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  1. Larissa is going to the same plastic surgeon as the Jacksons. How can one resist the lumbering lothario, otherwise known as Coltee? The guy could not be bothered to put on a fresh pair of thigh eating shorts. He was sweating and jiggling in the Chicago heat. What I want to know is what did he pack in his suitcase? The cats? Debbie? Imagine the behind the scene fuckery that goes down between Pole, Mama Pole & the unseen Father. Mama Pole fully knows her son is a loser. "He's SUCH an idiot." Yes, he is. An unemployed idiot with a wife and a son. Now he's back in America. Good luck and keep the matches & lighters hidden away. I can't stand to watch Libby & her neanderthal husband. Yet, I had to watch Libby spin around in her unfortunate looking wedding dress. If I was married to Ansuelu, I'd give him a one-way ticket back home. He's a selfish lazy loser. He has no trouble putting his sons in danger because he's homesick. Put on some big boy pants, buddy. This is the life you chose.
  2. Sumit's dick must be really good to give up everything, as Jenny so emphatically stated to the cameras last night. I laughed when she scolded him about not lying to her again, and he sheepishly looked down and said he wouldn't lie again. But we all know he was lying about not lying. Yazan probably asked for Brittany to bring so booze so they could party together. Jihoon is a mess but I believe Deaven is even more messed up based on what I've seen on social media. Anyhow...anyone notice that Driscilla was drinking out of a bottle at the airport. I found that odd behavior for a 4 year old. Ari story bores me. However will not be surprised if she hightails it back home after the baby is born. Armando...😭
  3. I know babies need to eat but do they really need to film all three women breastfeeding in the pool? And may someone please explain to Libby that her flying donut hairstyle needs to go. She looks ridiculous. That entire family irks me. Oh dear god, the ultrasound wand is bigger than Michael's pee-pee. Thanks Angela. I'm sure the doctor loved knowing this information. And is "toting a baby" a commonly used phrase in the south. Anyone? I've never heard that before. It conjures up an ultrasound image of Angela's uterus only to discover that it is a slightly worn out shopping bag filled with cigarette butts and empty pepsi bottles. Pole is living on a different planet, that is for sure. It looks like Mama Pole is done with his shenanigans. There will be no more gifts of hair from her hairbrush. Karine looks completely miserable and has aged before our eyes. Colt is a melting goo pot of boredom & over confidence. The self confidence that guy has is astounding to me. Also, He still can stop talking about Larissa. I would make a quick exit if some guy I've met online started up a convo with...."Well my ex...." Asuelu acts like an over-sized 4 year old.
  4. Kenny and Armando...I want those two to win so badly. So far they are my fav 90 day participants. However, I'm waiting for the tea pot to fall, and bad tea to dribble out. Jenny acts like a school girl who just got asked to the prom. I'm all about a good love story but Sumit has lied repeatedly about MAJOR stuff. It wasn't like he lied about his favourite ice cream flavour. He will continue to lie. And after the fresh smell of Jenny wears off, Sumit will get tired of clipping toenails and whiny behavior. GUARANTEED. Jihoon is lazy & immature. He doesn't seem interested in his family anymore. He looked bored/pissed off when Deaven called him. My goodness, their baby is so cute tho. Ariella appears smug, and a bit of a spoiled princess.
  5. There is nobody likeable in the group except for Kalani's parents, and the little kids.
  6. Let me begin on a superficial level...Kenny does not look 57. I would guess he was in his early 40's? Anyway, what a wonderful man. A terrific father and grandfather. It was nice to see a close & loving family dynamic. Armando and Kenny's story made me weep. I was really touched by their individual stories, in particular, Armando's struggle for acceptance for being a gay man. It was heartbreaking. I'm fairly jaded by the 90 day franchise, but this story touched me deeply. I was weeping along with them. The pain was real. Alternatively, I was a bit triggered to see Sumit, the Prince of Lies, again. Anytime he opens his mouth, it just seems like he's trying to keep his lies straight. Dum Dum Jenny keeps forgiving him. I get that love makes people do stupid things, but she continues to be naive. Superficial note: Sumit's friends were hot. The lady with the baby on the way. Oooh, she needs to get with Devan and learn about birth control. I know accidents happen but her Dad's a doc, and her Mom's a nurse. You know they've given her the talk long ago. Brittney is going to struggle going to Jordan. She seems to be a free-spirit. If her first husband was controlling then how will it go down with Yazan? Also, how could she forget that she was still legally married. Ding dong, where is her mind?
