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Everything posted by tinnefoil

  1. We don't know how long he's been with Imra. According to Imra he wasn't interested in anybody (which includes her) "for years". Mon-El looks like the saddest and most deflated person in the universe to me. Especially if you compare it to what he was like in season 2. For the record, I don't think that that is because of Kara, but imo Mon-El does NOT seem like he is a very happy person anymore. Also, I fully expect Mon-El to stick around all season. If all there was to the story was him assuring the audience that he doesn't love Kara anymore and for Kara to assure us that she doesn't love him anymore and him going back to the future as quickly as possible, you could wrap that up in much fewer episodes. They said they needed the ship to the fixed, but the ship appeared to be functioning in the last episode. So why are they still here. Have they changed the future so much that they now have to stay to fix the mess they made? Do they have one of those "changing headline" things like Flash to inform them the future has changed?
  2. I still think it's normal that in the end everything is always going to default back to the main hero eventually. After all, if they were consistently shown as being less good than other people, I'm sure people would start asking themselves "okay, why aren't we watching a show about this other person then"? But there is a middle ground between not overshadowing the main hero/heroine and being incompetent. And watching people be passive and incompetent (unless it is actively played for laughs) isn't fun. Mon-El being trapped in a bubble would have been totally fine and funny in season 2 when his role was "hapless struggling hero in training". But when he's supposed to be brooding Legion leader, it just looks dumb. IMO this scene would have been imporived by something as simple as Mon-El actively throwing the syringe for Kara to catch and use on Reign after he down on the floor/freed from the bubble. Kara would still have gotten the big hero moment of actually stabbing Reign while endangering her own life, after just having come out of coma, but it would have shown them working as a team. And the show should really know that comic fans live for moments where they give weird superhero tech explanations of people's powers (kind of like they do when they have Kara or Barry race or when they showed the DEO testing out Mon-El's powers when he joined the show). So why haven't they done that for Imra? If Supergirl/The DEO are going to work together with Legion characters, wouldn't they want to know the nature/extent of their powers and any potential weaknesses so they can work together more effectively. I wish they would just flat out say that Mon-El lost his powers along the way at some point. Would make it more heroic for him to go into the field anyway while also providing a reason as to why he doesn't really do much in regards to being useful.
  3. According to Supergirl.tv apparently they are not looking for a Lois: https://supergirl.tv/supergirl-not-looking-for-lois-right-now
  4. The more realistic and organized villains give me almost more of a Marvel netflix show to be honest.
  5. I don't understand ratings much, but it looks like it retained most of Flash's audience. Is that better than what Legends used to do? I was hoping for a bit more since it is a premiere, let's see if there is any drop off next week.
  6. I think Brainy will get an arc depending on whether they plan to go forward with Kara/Brainy. The scene with Mon-El seemed to sort of teasing that, like Mon-El is leaving and then Brainy moves into view. I could picture Kara wanting to give dating him a try based on her convo with Alex. Imra so far seems to be closest to maybe getting a consistent personality? She wanted to help in 9 when she offered the DEO support to find info on Reign and here again she was the one petitioning in favor of helping out. As a fan of the Legion it makes me sad that so far the Legion doesn't feel like they have much of a rapport with each other. I guess there was that little scene about Bon Jovi, but that still felt fairly muted. From the point of view of a Supergirl show it makes sense that maybe they care more about establishing a rapport between these characters and Kara (like Brainy in this episode) rather than of the newbie characters with each other. But part of the Legion fun is for me how the characters bounce off each other. I think Smallville did that job quite well in their one off episode, there Lightning Lad was the hyperactive one, Cosmis Boy was the one who tried to keep them disciplined and Imra was trying to get everybody to get along. I'm also bothered by the show not really telling us more about the powers of the Legionnaires. Like is Imra supposed to be telepathic and telekinetic? Or is she telekinetic instead of telepathic here? Mon-El hasn't used a single power since returned (he flew only with the help of the ring in this episode). Does he even still have them?
