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Everything posted by Liddy52

  1. I would hate to know that the only thing someone had to comment about me was that I had cleaned their bathroom! And she didn't even say anything complimentary about how well they did it. And Debi claims to love both the families! Couldn't she have at least used some of the "fundy speak" like they have a heart for Jesus or they are sweet natured, loving, kind............something, anything better than " you cleaned my bathroom" . The bathroom of all rooms!!!
  2. Question because I haven't been able to watch complete episodes the past few days, just bits and pieces: Does Carly know for sure that Nina is Willow's mother? Or just that Harmony is not Willow's mother?
  3. The picture on the left appears to have been made during a prayer. It completely blows my mind that she continually takes pictures during prayers. It is completely the opposite of what behavior during prayer is supposed to be. And she holds herself up as a model for others!
  4. For those of you who haven't suffered enough today, JillR has a clip of her 4 boys singing on Facebook. Tim seemed particularly awful, completely off key.
  5. Thank you for interpreting that. I honestly thought she said, " I can cut up garlic for you" and I couldn't figure out why she would offer to cut up garlic.
  6. He should be so lucky!! Best thing that could happen to him!
  7. To be honest, when I was re-reading it, I did too! And I wrote it! I had to stop and think for a minute about what I had tried to say. I sincerely hope she is not crowning (from the rooftops or anywhere else) ever again.
  8. Or, she just didn't give full disclosure! Now, don't get me wrong, I feel that if she knew that she and Nurie were both pregnant she would be crowing from the rooftops. We would have non-stop updates with grinning pictures..Therefore, I doubt she is/was. However, we must always acknowledge that total honesty is not Jill's forte and we can't take anything at face value.
  9. That is actually one of the better pictures I have seen Gwendlyn post of herself recently.
  10. Can someone explain to me what the evidence was that the forensic lab sent to Jordan that was so incriminating against Trina. I evidently wasn't paying close enough attention and missed out on that part. I was wondering if it might somehow disappear or something with rookie cop handling it. Especially since he seems to sympathize with Trina.
  11. Usually the cards are just available in the pews. No one is required to fill one out, at least in the churches I have attended. I have never seen anyone bothered or pressured. I attend a very small Presbyterian church in the South. I do Usually speak to visitors, saying something like, "We are glad you could be with us today." It is not an attempt to badger them but to make them feel welcome. I imagine Jill probably is a lot more aggressive in her approach.
  12. Sometimes when people are new to a community, they visit several churches to determine which church they feel most comfortable in and which they might like to join. Some churches have cards in the pews that visitors can fill out if they are interested in having someone from the church call or visit them. Then either the pastor or a few members will visit or call. Depending on the church, some will use a " hard sell" approach to convince the person to come back to their church. Other churches will just offer them a welcome and whatever support they need. So it is not really an effort to convert those who have filled out the cards, but more just to either persuade, convince, welcome or browbeat those who have expressed an interest into joining that church. Some churches do also do " cold calls" on unsuspecting people whose Aunt Sally brought up their name during prayer meeting as being in need of being saved from their sinful ways. Those may well be the kind of visits Jill is doing.
  13. Visitation is used to refer to the time scheduled to greet the family and pay respect to the deceased here in my neck of the woods. But it is also used to refer to church members visiting prospective members, members who have not been attending services for whatever reason and members who are "shut-ins" or have been ill. (Shut-ins are those who are unable due to illness/ age to leave their homes very often. I don't know if that term is used in other areas.) I assumed Jill was visiting people's homes on behalf of her church and "witnessing" or " sharing her testimony " with them. (That would be evangelizing)
  14. 4 OK, so now we know the Lord is named Daniel ( from a post a year or more ago) and visitation is named Felicia! Bye Felicia!
  15. Yes, Alyssa definitely personifies ugly personality. I did watch long enough to be happy for Chris when he chose to end that travesty of a "marriage". Thanks for replying.
  16. @Mindthinkr, I happened to see a couple of episodes of Married at First Sight recently when TLC was running some back to back. So I went to their forum here on Primetimer, and I think I saw comments from you. I was curious if you thought Alyssa looked a little like Lauren Duggar, Josiah's wife? If you weren't the on that thread, I apologize! There was one name I recognized from this forum. I haven't watched many of the episodes because I just really couldn't get that interested in any of the participants.
  17. Thanks @Westiepeach. I am ashamed to admit that I was just coming here to post the same information, minus the pictures because I am not that tech savvy. I really thought she was repeating the Seasons theme.
  18. I agree that the decorations are more holiday themed than season themed. I thought she had used the "Seasons" theme for the retreat last year???? Maybe not. Maybe they just all refer to "seasons of life" so much that I have it confused.
  19. The music in the background made it difficult to follow and understand what was being said by the gentleman. It was also an odd choice of music to accompany such a video, in my opinion.
  20. I agree, I think time served is usually factored in. Even though many of us would like to see Josh out of the picture for as long as possible, I think the court should and will follow the same guidelines that would apply to anyone else.
  21. @sixlets, I hope your next encounter with your cardiologist is a more positive one. I learned something from your post; I had never heard of a tilt table test and looked it up. I hope it gives you some answers.
  22. So, Jill sees things on the internet that she finds "sinful" and she yells at innocent children about it. No wonder they all are so quick to perform for the camera whenever Jill points it at them. If they have to endure a screaming tirade over the sins of people they don't know, what happens when they themselves do something BME disapproves of? It must be a difficult and exhausting existence.
  23. What we need now is the sequel, : Un-Becoming Sister Wives.
  24. @thehorseofpower, in my younger years, I had surgery several times to remove fibroadenomas. Now that I am older, they tell me that since my breasts are less dense it is easier to diagnose the fibroadenomas without doing biopsies. At any rate, as of now, (my next mammogram is Tuesday) I have never had any malignancies. I truly count my blessings! To me the technology for mammograms has improved SO much over the past 30 years.
  25. I wish I could like this more than once! As you said it was a plot point to remind us of the stupid envelope which I had indeed forgotten about! But talk about overkill! Good grief!!!
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