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Everything posted by isalicat

  1. Oh so sorry for your losses, Box305 - I've had to say goodbye to a number of precious "furs" over the years and it is always so wrenching - nothing you get over easily so do be kind to yourself in every way.
  2. YAY! Can't get enough of that damn fine coffee! Looking forward to this very much!
  3. Great season premier and I so missed Bear's tweets over the summer. Good dog!
  4. So, Ian Hart was the guy with the vendetta against Marco (the whole death of the son arc) in the first season, was killed in jail a few weeks ago, and now he is a CIA agent (an entirely different person, obviously)? Someone in charge of casting loves this guy (well he is a great actor). He is also on Boardwalk Empire right now being evul. And I just saw him as Beethoven in a 2003 BBC film of the first performance of the Eroica Symphony (absolutely excellent for all you classical music fans out there). When he appeared next to Adam Arkin it was such a strange confluence of stuff I watch (including Sons of Anarchy, of course). And more on topic, I did love this episode although like many here I'm not quite sure what Marco is intending to do with Fausto ultimately - they have such a familial bond going...
  5. and a replay of old school (but not modern) OLTL Vicki....although there is no real parallel to Vicki on GH as Monica is invisible, Tracy without gravitas and Alexis, while a wonderful, adorable real woman and apparently a very professional lawyer to boot seems to be written without any momentum....she reacts as opposed to motivating any plot development. Since I have only watched GH since OLTL's demise, I am certainly open to correction on this point.. in other words, on OLTL Vicki and Dorian were plot instigators...here I don't see anything of the sort. Ava reacts, Monica reacts. Tracy reacts, etc. etc. Luke, etc. instigate. Whats up with that and any idea of if it will change anytime soon?
  6. where is Carrrrrrrrrrrlossss? Can we go on strike? No Sabrina without Carlos, right? On another note, does anyone have any spoilers as to Victor's next appearance?
  7. Very excited to see this show! I made it through the first 5 of the books (well, I read really quickly so that is a big advantage - they are very long) and the historical setting is the best! The casting looks really good too. Yay for Starz!
  8. Do we know when Sabrina returns? Not that I am looking forward to that...but if as someone else here posted that means Carrrrrrrrlos is coming back too, bring her on! I miss Johnny Z the most of any character that has exited stage left for plot purposes, but at least let us have some more Carlos!
  9. I loved Pacific Rim and was ready for The Strain when I heard it involved vampires...but the pilot for this series killed any interest I might have in seeing more. So, so dumb. It takes me a day or so to get to some programs so everyone has already posted quite usefully all the criticisms I have. One more: a day after seeing the program I can barely remember it (no, I'm not that old :)...not a single memorable character other than the hobbit and the old crazy guy (what an exhausted trope!). oh wells...
  10. Let me join in the old movie appreciation chorus! Besides the Thin Man series, we adore the Marx Brothers movies in this house. When my son was old enough (I think we decided that about 8 years old was ideal) we started showing him the Marx Brothers - and from the very first one, he literally fell off the couch he was laughing so hard!
  11. This episode was not shown where I am (central coastal California) as far as I can tell - anyone know if there was a pre-emption or if it will be repeated? I traveled to Lyon some years ago and was really looking forward to this one....
  12. Greetings! Another TWOPer who was entirely in lurk mode there and so glad to join you all here. GH without snark is not for me! As to this purported wedding of Ava and Sonny (ugh) - where is Olivia in all this? She would have to be told explicitly that Sonny shot AJ and only by marrying Ava would he be protected from prosecution and she is going to buy into all this? The level of shrieking we could expect would be breathtaking. Nah - I don't think its going to happen... I watch the show these days mostly for Brik (no Niz please!) as it were and Juliexis. So glad not to see Sabrina, Patrick or Felix recently - I don't like any of those characters much. Preferred the previous Lulu and enjoy tremendously Dr. O in all her nefarious machinations.
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