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Everything posted by tinnefoil

  1. They put him into a board room and then promptly never did it again. One cool visual does not equal an actualyl good story. This is no different than when they made him boss of CatCo in season 2 and for one whole episode he actually got to act like it and admonish Snapper for being mean to Kara. After which the writers also promptly forgot about it again. Does that mean that he was well used in season 2 just because he got to be boss-like for one episode? J'onn not being allowed to fight is just as much of an issue in season 2 as it was in season 3. The storyline about J'onn meeting M'gann, finding out she's a white Martian and eventually forgiving her has gotten way more consistent screentime than the father storyline had and it had plenty of depth with the flashbacks to his family and him having to get over his hatred. The father had one episode dedicated to this plot and after that J'onn promptly forgets that his father who he thought was dead, the one other GREEN Martian, the man who was a prisoner or war and tortured for centuries is back. He was introduced in 3 and he wasn't mentioned again in 7 where he discovered coffee, toilets and they got an apartment. After which he promptly disappeared again probably for at least another 5 episodes. This is not a reconnecting storyline. This is every few episodes when the writers are really bored maybe they have a scene of it. So much for the promises by the writers of J'onn being part of the theme about identity and alien versus human. He was the A Plot in City of Lost Children, the episode where he had like double the screentime of Kara. (the one with the telepathic alien and her kid)
  2. He barely had any screentime since he returned? Especially not compared to last season? The only episode he had significant screentime in so far was the episode he returned in. https://supergirlstats.tumblr.com/ Compare that to Brainaic who cheerfully got more screentime than Kara in his very first episode.
  3. 1.) that's a lot of shoes 2.) Actors are so weird and dorky in real life
  4. That's pretty much how I remember it. Left of the red line there is the peak of the line. The dots below 2 million were the three "solo episodes" (Lena episode, Alex/Maggie episode James episode and the first part of the finale). The peak ebfore that was the "small" finale of Kara saving Mon-El from the Daxamite ship. And there was a hiatus between this episode and the "solo episodes": The minor peak for the Legion of Superheroes episode is really impressive. Especially since the winter finale where Reign beats Kara to a pulp is so much lower. I'm definitely curious how the ratings will develop after this especially if people realize that the Legion doesn't seem to play much of a role in the plot. Particularly Brainiac 5 who tends to be a fan favorite appears to be pretty absent based on shooting reports.
  5. http://ew.com/tv/2018/01/25/spoiler-room-flash-once-upon-time-brooklyn/
  6. Thanks, I was a bit confused a bit initially with the number placements. I think comparing ratings will be super strange this season with Supergirl's odd hiatus which will lead it to air during times/months where none of the other shows normally air. I'm also beyond curious how Legends will do in Supergirl's exact spot because that is just about the most direct comparison we can have of popularity.
  7. This means that SG didn't gain from s2 to s3, it just gained between s3 premiere and s3 current episode. Personally I think Supergirl's season 2 premiere was a big aberration. For one of course it dropped enormously because of it being on a different network and it was pretty clear from the ratings that many people tuned in only to see Superman because those ratings were gone instantly after his two episodes. From what I remember most of season 2 was low to mid 2 million, and dropped below 2 million for the last batch of episodes before the finale. Season 3 has had most episodes below 2 million and only occasional dips above.
  8. This meme really needs to die. This is just repeating the false promises of the writers that never actually materialized in s substantial way on screen. J'onn and Winn and James are used terribly. And the ratings are actually higher now than in those early episodes where James was at CatCo (that is the message here, that the ratings actually went UP from those early episodes). The writing for the old supporting characters is horrible this season. Lena constantly disappears for episodes, James/Lena was terribly written, she does nothing at CatCo except constantly be in danger. The Sam/Lena/Kara friendship is a total joke. Kara's main plot is just the same thing over and over again, moving at a snails pace. Alex is used more, but almost everybody hates that she is gonna be stuck with Ruby. The only thing that halfway works is the action plot aspect of Reign.
  9. Yeah, I definitely noticed that in an episode that was all about going the extra mile in believing that Reign can be saved we probably had a huge death toll. To be honest, in season 1 I assumed that the prison was mostly abandoned, that almost everyody had escaped. And now there's still dozens of people living on it? And Kara shot them into space to slowly run them out of energy and probably eventually die of starvation? And now the rest of them fall into the star? Even if the prisoners hadn't died of starvation, the alternative would have been to crash on a planet and cause havoc there. I don't think the writers really thought that thruogh considering the message of the episode.
  10. My money is still on Sam dying a hero by killing/sacrificing herself and Reign in the process. Just like Livewire died as a hero. Kind of like, nobody can defeat Reign, only Reign (Sam) can defeat herself.
  11. Just means that Iris is a nicer person than Candice. And for the record, I think privately grumbling about the wedding but not actually letting it out on other people/in public is still handling it with grace by my definition.
  12. She clearly said it in the context of this situation => Iris didn't care about the specifics of the wedding, only about getting married to Barry; not that Iris in generally only cares about getting married to Barry. So Ava has been upgraded to sort of girlfriend?