  7. Ash is a professional McLiar Coach. Avery held back better than I would have done. She's miles more composed and mature, and she actually apologized to Tom, even though, with his behavior, he did not deserve an apology. Even though Ash is pathetic, Tom is cold and calculating. In David's mind, he's a major Daddy Warbucks, even with his mid-90 furnishings, and Dollar Tree food bunker food reserves. Over the years, he's probably pulled out pictures of whatever hot Ukrainian woman he was paying for at that time and gushed how she was his girlfriend. He had bragging rights. He is that delusional. It's sad, really. He could have a nice relationship with a woman in the USA, but she would be more his speed. I don't think he's capable of having a long term relationship at this point. He's more invested in the fantasy. As fake as Darcey may be on the surface, she was very supportive of everyone, and was even civil to Tom at the end. Sadly, she looks like a duck-lipped caricature at this point, but she seems very sweet. That is my nice thing to say today. 🙂 Lisa is foul. She makes Angela look like a demure lady. Well...not exactly, but you know what I mean. Ed continues to be a sweaty little troll. I could smell the mayo through the tv screen.
  8. Usman stole the show. He's got a great sense of humour. Ed. Go away, forever. He's a nasty little creep. Rose's hurt and anger was very apparent and I felt her frustration that she could not express her thoughts adequately. Avery will jump from relationship to relationship because every man she meets will never be good enough for her. Ash may have his faults but so does she. She's very much up on her 'high horse' It looks like TLC will continue to give Tom Crooks a platform for his misogyny. He was featured for the B90 Strikes back spin-off. 🤮He may appear to be the dapper English gentleman but he is nothing of the sort. He's opportunistic, like Jesse, but with a much more apparent mean streak. He's a master of gaslighting. He's just gross. Steph is a mean girl. Everything she said about Erika was really all about Stephanie. She's a textbook narcissist who uses her illness as a pity ploy.
  9. RHONY is the last of the housewives shows that I continue to watch. But I'm done. I can't tolerate another week of trying to figure out what everyone is saying as they all drunkenly yell over each other. It leaves me with a headache. I'll just say that their antics, staged or not, is unbecoming at this time. They have no regard for other people, especially, those who take care of them. (drivers, wait staff etc.) They are rude and entitled. Dorinda is a angry drunk living in the past. Richard is gone but that doesn't stop Dorinda from drunkenly spitting out stories about her grand life with Richard, like it happened yesterday. She's as bad as Sonja "I married the Bank" Morgan. They both have way better lives that most. It all leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Stay safe and healthy.
  10. This season is a dud. Each week is over the top drunken antics where they are screaming at each other. I have to turn on closed captioning to decipher what their arguing about. 🤷‍♀️
  11. They need to cancel the big fat fabulous fraud. Chase was a paid bf but at least try to muster up some realness. I mean Henchi is a more believable long term partner for Twit.
  12. I'm not sure the point of this episode. Perhaps TLC thought we needed more close up shots of Steven's rotting tree-trunk legs or drugged out, sociopathic glares. I'm not sure, but good bye to yesterday's trash. God help the woman who actually married this pustulant lump of flesh. She must have no sense of smell. I mean, I could smell him through the screen. It didn't appear his hygiene improved after marriage either. Justin, good luck. I'm not sure how his hobby business would be doing nowadays but good lord that guy has a lot of therapeutic unpacking to do & should be getting long term counselling. . I hope he can get far away from Daddy enabler and psycho Steven. There is no chance of Justin developing healthy habits or relationships with those two around him.
  13. I disagree. Ed is a major germaphobe. He wanted to suss out someone that he'd know is safe/clean. If went on a sex vacation, he would not be guaranteed that.
  14. Ed never wanted to marry Rose. He wanted a sex vacation. He managed to get TLC to pay for some of it. He panicked at the thought of having to marry Rose and being a step-father to Prince. His creeper photography life will be threatened if he gets stuck with Rose and Prince. He wants to moped around with his dog and not have to worry about taking down his picture collection of half-nude models in his bedroom. I was hoping Igor and Varya would team up to finish off Geoff. Leave him in the Russian woods for good. Lana is most likely a hefty Baba with a family of 12. The tiny violin you hear is the one I'm playing for David. I have zero sympathy for him Same for Yolanda. Nobody is that naive or stupid. She's scamming all the viewers. Baby Barf Lisa. She's awful. Abusive. She is not a woman I'd want looking after a loved one who is at end of life. She seems the type to slip the wedding ring while someone lays there dying. Usman, she's not worth it. There are nicer women out there who'll get you to the USA. Tom Crooks, he's probably already cheated on Shannon. It interesting how he picks women in another country to have a relationship with. It works perfectly for him, doesn't it? He can pull out the British charm on FaceTime with literally zero hassle. He likes to be adored. He's another narcissistic player. Run, Erika, Run Run, Avery Run. Tom looks to be 55 already but nobody has told him.
  15. These miserable hags think they are A-listers. "Oh I MUST have my picture taken NOW with the designer." "I'm the Interrupter, I interrupt people." No, Ramona, You're mean, rude and inconsiderate. And Lu must have the BEST room, men must fall at her feet, and hairdressers must stop everything to fix her mop. Really? They're awful, delusional, and completely removed from reality. We have Dorinda yelling like a loon from the side-lines with spittle flying as she judges Tinsley and the girl with the tattoos. Jealousy isn't very becoming, Do. Calm down. I continue to like Tinsley. She may have her moments but she has manners and is always trying to please others. I have no doubt that she will buy Ramona a new duvet and it will be top of the line. Leah tries hard to be cool. I did like her Lil Kim dress but I wish she'd stop with the "Hey Bitch" every 5 seconds. I hate to say this, but I do miss Bethenny. Sonja is crackers and delusional too. but Leah is right. It's hard to stay upset with her because she's so goofy.
