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Everything posted by WinJet0819

  1. Note to writers: No more storylines involving someone having a personal vendetta against 51. It's tired. Having a Deputy Commissioner who is no more than a glorified paper-pusher being incident commander just to flex his authority over Boden is a disgrace to the Chicago Fire Department that this show is supposed to be representing. Yeah, this is a TV show, but get real. Having someone inexperienced in all things firefighting being incident commander is beyond stupid. It's dangerous. There is no way in hell that happens in a real fire department. Just like when Chief Anderson decided to reassign everybody to different firehouses to get back at Boden for overruling him on a call. Just stupid pettiness. And Naomi is nothing like Dawson, and the writers shouldn't try to make her out to be. She and Matt can be good together if they the writers give them a chance. And, with her not being in the firehouse, it means that most of their relationship will be offscreen, ala Boden and his wife Donna, and Hermann and his wife.
  2. I'll be happy when they move on from the repeat "Come after Firehouse 51" storyline. This is the fourth or fifth time that someone has been gunning for 51. Newsflash to writers: this is getting old. What's it going to be next year? The mayor of Chicago is going to be gunning for 51. There's so much more that can be focused on. Firefighters deal with politics, but not on a yearly basis like it seems with this show. Focus on the fires. Focus on the ensemble cast.
  3. Exactly. Over the past few seasons, he has repeatedly pushed the envelope and got out clean. He's been flirting between on the edge and out of control ever since Justin died.
  4. Exactly. It's like HIPAA is given lip service on this show. There's no excuse for violating it, even if she is worried about Owen and Amelia. It's a Maggie problem. Owen and Amelia are grown-ups, and they can deal with it when, and if, Teddy tells them about the baby. It's not Maggie's place to blab that information. Yep, this might bring the show a dose of welcome reality, to show that rules do matter. My only wonder is if Alex will be conflicted, since "invented" a trauma to a kid could have surgery to remove a bleb that was a pre-existing condition.
  5. This isn't a trivial spilling of beans. This was confidential patient information that she blabbed about. That's a serious violation. And on this show, it seems everybody can skate on serious violations without any repercussions. You can cut LVAD wires or tamper with clinical trials and still keep your job. And it's kind of old when nobody is can get in trouble for these types of violations. Even Webber keeping his job after working on a patient while drunk and knicking the bile duct.
  6. It doesn't matter if she feels conflicted about it. Teddy saw her and gave her information in confidence, protected under HIPAA. You're basically victim blaming Teddy for providing information about her pregnancy, that she should feel free to give to her doctor, in confidence, and not expect them to blab about it. Yeah, doctors are human, but they are held to a higher standard when it comes to protecting patient confidentiality. Disclosing any patient information is a fireable offense. And Teddy never told Maggie it was Owen's. She just said she was so and so weeks pregnant and Maggie recalled Owen went to Germany around the same time and pieced it together. Maggie worrying about Owen and Amelia is commendable. Doesn't excuse violating HIPAA because she's so worried. It's HER problem she can't deal with it. But it's not information that she should be sharing.
  7. Maggie is such a headcase. Trivial news is too heavy for her to handle and she freaking obsesses about it. We saw it with her mother when she overreacted to her mother simply coming out to visit her before she found out she had cancer. We saw it when she was banging DeLuca, and acted like high school girl obsessing over why he was avoiding her. But breaking HIPAA takes the cake. Because Owen and Amelia are happy again, she can't stop obsessing over Teddy's pregnancy and what it will do to Owen and Amelia, and breaks her oath. IT WAS NONE OF HER BUSINESS. Grow the hell up and respect the confidentiality of your patient. Owen and Amelia are grown ups, and they should be able to handle the news when it comes, from Teddy. There is absolutely no excuse and in any real hospital, she would be fired. And of course, because she told Meredith, nothing will happen to her, which is the Grey's way. Like cutting LVADs or sabotaging clinical trials. Meredith will sweep it under the rug because, of course, it's her sister. And now she knows confidential information about Teddy. Really, who did she help by violating HIPAA and disclosing Teddy's confidential information to Meredith? Definitely not Teddy. Definitely not Owen or Amelia. Pretty much to make herself feel better because keeping that information private is just too hard for her to handle. I would love to see Teddy just straight up deck or slap her once she finds out about this.
  8. Well, it seems, with the exception of Otis, these firefighters make fast recoveries. Remember how fast Hermann came back after being stabbed? Or Casey's recovery from his head injury?