  7. I thought Lois and Clark were a happy couple in the Supergirl universe based on Kara praising Clark for being a great boyfriend and maintaining a steady relationship. So shouldn't Lois Lane be known to be in a relationship with Clark Kent rather than being coy about Superman and talking about how she wants him to propose to her? Do we know whether that would be a regular role or more of a cameo thing? If she was around for longer, that would hopefully finally hopefully do the trick of sprucing up CatCo. Plus, I'm getting really tired of the Kara/Lena dynamic, so I'm all for somebody with some actual personality to come in and breathe some life into that. Maybe it was a mock up drawn up by the production people from Supergirl after all!
  8. I'm not sure whether relationships and character development were really organic on other shows. Having people take 8 years to get together isn't really organic development either. It doesn't really reflect how people act either. Older shows relied much more on how things should never change and that something was really restricting as well. As for Mon-El, so far I find him pretty underwhelming as a supposed leader of a group. It's not that it's not good point that they should focus on the future (after all from their point of view they know that the whatever happens the people of earth/this time will handle this particular threat, plus, think of all the "Barry gets slapped around by the speedforce" plots, so maybe not messing up the timeline so much might be wise), but he just seemed kind of unenthusiastic when he made that point and then turned around and rolled over and changed his mind again pretty quickly. I don't think that promos are considered a spoiler, but I'll put it here just in case:
  9. So it really does look like that montage picture that has been flying around on the internet for ages. I enjoyed Black Lightning a lot. Love the relationship between Black Lightning and his wife. Really good villain storytelling. The fight scenes were not *amazing* but they weren't cringeworthy either.
  10. Say what you will but the episodes that were Mon-El's return heavy in the promos have done well so far.
  11. From what they claimed they didn't travel to the past intentionally and I'm guessing they put themselves to sleep because they only have relatively normal lifespans. We don't even know whether the ship is really designed to support freezing and unfreezing them that often. That seems like a weird thing to accuse them of when we don't really know the capabilities of their ship. (they should however try to take a archive of the current time's data if they happen to be hear anyway)
  12. When did Berlanti become the badguy? Is it just on account of the friend he keeps or is there something he concretely did?
  13. The fight was saved for me by Kara and J'onn showing up. Brainaic is likable. Mon-El is just so weird this season. I think the problem is that he just seems so liveless. He just doesn't seem passionate about anything, not about Kara, not about his wife, not about going home, not about bringing down Reign. But it doesn't really play out in the typical "the actor is bored out of his skull" either. He just seems robotic and dead inside. Like, get angry, get sad, be a shitty boss who yells at people to stick to the plan, but it's like they sucked all color out of him (the grey sweaters don't help). I'm hyped for more Worldkillers.
  14. It doesn't have to be less in screentime, but it's bound to change in nature. A lot of season 1 was dedicated to Alex sweeping in to save Kara's behind or to give her peptalks. But Kara is her own hero now, she even beat Superman in a fight. They could switch Alex to maybe becoming the boss of the DEO or putting more emphasis on her smart and her science side and taking on different responsibilities. But just consider how silly it was when Alex jumped on a motorcycle to drive to the location of a bomb explosion when J'onn, who can fly, was right there. Kara is not a little girl anymore and they can't just keep holding her back just so Alex can keep mothering her. After all, the show is called Supergirl and not Alex Danvers and her Incompetent Emotionally Unstable Sister. So giving her somebody she can actually mother without being weird seems like a logical step. Meanwhile Kara has to be allowed to grow into a powerful hero of her own. That doesn't mean that Alex has no importance, but that her role will and should change and shift. That's what's healthy. Especially since the show basically told us that Alex put herself last for Kara, which is not a healthy way to live. I for one think they should allow the sisters to one season have a genuine conflict that lasts for a few episodes. Not for them to hate each other, but for them to be in serious disagreement over how to handle something. Their relationships is good, they can take disagreeing over things on occasion. If Kara and Alex represented two sides of an issue that would basically guarantee her a big and meaty role in that season.
  15. Sadly, I'm afraid those times are gone for good. People are pushing for instant gratification on everything, so relationships and character development are often rushed. I definitely wouldn't have minded another year of Mon-El learning to be a superhero. I feel quite cheated that we never got to see the scene where he learns to fly, I just tend to picture it as him being quite bad at it and that it would have been a funny scene.