  16. Her voice sets me on edge. The way she says South Africa really irritates me. I fast forwarded through the Tiffany scenes. I can't stand her. She has this self-righteous smug face. I recall looking at her instagram once and it was 90% selfies. Girl loves herself.
  17. First of all, Adam should have waited until they docked to get flowers. He could have purchased a few roses for ole needle nose. Adam flips a switch so fast that it solidifies my suspicions that this guy is borderline. He goes from love to hate in 60 seconds. He needs a lot of therapy and anger management. His behaviour is scary and destructive. Bryon's lame sexual jokes are creepy. Even creepier that he's saying them in front of the Captain, and within earshot of charter guests. Dude, you're not funny. Georgia works fast. Her style of flirting is effective but used with the wrong guy could get her in serious trouble. She's going to use the new guy, Chris, to get Paget jealous. It's already working. He was making googly eyes at her when they all went out for dinner. Chris seems competent, nice, and good natured so far. I was kinda hoping he'd connect with Madison. I feel for her. She works hard but is often overlooked. I understand the frustration of feeling like a fifth wheel. Influencers are the scourge of the earth. I can't stand them. These charter guests seemed particularly vapid and devoid of personality. I really couldn't tell the two long haired blondes apart. Oh well, they seem to make a lot more money than I do.
  18. Laura is pathetic and a compulsive liar. It isn't more expensive to live in Canada unless you live in Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto. Also, I don't know how she was able to retire so young. She is mistrustful and devious. The tears. I have zero sympathy for her, and it appears Liam feels the same. I hope he has a better life in Canada. He wasn't living off of her. It was the other way around! Loren is going end up looking like her Mom. I saw more of a resemblance recently on Pillow Talk. I'll never like Loren. She said she hates cats. You have to be a demon to hate cats.
  19. Kirylam’s Dad looks to be in a bad way. Very sad. I was shocked Alan said he was only 36. I would guess 46, or 47. They seem like a lovely family. The separation must be really difficult. Alan has a great sense of humour. Emily has an odd way of talking. It's almost robotic. I feel sorry for Molly's daughter. The only emotions I saw from her was sadness, anger, and frustration.
  20. Ed and Ash are very similar. They're both patronizing sexist jerks. They don't see women as independent thinking people but rather they see them as a walking balls of emotions, hormones and boobies. There may be nothing worse than new age babblespeak. "I'm very mindful" or "This is my journey"...If any of those phrases come out of a potential lover... run for the exit. Even more annoying is constantly being asked how you feel: "Are you happy" "Do you feel flatulent?" "How are you now?" Yes. Ed is a very rude man. "I have a surprise for you...It's a really good toothbrush and a razor, now go get cleaned up, while I stand in a puddle of rancid mayo scented sweat." David and Yolanda need to meet each other just so they can share stories of stupidity. They're both so focused on a fantasy. It could be act for tv. Either way, the storylines are pointless and dull. Tom, is a flaming narcissistic wannabe. He's a consummate womanizer and con-artist. He thinks his Blue Steel stare and clipped Brit accent makes him a contender for James Bond-like suavity. He's loathsome. His faux apology was just that. Fake. He didn't get what he wanted and once again showed his true self. "Darcey will become a 55 year old woman, alone, and it's all her fault." What an absolute knob. Whatever you may say about Darcey, she's got a lot more heart and soul inside that plastic exterior than Tom has in his entire body. I fast forward past Stephanie scenes. I can't tolerate her whiny voice. I was concerned for Varya being stuck out in the Russian forest with two men. It seems like a strange activity to do with someone you recently met. Thank god there is a camera crew there and she's safe. I'm mean, Geoff look pretty comfortable with that shovel. I'm sure he's got a few ex's buried under his basement in Tennessee.
  21. Can you imagine how pissed Ericka would have been if she got rid of all her collectables and Jimmy still dumped her? Especially the dog ones. Because they're so cute.
  22. The Captain should be telling Adam and Jenna to cool it during working hours. It's not a huge boat, I'm sure he's walked in on them canoodling. I'm physically repulsed by Jenna and Adam. I couldn't work with either of them. The mean girl giggling is gross. They are extremely unprofessional. I was grossed out by Georgia's bare ass hanging out in the galley. Isn't there some health code violation for that? I'm sure the trout pout influencers would find Adam less attractive if they saw what he considers the good life. None of those chicks would survive traveling around in a camper van with a drooling dog. (And I'm talking about Adam, not his pup.) The scene with Parker proposing to his gf underwater was epic. But it was his empty-headed wide-eyed talking head that got me sputtering out my drink. When he was discussing how much he loves her because she likes nature, animals, air, breathing air, moving, talking... He's too stupid for words.
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