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Everything posted by WinJet0819

  1. I just wonder why is it so imperative that Conrad have a new love interest by the end of the season. Yes, in the show's timeline, it will be over 3 years later. But to viewers, we would have only just said good-bye to Nic early in this season. Why the rush to pair him with somebody new? It couldn't wait until the middle of next season? There's a lot of things that can be explored about him being a single dad, which wouldn't involve him constantly grieving for Nic.
  2. Something tells me it had an impact on his and Kit's relationship, as the promo shows that they are no longer together 3 years down the road. He probably came clean about it to Kit, which put her in a very tough position since she's a CEO and the subordinate she's dating admitted to killing a patient due to negligence. Though, really, I don't mind if Kit and Bell break up, because she would always be at risk of these situations where it's execute her duties as CEO or protect her lover. Something we constantly see on the Good Doctor with Lim when she's dating subordinates.
  3. Taylor Kinney is a safe bet to have a permanent injury. He's only one to have done as many, if not more, physically demanding scenes than Jesse. Especially, since Squad has to do the more extreme rescues. And out of David Eigenberg, Joe Minoso, and Christian Stolte, one of them probably has a permanent injury, too. More than likely Minoso.
  4. Exactly this. This is why I don't buy into actors only leaving if they have another job lined up. We've repeatedly seen that is not always the case. Jesse being a prime example. If your character is being reduced to a secondary character without any meaningful storylines outside of romance, then it probably is time to move on. There's no longer a challenge to get better as an actor within the show. And to challenge yourself, you need to see what other roles are out there that can push you to become better. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure Kara Killmer will be just fine financially if she took a year off from acting and went to Hollywood to audition for some tougher roles.
  5. This is why it wouldn't surprise me if there's a domino effect over the next few years and a couple of others choose to leave citing these reasons. No show is worth having permanent injuries, no matter how well it's doing. And Jesse stated he wanted to focus on family, which means he's probably looking to add to his family with his new wife, who is now done with her PhD program. And he wants to be physically capable to play with his kids, should he have any. Outside of guest appearances, I can't see him coming back to the show on a full-time basis. Besides the wedding, it wouldn't surprise me if the next time we see him, it will be the series finale.
  6. Confirms my suspicions. If they had known last season that Jesse was planning to leave, I don't believe they push the Brettsey stuff so hard, if at all. And I am glad that Jesse gets to be free. There was nothing much more for his character to do, and he really was being wasted. 10 years, on probably one of the most physically demanding of all Dick Wolf shows, had to be taking its toll.
  7. It may have just been the camera angle of the door, but one thing I noticed is that it seemed May didn't follow one of her mother's rules about what kind of apartment to get. When May opened the door, it looked like her apartment was on the first floor. And I recall Athena explicitly saying no first floor apartments when she gave May her blessing to move out.
  8. Ugh!!! This show needs put the kabosh on pushing all this romantic drama. All it does is take over episodes and seasons. And Brett going from a captain to a chief. How about focusing on accuracy with first responders and having Brett find a relationship with somebody OUTSIDE of the workplace, for a change? A number of the male characters have relationships outside the workplace, but all the women constantly keep having relationships within the workplace. Edit: According to Deadline, Haas did say that Matt and Sylvie will remain together with long-distance relationship. I'll be curious to see how long that lasts, but it should mean we don't have to suffer through seeing Brett jump into a relationship with the new chief. At least, for now.
  9. We already know who's going to get the new Lieutenant role on truck if Casey leaves. Definitely will not be an outsider. I cringe at the thought of that workplace dynamic should it happen like we think it will.
  10. I believe Bell is just an attending now. He lost his roles as CEO and Chief of Surgery thanks to Cain and Red Rock.
  11. Jesse's been on the show for 10 seasons, now. He could very well just want to move on. Chicago Fire is a great gig, but he may be looking for a new challenge. Not to mention, this show is physically demanding, and he's 10 years older than he was when he first started. And considering what we've to start this fall TV season, with the likes of Mark Harmon and Emily VanCamp choosing to walk away, it wouldn't be a shock for Jesse to be added to the list. And considering how much the Brettsey stuff was dragged out over the past season, I'm sure the writers panned for their relationship to go on for a while. So if he indeed has chosen to leave, he must have made the decision just prior to this season. I don't think Brett will go with him, either. But we also must keep in mind that these writers have a penchant for creating all this supposed drama, and it winds up being nothing. Remember, the writers constantly want feel-good moments, so they very easily could make it that the boys move with him to Chicago.
