing brings up a real dilemma. While I think Rowling is an idiot, her books have brought a lot of people a lot of joy. And Lithgow is an actor who just wants to work, and Harry Potter is a well-respected franchise. In the past few years, Lithgow has popped up on Colbert's show, doing a hilarious Rudy Ghouliani impression (most memorable for the line, when Ghouliani was making inadvertent 'calls' by sitting on his phone, "My butt is a constant source of leaks!"). His politics seem to be in the right place. He appears to be a decent guy who took a nice role in a successful franchise. Not going to judge him too harshly for that. These days, one must pick one's battles carefully, lest one be driven exhausted and crazy.
  11. There was a picture of 45 with Musk's son where he was glaring out of the corner of his eye at him. Glaring, at the little kid, who was, of course, oblivious. As he is to how much he's being used by his disgusting father. I live in the NY district which that lying see-you-next-Tuesday Stefanik represents, and am hoping for a positive result in the special election. All my friends are libtards, so the fact that someone so odious is our representative has long been a sore point. I've lived here long enough to have voted against her four times 😠 I'm forever hopeful, so I'll show up to try to turn the seat blue again.
  12. No, Howard's Robin is Robin Quivers. Thede is a talented comedian, who has had a couple of her own shows. The Rundown with Robin Thede I very much enjoyed, but it was only around for one season, unfortunately. A Black Lady Sketch Show did better, lasting four seasons. Her comedy is pretty intelligent, so I hope she does well!
  13. Did Neilesh throw a bit of a hissy fit at the end of DJ? Due to recent schedule changes, I'm sometimes rather tired by the time I can fit in watching J!, but I thought it looked like he was frustrated with himself, and walked away from his podium briefly. I assume he was upset over being unable to make the game a runaway. It was uncomfortable to watch. Makes me want Adriana to win even more. I guess Isaac and his pornstach would be ok, too.
  14. Christianity isn't really definable, though. It's whatever people who call themselves 'Christians' say it is. These days, it means this extremely regressive strain that mostly acts in predictably selfish, and hateful, ways. That's what Christian currently means. It's too bad, but it's reality.
  15. The same. Broke the drought on Monday, then went back to 'normal,' going 0-4 the rest of the week.
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