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  1. Whitney bothers me with her big fat lies. She claims to have stayed the same size, but there is a vast difference from what she looked like in Season 1 to current day. She is someone quick to claim that she is empowered and all about being real, but she isn't being real at all about her health, and the impact it has on her everyday life.
  2. That was interesting. Thanks for posting it. What he is discussing applies to almost anyone who engages in social media today, and allows it to dominate their life in a big way. I don't own a cell phone anymore, because it frustrated me when family or friends chose texting as the primary form of communicating with me. Don't get me wrong, It is a handy tool, but not an replacement for real time communication. I'm going to be filled with dread when my sister visits later this month and spends most of her time with her phone or tablet pinging with constant texts from her kids/husband. It does send the message: "I haven't seen you for 2 years, but I'm still going to ignore what you're saying and laugh at a text my kid just sent me instead." I find that I disengage now, and busy myself doing something else.
  3. Nice to see Nigel back. He hasn’t aged much at all. Khrys better win this because out of the whole group she’s been consistently the best model. Plus she’s a total sweetheart. Jeana is playing the Black Swan role to a tee. Better keep the knives away from her! I truly was shocked Rio got the boot. She’s by far a stronger model over Sha-nasty. Oh Tyra sure likes to create some cheesy reality tv drama.
  4. Anyone who has dipped their big toe into social media gets attacked at some point. Fat or thin. Nice or bitchy. Whitney sets herself up for it by being on this show, and acting like a spoiled ungrateful petty lil brat. She need some freakin humble pie. Well, maybe not pie, but you know what I mean. I actually didn't mind Whitney when she first came on the scene. I was rooting for to get to a place of health AND acceptance. With all her body positive talk, she's deeply insecure, and unhappy. She cries every episode, and now she's blubbering again on The Skinny. By the way, how fucked up is the name for show, "The Skinny" Is Bethenny Frankel the executive producer or something? I was snoozing a bit, but I LIVE for when the camera pans over to Todd. He's such a scamp! The cheeky smirk on his face right after they showed the clip of the Hawaiian Walk of Pain and Buddy proclaiming that Whit didn't actually finish was every thang!
  5. The magic of Kody's peen turns a normal woman into hagalicious. But seriously, she looks like she has a goiter on her neck. It can't be good.
  6. I'm 20 minutes in and it's a collective circle jerk for Scari Meri. Just shit or get off the pot. It's obvious that Shaggy doesn't want to shag her anymore, so what's the draw for her to stay? OH, yeah! TLC pay cheque. Cha-Ching. Someone's gotta pay for that second house, and none of the Sister slugs will get a job, and Shaggy is too busy fluffing the 5 or 6 long strands of hair he has left. Okay, second half now. Brace yourselves for...Sister Wives: The Musical. Sing along if you want to: "We ARE felons. Badass fundamentalist Mormons. We like sharing peen, and wearing ugly clothes. Tra-la-la-la. but we're so happy *sobs* we chose this lifestyle! *sobs* shuffle, shuffle, Travelin' in separate cars to go to therapy because I hate my sister wife sooooooo muccchhhh" . *Christine hitting the high notes - glass shatters* second verse: "WE chose this LIFESTYLE, so give me another xanax or a big tray of cookies....STRIVE STRIVE! We can plan a party or have a 4000 taco wedding. Fat Tony Fat Tony! Everyone gathers in the bathroom (except Meri) to watch for another baby....dirty tub, dirty tub. Meri is alone now by the wet bar...she buys more bananas, catfish catfish..."
  7. I was thinking about how much I’d enjoy a spin off with Ken, Anthony, Stanley, and Fabio. They have such great chemistry together. Especially Ken and Anthony who are my dream team. Ken deserved the win. Her took my least favourite colour and made it appealing. It made his model’s skin glow. She looked like money, honey! ? I adored Anthony’s look. It was perfect for a safari (not the stripper ?)
  8. Renee has had a very hard life. I really can’t snark about her, because that is some dark-sided stuff she went through. The first thing that struck me hard was the high level of poverty at the home she was living in with some of her kids. I really saw the hopelessness written on her kid’s faces. I’m sure they’re trying their best to clothe and feed their own families. i liked Renee. She was always polite and seemed grateful for any help. There were glimpses humour when she said that “Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was my bikini body.” Or when Dr. Now asked her on the day of the surgery if she was rested, and she said, “Did YOU get some rest? That’s the main thing” ? Her son’s happiness over his Mother’s improved health at the end of the show was heartwarming. I hope there is a follow up on her.
  9. She always looks greasy and unkempt. I’m glad there is no smell-o-vision on the teevee.
  10. Who snatched one of my dead auntie’s wigs and gave it to Jeana in the music video shoot ? They were definitely giving Jeana the crazed SWF/ Black Swan edit. It was almost laughable. Throw in a little Showgirls and they could have had her flinging some beads on the floor for Khrys to stumble on.