  12. Unbelievable. This show is going to devolve into being unwatchable with this crap happening. Same with SEAL Team. Christina, the only female member of the SWAT team, being relegated to this. Shame.
  13. I actually do think Morris Chestnust was planning to leave after Season 3, but due to the pandemic, he wound up staying for an extra season to close out his storyline. This type of thing bugs me on all the medical shows these days. The only options to do any surgery or procedure or test are the main characters. And if nobody's available, the whole hospital falls apart. I don't know why shows don't invest in having recurring surgeons and physicians that can help when needed. In a big hospital like Chastain, Billy Sutton, who is still on a probationary status, is the only available neurosurgeon. No other ones in the entire hospital. And Devon is the only physician available to test Nic's brain function? They make it seem like Conrad, Devon, and Irving are the only available physicians in the hospital. Not to mention, to your point, no neurologists available, which is something all hospitals should have. I know they want to focus on main characters, but hospitals are bigger than just 5-6 doctors.
  14. Very sad episode, but a great sendoff for Nic. Couldn't have been done any better. And with the announcement of her leaving, you had to know there was only one way her character was going to exit the show. There is no universe where she's alive, and not with Conrad and Gigi. And there is no recasting Nic. Maybe after a show's first season, if the actor/actress isn't well received, or if it's a child character that's aging, a show can get away with recasting a main character. But not after 4 seasons. Emily is Nic. Emily and Matt had 4 years to build that chemistry. A new actress will be put in virtually a no-win scenario. Having to instantly do heavy scenes with Conrad, with no chemistry whatsoever with the actor. Not to mention, getting a new actress would turn off viewers who only consider Emily VanCamp to be the true Nic. It sucks she's gone, but the show will not fall apart just because the character is no longer there. Conrad & Nic were a big part of the show, but not the only part. I do feel bad for Kyle, as he's lost both his daughters. And while it is understandable that he's grieving, he needs to lay off Conrad. He's not choosing not to save her like he does everyone else. Kyle should know that Conrad would give up his life in an instant, if it would save Nic. He, as a doctor, knew there was nothing more that can be done for her, as she is brain dead. And he's respecting her wishes of not wanting to be kept alive on a machine.
  15. Which is why I wonder why Taylor Kinney decided to renew his contract? He could have been free, just like Monica Raymund, and possibly be the lead in his own show.
  16. The thing is, 9-1-1 is not one of those shows. 9-1-1 isn't built around Athena. It's built around the first responders of the LAPD and LAFD, in which Athena is one of the first responders. Similar to how Third Watch was done. The strength is in the ensemble cast. So seeing Athena constantly going rogue, gets kind of annoying. The show wasn't called 911: Athena.
  17. There's a lot on this show that just plain annoys me. But the fact the writers and show runner can't even be bothered to fact check the history of their own damn show is just inexplicable. There is no excuse. Like I said last year, they must think viewers from the early seasons aren't going to pay attention to these little details, but we do, and it gets more and more frustrating that these inaccuracies even make the final cut. This is just further proof that the writers and the show runner don't care about being accurate. They want to make this show a cheesy feel-good story, and damn Griffin's age discrepancy. Ugh.