  16. I'm pretty sure if Alex adopts Ruby, Ruby will be a regular cast member in season 4. I think there is storylines that could be mined from Ruby being the niece of the person who killed her mother and maybe developing powers like her mother. It might be their attempt to make the show more clearly targetted towards young girls by having a young girl character on the show. I'm not looking forward to it because I don't think that the Ruby actress is that strong, but I can see why it might make sense from a writer or producer point of view. I think Alex role was always going to have to change, because her role in season 1 was bound to Kara being inexperienced and needing her help. I don't think it would have sent a good message if the show had never let Kara grow up into her own strong hero, but as Kara grows more independent Alex role has to change. So putting her with a new potential fledging super heroine might make sense to her. I don't think that they will leave Alex girlfriendless forever. Even if they can't get Maggie back, I'm sure they will bring on a love interest for Alex eventually.
  17. It makes me quite sad how many people say they prefer the new, more serious Mon-El, I actually liked him when he was more upbeat. This season has already been quite sad at times and with there likely being a lot of tragedy lurking for Sam and Ruby, some lightheartedness would have been good. I've given a lot of thought why I actually enjoy Mon-El despite hating characters like Damon or Chuck from Gossip Girl. I think it's because Mon-El mended his ways rather quickly while I don't think Chuck ever changed and Damon always seemed like he had to be dragged into goodness kicking and screaming. By comparison, Mon-El seemed to take to it relatively quickly (1 season really isn't that much by tv standards). For a lot of characters it seems like they play up the badboy angle and that is a huge part of their appeal and Mon-El never fully seemed that way, which is probably why him dropping it didn't feel like such a huge issue and he seemed quite ready and eager to give up a lot of his old ways. I see a lot of people being upset that he doesn't seem to have the same powerset as in the comics, but to me that has never really mattered. I do wish the show would tell us more about his current power levels, whether he learned any new powers in the 7 years he was away or whether his powers are actually worse off now because of the lead poisoning.
  18. I don't think that Alex interest in Ruby means the writers intended to push Alex into the background. Even though the audience might not like her, I think the writers genuinely like Ruby and Sam and dedicate quite a bit of undisturbed screentime with long scenes to it. I think with Alex babysitting Ruby in 11 and interacting with Sam in 12 to run medical tests, that will make Alex the first one to start guessing the truth, which will strengthen her position within the show, if she is investigating this mystery and is in possession of this key piece of information.
  19. Well, I hope they don't bring Clark for the finale again, imo that would undermine Supergirl too much as the main hero. They should bring him on during the season, establish that he isn't effective against Reign either and leave it at that. I don't think that the Legion will be that effective, it would be too early in the season, Reign is definitely not going down before the finale. Winn had nothing to do all season but in favor of Lena and Sam, Mon-El and the Legion weren't even on screen at that point. And it's not like Superman is original cast either. And the Legion is a big part of Supergirl's history in the comics and as a comic fan it would make me very happy if we got some of the core moments, like Supergirl receiving a Legion ring and Supergirl/Brainiac 5 being referenced. And getting to see a big flying charge led by Supergirl would be awesome to see. It was in the very first episode of the season. Kara had these sweeping dreams of walking in a yellow field and seeing Mon-El dressed in white and Alura dressed in blue. The episode ended with Sam having a dream of Alura turning to her and turning into a monster with spikey teeth. Some people think that this is Reign's true form will be like. I think it speaks to the show's poor handling if people have forgotten about this already, I remember a lot of reviews back then thinking that that was a major twist, that Sam might be connected to Alura in some way. It makes me wonder whether they'll ever bother to adress that. There was this really small moment in episode 5 where Kara and Sam talked and mentioned that both of them had trouble sleeping which I thought was a reference to this, but it hasn't really come up since. I could picture Ruby being the first to find out, but I don't think that just seeing the Reign and Supergirl fight would be enough to tip her off, with Reign having a mask and a disguised voice. Well, I for one hope they don't kill James. They haven't really stressed his friendship with Kara much this season, and him just being killed off so Lena can cry would bother me a lot and I think most people would find it pretty dumb if her lover dying was a major factor in turning Lena closer to darkness.