  11. So it appears that Tal, Head Cheerleader, and Chief Barnacle got a promotion on My Big Fat Blubbering Life. He’s a movin’ on up! Speaking of blubbering, I counted Twit with at least 4 blubbers, and 2 brays this episode. Buddy is a major asshole. Heather must have been on a strong muscle relaxant because she was hella calm when Buddy told her he cheated on her. Makes me wonder if the relationship was actually legit. Poor Piggy. I was hoping for a last act of revenge with some piggie dust flying into Twit’s peepers and blinding her. She is an evil woman to be shaking that bag around taunting a visibly upset Babs. Todd= Always presenting the truth in short shorts glamour. To Tal: “Let’s go see some balloons, and oh, would it be great to give my Dad a heart attack, and my Mom another stroke when we tell them we’re adopting?” *insert braying laughter*
  12. Robyn does wide-eyed naive act well. Let us not forget how she immediately became besties with Meri, and sang her Sobbin story until she became the legal wife. IMO, every move, and comment she makes is calculated.
  13. I have a newfound respect for Christine giving it to Meri. However, It falls on deaf ears. Meri will never admit to her faults. She is the perpetual victim. As for the catfish, she’s not some naive bumpkin, and there is evidence she was very into the catfish with taped recordings professing her love, and the infamous banana picture. How someone can get to that level of intimacy with someone they’ve never met in person baffles me. Meri won’t leave because she needs the family more than they need her.
  14. Well said, and perfect choice of gif Thorgy is an ugly person -- inside, and out.
  15. My heart broke for Shangie. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. She deserved that crown. I'm pissed. What is the point of having a panel of judges if they don't judge? Signed, No longer a Ru Drag race fan.
  16. Does she get paid to go on the cruise? If so, how can I get this gig? Perhaps I should trotting out my very own BIG GIRL POWER ZUMBA CLASS Y'ALL. Then post a Viral video of me shufflin' my feet, and shaking my cans around, and braying like a donkey.
  17. The message Tyra and crew are sending to young women is wrong, wrong, wrong! Act like baby, really? Please let us not go backwards and resort to acting dumb again to get jobs, and smooth over big egos. Law Roach is one mean bitch, come on, give a critique, but don’t be so nasty. He never offered to help correct Shanice's runway walk. He's awful. Drew got super prissy. Let's face it: Paper magazine has tacky covers. He's another one who doesn't help improve the girl's technique but rather yells at them to "LOOK FIERCE" or "WORK IT" meanwhile looking like he's been weaned on a lemon-- all slitty eyed with pursed lips. Overall, the PM looks were laughable. I’ve seen better wigs at Party City. Sha-Nasty suggestions were feasible, because she didn't want to look like a caricature, but she ended looking that way. Jeana gotta stop giving the stink eye all the time. I laughed when I saw Rio’s cover. I thought it was ridiculous, and not high fashion, but she did slay the runway. She was taylor made for those designer's looks. How did Erin and her gummy smile make it this far? IMO, The weakest looking model.
  18. Buddy's IG page states he's been sober for 8 months, but he's already has a new girlfriend *insert confused face* Wasn't Buddy's lament that he's waiting to be sober for a full year or so before getting into a romantic relationship again? Becuz according to Bud: all dems women waz triggin' him to snort n' get dronks. PS. Since he's saved over $13k, he's able to pay back some of the rent to Twit. Eh, Buddy boy?
  19. First off: High/drunk Buddy and sober Buddy are both jerks. He's a cold mutha-effer. I get that he's over Heather and its all about his sobriety. There was a shred of some sympathy for him, but it left me last night. In his mind he thinks he's cool, but he's a pathetic user who doesn't pay rent, or give two shits about the people he's hurt. I thought part of the process of sobriety is to apologize to the people he's hurt, and thus far, he's ghosted Heather, and bounced on paying Whitney any rent. Of course, one never knows what is the real truth in this show. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but some of his jokes, and comments were glib, and lacking in sensitivity. I grew up on a farm, and got really attached to many of the farm animals, but I never full on bawled my eyes out when we lost a pig or chicken. It was the 'circle of life' type of deal. Maybe I'm heartless, but I didn't fully understand the hysterics coming from Whitney. Being sad is one thing, but wailing like a banshee seemed overly dramatic in my opinion. Furthermore, why didn't they call Babs directly as it was her pet in the first place? I smell a full blown BFFL set-up, and it is a smelly one. Speaking of smelly: having two unneutered male cats is asking for trouble. If the house was pissy before, now it must be vile now with the aroma cat urine. Both of them would be spraying their territory. Twit probably loves it and sniffs in the scent deeply, because 'the boys' are fightin' over her. The preview for next week had me yelling at the tee-vee: "DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, PLEASE DON'T LET TAL AND WHITNEY ADOPT A CHILD TOGETHER!!!!" Holding someone else's child for 5 minutes does not make one mother material.
  20. Am I the only one that was hoping Baby Axel was going to enter the world singing 'Welcome to the Jungle' and tryin' to out hair flip Gramps Kody? (sorry, I used to be a big Guns n' Roses fan)
  21. *snorts* I'm glad I wasn't sipping my coffee when I read that.
  22. If someone could refresh my memory...Don't they still own their family home in Utah? You know, the one that they did a midnight run and headed for Vegas because they thought the polygamy police was after them? I recall from past episodes that it was being renting it out. In that case, Kody the Klown is freakin over nothing. He just likes to scrunch up his cave man brow, and be macho, and say he's a felon. Also, does anybody know what they paid for the Parowan house?
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