  18. Totally agree about the big event arcs. They can't seem to end fast enough. At least in the other event arcs, there are different emergencies portrayed to showcase the scope of the event. For the blackout, the focus just seemed to be mainly on Athena. I prefer the theme-driven and concept-driven episodes. And bungled is a good word to describe what the show did to Eddie and Ana's relationship. Though, I will say, looking at Gabrielle Walsh's IMDb profile, she looks to be pretty busy. She may have let the show-runner know that she can't be on the show long-term. I'm also wondering where was Albert, who's supposed to be probie. There has not been one mention of him in the first 3 episodes. And it seems this show is allergic to killing off any characters that aren't bad. Even Lone Star killed off a paramedic and the husband of another character. Ransone survives for 5 days with his throat cut? Hard to believe. Last year, Albert barely survives his harrowing crash. Eddie almost dies from being shot. I'm not saying their needs to be a death every season, but this is a show about first responders facing danger every day. This seems to be the show of close-calls.
  19. This episode was over the top, IMO. The strength of this show has been its ensemble, and the last 2 episodes have been all about Athena, warrior princess. They're all searching for clues to where Harry could be and know that Hudson is using Ransone's car, gun, and badge. Did they not think to maybe try to track the movement's of Ransone's car, as most every police vehicle would have GPS? Unless the system is somehow down due to the power outage. And again, Bobby and Athena's "love" just seems so forced. Different season, same lack of emotion between them. I do also think Athena needs to be knocked down a peg. She always seems to run headfirst into danger and is singularly focused. Hudson brought up a great point. When she found out he was still free, she never gave her family a heads-up, as she was so focused on catching him, and never took a step back to realize she also could be a target. Michael doesn't have the party if Athena had told him the situation right away. And I think Eddie has some issues relating to getting shot last season. He's having panic attacks simply due to Ana. What exactly was she doing wrong? Was she sleeping around? Nope. Did she not like kids? She adores Christopher. Is she too high strung? Not from what we've seen. Eddie was worried about loving someone else after his estranged wife died, and Bobby helped alleviate those fear, and he took the leap with Ana. And now he's getting panic attacks from her. Definitely something deeper. I definitely would like to see Eddie and Buck develop lasting relationships outside of the firehouse. The jury is still out on Buck's reporter GF, but we'll see. I kind of got a feeling something was coming for Maddie after she dozed off for a second and almost let her baby drown. Depression is no joke for anyone, and I can only imagine how post-partum depression feels for newborn mothers. Gotta feel for Chim. He just can't seem to catch a break. Gets stabbed by Maddie's abusive husband. His brother almost dies to day his child is born. And now Maddie has left him with the baby because she feels Ji isn't safe with her.
  20. That's the authentic route, but we all know how the show runner and writers feel about authenticity.
  21. True, but remember, he's the one that has encouraged some of his NBC shows to crossover with the CBS shows. And most decisions should still run through him, so he should know. And at the very least, he should notice how much different the Chicago shows have become compared to his other shows. SVU isn't about feel-good stories. The FBI series aren't trying to push relationships, and sacrificing authenticity. It's only with the Chicago shows that the quality has devolved into a soap opera type atmosphere. Even his former shows, like Homicide: Life on the Street & NY Undercover weren't this bad.
  22. That's why these cliffhangers are basically meaningless. If you're going to have cliffhanger, make it count. Last season's cliffhanger and the one at the end of Season 5 ,I believe, would have meant much more had somebody bought it. But the writers continue to just be content with making this a feel good show, and just have drama for the sake of drama with no consequences on the story. I'm sure Cruz nearly dying will be forgotten about by the third episode. And it can't be hoped that Gallo and Violet will grow up because the writers won't allow it. Their childish banter stopped being funny a long time ago. But sticking with the feel good theme, they can't act like adults.
  23. They will screw it up. It's inevitable. Chris will devolve from a self-assured, confident kick-butt woman in the male-dominated SWAT unit to constantly needing Jim for reassurance. Not to mention, PDAs at work and other cringe-worthy stuff that will detract from main focus of the show. Look at what's become of Stella Kidd on Chicago Fire or Hailey Upton on Chicago PD. Stella was on the verge of not taking her lieutenant's exam because her firefighter boyfriend was giving her the silent treatment. Upton spurned an FBI job offer just so she could stay with her partner who she loved. The females always seem to come out weak in these situations. This comment needs to be engraved in all TV studios.
  24. And with this being a Dick Wolf show, it's especially jarring. It's sad that he's let his Chicago franchises devolve into this.
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