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Everything posted by BluBrd47

  1. Loved the fridge and, well…… I DID love Yo’s clothes. (Except the white jeans.) She knew how to dress in flattering colors and cuts and I would have loved to raid her closet. Whatever they send Diana just isn’t good. I realize she has some postpartum insecurities but all of her outfits seem to be baggy and poorly fitting. And she seems to be fairly short so a lot of times it looks like she is being swallowed up by all the Balanciega and logo merch.
  2. Garcelle bringing up Diana’s book again is exactly why I continue to watch this train wreck of woman. Unlike Rinna and Kyle she knows exactly what she’s doing and how to pull it off. I can’t wait to see more of her movies.
  3. Mauricio is SO cringe and try hard. “My man!” Grey hair doesn’t do him any favors. He needs to use that hair room of Kyle’s.
  4. Ok I’m clueless about fashion- from D.C. the land of Ann Taylor pantsuits- but aren’t Loubies kind of ten years ago? Mikey isn’t keeping up, you gotta pay to play.
  5. Exactly what country club does Miss Pat The Puss belong to? I realize the same country club as Sutton but I think Sutton actually IS a member. I think Tom is probably a member of this club but Erika, probably not much longer.
  6. I was the rare bird that liked Gina, I had a soft spot for her because I was quite reckless and stupid when I was young and I appreciated the way that she was trying to coparent. But now that she’s gone the way of Gretchen I’m getting all the hate. I flip flop on Tamra a lot but I’m definitely not liking her much this season, you can tell she is very judgemental of people bigger than a standard size four.
  7. <ducking> I feel bad for Caesar it took me awhile to grow up too. Hope you find a nice lady when you learn some better judgement.
  8. I agree, which is why I only merely hate Tamra and don’t live to hate her like some of the other OG’s on the franchise. 80 percent of the time she is vile but she has some redeeming qualities like being good with friends in a crisis and marrying a nice guy. Also, she seems good to the dog- sadly the bar is quite low for pet ownership among these women!!
  9. Unpopular opinion- Shane is a complete and total douche but I enjoy him. And I kind of always have. I have never “gotten” Emily very well. She has three kids, her husband can’t pull any income, and she wants a fourth at age 43 because... her daughter needs a sister?? She married her boss after a proposal on Instant Messenger, because....????” She went on RHOC because?? I feel like she fits in on the show less than GINA. Come on Emily did you seriously expect a guy who proposed to you for the hell of it to be Prince Charming? Shane HATES the show and the HoWives and it is an awesome form of trolling. I mean, he thinks his wife’s bestie’s name is Deena.
  10. Yeah that was my mistake and a dishonest one 😂. I have definitely read that Bronwyn is 41 before. Something about her face just screams middle aged to me and I don’t know why, maybe it’s just the excess filler in her lips. I am 45 and get my feelings hurt by mean girls all the time and have even shed a tear over it. But I haven’t pasted a pout on my face, flounced off from the group and made a big production for a camera when wiping my tears. There was something about Braunwyns display that seemed like she was trying to play the victim. Getting caught in a lie is really embarrassing but something tells me Braunwyn will be turning on the tears a lot this season. Also, I am all about bringing down walls and seeking intimacy in friendships but is a reality show the most authentic place to do this??
  11. He makes me laugh. (Although NOT in a good way.) I think he wanted to get his nails done with “Dina.”
  12. I know I should feel sorry for Braunwyn but I can’t. If you are in your mid forties and have seven kids and are still crying over mean girls you have too much time on your hands.
  13. Oh Darcey you are making me feel bad for loser Tom. Stop. I’m so glad I have you guys I can’t get through this second hand embarrassment alone.
  14. I had to check out these leather pants on Amazon last night! This didn’t come from Kathryn’s mouth as the “right” leggings but one of her Twitter followers posted this and I got me some. They were 26 bucks not ten but I still went for it... https://www.amazon.com/Tagoo-Stretchy-Leather-Leggings-Waisted/dp/B075SYB3NF
  15. For real, I mean if Sandy’s boat is just the way the world works, etc. I’ll start coming to work massively hungover and with tangled and unbrushed hair (blow drying is such a bitch anyway). When my boss politely asks me to do my job I’ll be as passive agressive as possible and give them a slap on the cheek if need be. Wow I had no idea life could be so easy!
  16. I do watch BH and I cringe every time Mikey comes on screen because he is so extra. But I also thought Gretchen was a lazy asshole so I’m with him on that!! Now I gotta Google what song Gretchen lip synced to to confirm because it was one of the top ten moments of shadenfreude for me on the franchise!! 😎
  17. I remember that! And more awfully I think that’s the hustle Emily was going for.
  18. BTW WHAS is my favorite movie ever. Is that the scene where Beth tells Andy to clean up the spill? Of course it was funny and so was the BD version. But even though I haven’t forgotten Joao’s antics last season I was totally team JWOW on this one!
  19. At your job would someone be allowed to accept a promotion, flake out and be rude to customers and coworkers when she didn’t excel- when responding to what she would be serving at the next meal, Anastasia shortly told the charter guests “a kick in the ass”- and then somehow magically get her old job back because she “just couldn’t deal and was having anxiety?” It’s important to know that Anastasia is just as “classically beautiful” as June is if not more so. It seems like a lot of exceptions were made for her as well. I’m not sitting here trying to paint June as employee of the year, I just think Ana should have gone instead of her. And leaving a pan unattended on a hot stove in the galley is a safety hazard as well. Even in your own home you learn not to do that by middle school.
  20. I totally thought of that! But it was actually kind of cute and retro. I feel like whatever Emily wanted to pull was like a full on striptease at a Vegas club. But I’m not sure!
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