  13. You didn't. It just seems like a natural development that if you start bringing on new characters, maybe there is less time for other characters. To me this problem with characters not being well used (J'onn/M'yrnn and Winn in particular) was already there in the beginning of the season. I think the only stories being treated with consistency this season are Alex, Kara and Sam/Reign. This doesn't necessarily mean that those stories are necessarily good, but those are the stories that progress most of the time and are featured with regularity. But to me that doesn't matter that the show would be better off if those were the only three characters. Supergirl is not and has never been like Legends, which has a sort of cross polleniating cast. Supergirl is more lead characters versus supporting characters. You still need supporting characters (like Ruby for Sam, J'onn for the DEO, even Mon-El I'd argue is more an object in Kara's story so far) or else the main characters don't have a ton of people to talk to.
  14. That looks slightly lower than last week, but still pretty good, right? David Harewood (Martian Manhunter from Supergirl) is such a fanboy. That or he has show envy over Black Lightning.
  15. Two women pairing up is not much of a teamup. Kara has teamed up with women before. (not to mention Alex+Maggie) To me that doesn't make much sense. She's still a pretty good big bad. Why would you care for her less just because they added stuff on top of that? Is it really that different from Damian Darkh and his daughter? Or Merelyn and his daughter? Villains having a daughter as their is weakness is hardly unusual. Which is probably why you don't watch it ;) I don't find this structure that unusual. It's not like Joe or Iris or Caitlyn are super well used in every Flash episode. (though I do agree that this season is particularly bad in regards to characters just missing episodes without any reason for it and many storylines feeling choppy as a result (what happened to J'onn's father again? He was randomly among the people worrying about Kara in the Christmas episode and poof, he's gone again). And one can't really blame that on the Legion since he randomly disappeared between 3 and 7 without the Legion being in town.
  16. Isn't that more a question of contracts running longer? I just assumed that because of that is is just easier for showrunners to keep people around. Considering that this show was specifically supposed to be about a girl teamup and they brought back two guest stars because of it, I'm not really sure how representative it really is of a normal episode. I also don't see why only being around till the end of the season means you can't have a meaningful story. I really enjoyed M'gann's story and she was around for half a season. Brainy already got one excellent episode in the dream with Kara, so even if he was gone forever from then on, it still would have made his presence worth it. In the end the show is about Kara and giving her people to interact with. Astra was also never going to stick around permanently, but still her story was quite moving to me. I count on Reign being the same. I fully expect her to sacrifice herself by the end of the season, since this episode brought up the topic of believing in people and Livewire sacrificing herself. Sam is far from my favorite character and imo some of her introduction has been botched (for example: I don't buy the friendship between Sam and Kara whatsoever), but I could picture that end still being pretty moving. I watch Legends too, but are teamups of 3-4 women only really that frequent? Camelot with Stargirl and Guinevere maybe? No others really jump to mind.
  17. Lena was in this episode? I genuinely blinked and missed her. What did she do?
  18. I wasn't sure whether to put this into spoilers or production:
  19. I think they wanted to have Reign kill some people to establish that she's a real threat (and probably to close the door on some sort of "everything is just fine" redemption because she "only" murdered people we have never met before). They don't want somebody who is a regular to die, so they picked somebody we vaguely know.
  20. I really, really hate that so far every time there was a girl team up, there had to be a reason. On Flash it was because it was a Bachelorette party, on Legends it was because Helen’s power affected the men and now on Supergirl it’s because of magic anti Y chromosome radiation (why do Daxamites and Martians and Coluans all have Y chromosomes btw?). I think that’s why I dug Amaya, Zari and Killer Frost teaming up for their little rescue in the crossover. Because there was no reason for why it was all women. They just had enough female cast and those just happened to be the most capable people at hand and they just happened to be all women by accident. Rather than there needing to be a reason why they team up (for the record, I’m not counting Iris and Felicity saving Kara because the reason this team up exists is because they are being victimized/because as wives/girlfriends they were left out of the normal action) What I got from this episode is that the Legion is still useless. Imra spent most of her time on the ship. Winn figured out the solution to their problem, not Brainy. I genuinely expected Imra and Kara to have an actual, like conversation. Instead Kara and Leslie got one. Psi mindblasting Imra felt like foreshadowing to me. Is Imra really purely telekinetic now rather than telepathic like in the comics and cartoons and everywhere else? Poor Livewire. Alex/Ruby ... existed. It wasn’t a bad scene or anything, but you know, it’s Ruby. Also, why would bully girl show up again? Also: FINALLY Sam confides in somebody about the lost time. I’ve been complaining about that ever since her first "episode" where she started noticing physical changes, but particularly the one where Ruby actually walked in on her. Especially since they simultaneously want us to believe that she is friends with Kara and Lena (rather than just saying: she is new in town, she has nobody to confide in). Honestly? At this point I’m fanwanking that Sam doesn’t actually consider Lena and Kara friends, she just plays along because she is worried for her job. I’m sad that the other Worldkillers are not awake yet. I kinda wish they would have been, but off world. Especially since they already said that Sam was late for her wake up at age 18. Overall the episode was entertaining, but from an action point of view the fight against the random inmate felt pretty useless and the priestess was gone immediately. (I wonder if holo priestess is gonna be mad about that, or whether that was always the intention anyway, since they didn’t want people to find out about the plan) How is Mon-El a Mary Sue? All he did was give some speech. He hasn't done anything overly meaningful since he came back. He didn't do anything meaningful in the fight against Reign, he contributed nothing to solving the problems in this episode, that glory went to Winn and of course the ladies. Sorry, my litmus for what a Mary Sue is, is a lot higher. So what if he invented the Legion, he had 7 off screen years to achieve that. I don't see how that is more Mary Sue-ish than James going from photographer to running CatCo or Sam just being handed the job of running L-Corp despite apparently never working.
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