  20. Looking at the trailer we see Psi on the Legion ship and we see all 4 walking through the DEO. I think it would be pretty sad if it turned out that maybe Psi and Imra actually don't go to Fort Rozz. To be honest, the pictures of presumably Fort Rozz look a bit boring. After reading the episode summary I was kind of picturing this big adventure that lasts all episode (kind of like the Martian episode), where they have to fight their way from room to room or where it's like a spooky abandoned space station horror house. What we have seen so far makes it look close to yet another warehouse. If that's not how it is, I wish they would have chosen something else to promote the episode that looks cooler.
  21. You are more optimistic than I am. Wouldn't it be weird though? Maybe I'm overanalzing the quote but "during the holidays" sounds like Kara might have been in a coma for many days and isn't waking up. Considering James and Lena's last scene we saw them in was them witnessing Supergirl's big beatdown at the hands of Reign, wouldn't it be weird if they were frolicking around happily while Supergirl is in a coma and Reign is rampaging through the city? Different question, do you think that Reign will start killing off people to stress how dangerous she is? In the promo for 10 we see her in a prison, which most people take to mean she might go after Thomas Coville, the cult leader. Do you think she might also kill somebody from the three women (Livewire, Psi, Saturngirl) in 11? Or that she might generally get to kill some more noteworthy characters before the season ends? Whether supporting like let's say Lillian Luthor or her mother or regular, like Winn, James or Mon-El? I have to admit, I originally assumed they would bring on some additional, more expendable Legion members so she could kill some of those. I think it is very unfortunate that all the various priestesses haven't even been given names. At this point, it almost makes seems like they are the real main villains of season 3, because Reign barely seems to have a will of her own at this point. Maybe they will make a big show out of Reign killing some of them or destorying them to truly act on her own, but so far it seems like she is taking orders from them. So they are the minds behind it, the ones Kara should be finding and confronting.
  22. I don't think that that was intentional. I believe there was a writer interview that said it wasn't intentional that there were less sister scenes. I don't think that they were losing themselves, they were branching out. For both of them it was a big step to have their first real relationship and they kept in communication about it and talked about it. I think that would be a pretty shitty message to send that having a relationship automatically means losing yourself. I think both relationships stressed that it brought Kara and Alex a lot of happiness and healing for Alex. If they wanted to stress the weirdness of the situation why not just have outside characters do more to stress the weirdness? I think the writers were serious abot their "three good people in a bad situation", but is that really coming across on screen? I just thinking if they wanted me to feel that they would show us a bit more about how let's say Saturngirl is also suffering under the situation. I don't know maybe the actress is just really bland but to me that doesn't come across at all. She just seems way too chipper about everything.
  23. Kara's love life I continue to be confused by how this Kara/Mon-El/Imra thing (I even hesitate to call it a triangle really) is playing out. Mon-El/Imra just feels very underplayed for me. Which is okay, she's a new character, I doubt lot of people are dying to hear about her feelings. But why even raise the spectre of a triangle with things like Mon-El not giving back the necklace Kara gave him if we are not supposed to wonder? It makes some sense to underplay it if a lot of people get upset if there is too much "relationship stuff" on a superhero show but it's not like it isn't there and like it isn't consuming screentime. It's just not being played out with a lot of emotion. Mon-El doesn't indicate to what extent he still has feelings for Kara. Imra doesn't the traditional showing of either being intimdated or being confident about the shadow of Mon-El's ex. It just plays out very weird on screen. Alex' love life I wonder if Alex will get a new girlfriend any time soon. It seems like kind of a clichee that once a lesbian gets put with a child her love life dies. I'm glad they had her have this dalliance with Sara, but I find it increasingly hard to picture what kind of relationship or woman they would put her with next, if they are not gonna bring back Maggie. I'd love a storyline where a woman flirts with her and Alex gets all flustered. Maybe some other DEO agent could ask her out now that she's single? James love life James and Lena are confusing to me. Do the writers really care about this relationship at all or is it just busywork to have something for the characters to do? I think there is story potential there if the writers let them actually bond and share with each other what they are going through, but considering how little we saw of this before they got together, what really are the chances? I almost wish they would have written James and Lena intentionally as an out of the blue one night stand (like maybe they get locked in together somewhere and then something happens).
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