  9. I would say it wouldn't be so bad if some of the characters found love outside of the firehouse, like most real firefighters do. This is why I really hated the whole Dawsey relationship and wish Hallie wasn't killed off. That's why I hope Joe and Chloe build something together going forward, instead of him going for in-house Sylvie. As well as keep Lily in the mix for Otis. I hope the show hasn't just disregarded that relationship. And the beauty of those types of relationships is that, most of the time, they can be off-screen.
  10. I could not agree more. Is it really so bad for the men and women to have platonic relationships? Jay and Hailey did a really good job of this and I never felt they were going to become sexually involved. This show is good enough to not need the in-house relationship drama. And you just know if there's a hairy call and Hailey or Adam are in trouble, their common sense thinking and their police training is going to go out the window, and they'll be willing to do whatever it takes to save one another. And that's not how a real unit in any police department works. They're able to find love outside of their team. Why can't that be depicted on this show. Not to mention, besides this cheapening Hailey, it really makes Adam seem sleazy. He's the lowest-ranking officer in the unit, and he's already slept around with two of the women in the unit. That's not a good look.
  11. Technically, we don't know what Bekker and Connor are, other than work colleagues. They had one night together and that was quickly snuffed out. If they're going to be together, then get on with it and stop the dance. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time of will they or won't they. I can't imagine Connor possibly taking a job at Mayo would force Ava to tears, with how competitive she is. She's probably in love with him.
  12. I totally agree about the in-house relationships. I know this is TV, but they're portraying the CFD. And there is no way in hell any real-life fire chief would ever allow a couple to be stationed at the same house, let alone 3. It looks like Brett put Cruz in the friend zone. I'm hoping they stop trying to push them together and just let Brett and Antonio be together. With them being on different shows, we won't have to worry about in-house relationship drama. I don't know what the writers' deal is, but stop finding ways to keep them apart. They're good for each other. And it's not a bad thing that the writers finally showed some originality and changed up the ending. Instead of a burning building cliffhanger, we have some drama and politics that will bleed into next year. I hope Boden exposes Grissom for falsifying his reports. He has proof. Now, he just has to use it.
  13. So happy Matt finally grew a pair before at the end and pushed back against Gabby. This was the first time. And of course Gabby goes about acting betrayed and hurt when Matt finally decides NOT to go along with her decision. Monica Raymund is a nice actress, but I won't miss her character. It's time for Matt to stand on his own again.
  14. I was so glad when Matt, finally, pushed back against what Gabby wanted. He showed some balls and pointed out to Gabby what we as viewers have been pointing out for years. Gabby didn't care about Matt's opinion when he didn't want to adopt Louie. She didn't even ask him about Bria. She pushed him into being an alderman. But Matt pushes back against what Gabby wants, and now she feels betrayed. Can't have it both ways. Matt deserves to be single and free. The past four seasons have been wasted because he's been shackled to Gabby and always cow-towing to all her wants and needs.
  15. Not surprised, and it's consistent with the comments he made a few years ago when he wished Casey would have some balls.
  16. Frankly, I never understood why Sylvie decided they shouldn't be together anyway. This whole "we hurt each other" stuff makes no sense. When they broke up last year, it was due to the fact that Antonio's absent ex-wife had a problem with Sylvie spending time with their son and getting to know him. Antonio simply didn't want Brett dragged into his crazy ex-wife's drama and felt they weren't ready. Neither of them hurt the other. So Sylvie saying that they hurt each other as the reason they couldn't work was just stupid. If he makes you happy, and you make him happy, just go for it. Otherwise, this was a huge and inaccurate waste of time by the writers. They tease putting them back together, only to have it last 2 episodes? What kind of thinking is that? Other characters besides Dawson and Casey should be able to have relationships. And Brett and Dawson would work as their relationship wouldn't be thrown in our face, as both are on different shows.
  17. That's what made this show so good in the first season and half. The show had an ensemble cast where EVERYBODY got decent storylines and not one character dominated everything. Now, it's Gabby this and Gabby that. And Matt is just a plain pushover for her. Any power he had went away when he married her. She gets what she wants when she wants, and he's always bending over backwards to make sure she gets it. Gabby tells Matt, not asks, that Bria should stay with us tonight. Gabby has Matt rotate Kidd to cover on the ambulance all so she can go to Joliet to try to find Bria. Never mind the Truck will be down a firefighter. Her character is just so damn suffocating and she's sucking the life right out of the show. None of the other Chicago shows have a single character dominating all the storylines. Only Fire.
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