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Everything posted by JDAlexander

  1. But....but....we're not giving her enough credit for only eating HALF of the giant pizza-sized cookie from her floorboard! Waaaaaah!
  2. Actually, some churches are indeed doing away with the screen but at this point, I think it is voluntary. And I agree with you on the Beyonce tongue-bath. Overdone.
  3. One of the reasons the format was changed to Catholicism from Judaism was explained in an interview with Johnny Galecki, the executive producer. He said he grew up as a "hippie Catholic," and that his mother lived in a convent for years before she married his father, and he pulled some of the subject matter from his own upbringing. He also said he chose this subject because people of faith are "underrepresented" on TV (and I agree). I thought it was cute and I look forward to seeing it again.
  4. Because we all know that "Running Late is Whitney's Cardio!"
  5. I pictured her as that great Indian Warrior, Waddling Bear.
  6. I watched a Lifetime Movie once that had less drama than this drivel. Whitney needs someone to medicate her chub rub--so instead of calling her mom or, for Pete's sake, her freakin' ROOMMATE, Whitney has to put out an APB on her phone for emergency aid. Todd is my new favorite barnacle. "Nobody wants to have such a harrowin' vision so early in the mornin.' " I was sure Todd was just going to faint dead away with the vapors! lol Addiction behavior? Yeah, her biggest addiction is "Attention-Can't-Get-Enough-Of-It-Disorder. Her motto must be, even acting like a 2-year-old and embarrassing everyone within a mile is still....yay--attention! I've never wanted to slap anyone as much as I wanted to slap her. Hey Whitney, want to see somebody who has trouble walking? Watch the commercial for Shriner's Children's Hospital. Want to see how someone deals with pain? Watch the commercial for St. Jude's Hospital. Look at your father--in his 70's, overweight and still doesn't act like you. A warrior in spirit? More like a delusional fool with a pathological need to be the center of attention at all times, making a spectacle of herself. Moaning, screaming, crying, lip quivering, is this Whitney being "resolute?" And these enablers of hers deserve every ounce of abuse she heaps upon them. I'm surprised she and her entourage didn't demand that the entire island stop and applaud as she hobbled over the finish line, flanked by two grown men, one of them her "daddy." And somebody actually asked if they should take her to the hospital??? Yes, a psychiatric hospital but I fear it is too late. I have absolutely no compassion, no pity and no understanding for this mess. This show is dead to me!
  7. Here's how I saw her brother's death go down........he goes to Lisa's house to use/buy/sell drugs. Lisa's boyfriend/drug dealer/pimp shoots her brother. Bingo--her mother blames Lisa. When she was screaming and bellowing for the male paramedics, I thought I was watching Whitney Way Thore. Just waited for Lisa to ask to touch one of them......... Lisa uses her fat to (literally) hold her family hostage. I'm so glad we are finally seeing Dr. Now take a firmer stand against those who try to "ma-nipple-late" him!
  8. I thought they had been a "thing" a long time ago? I remember Buddy saying at least twice that Whitney is a "freak in the sheets." (I just threw up a little in my mouth.)
  9. Someone HAD to take Meri's nights with Kody! lol I really have never seen any indication that Kody prefers the sons over the daughters--in my opinion he is an equal opportunity ignorer of all of his children. Except, of course, when the boys were channeling their inner Kody and giving a nod to wrestling in the garage. I don't see any particular closeness to Logan or Hunter or any of the boys, except maybe Solomon (and we know that's because his mom is ROBYN). One more opinion--Meri has admitted to "struggling" in her relationships with Kody, with Mariah and with Janelle. Does this not scream something to her therapist???
  10. Well, to be fair, maybe she would binge out on broccoli if Hunter was there more often to cut it for her! It's all Hunter's fault! lol
  11. Found a real estate agent for Mykelti and Tony!
  12. Mariah was a bridesmaid, but the few times the camera caught her, she was scowling (of course).
  13. Well, that sorta explains why she has so much trouble with those numbers on the scale!
  14. Jack's death scene and Rebecca's subsequent disbelief, while she concentrates on her candy bar, was a flashback for me to the series Thirtysomething when Gary died. Hope had gone to a vending machine and bought a candy bar, Michael came over to her and said Gary was dead. Hope thought he was joking and playfully hit him while she ate her candy. Gary had become a lot like Jack, superhuman and above reproach. He was kind, thoughtful, understanding and apparently every woman's dream man. The character's death had weeks of lead-in, and the episode was much anticipated by fans, as no one knew how the character would die. I must say, however, that Mandy Moore did a spectacular job in her scene.
  15. Regarding Christy's old car--her father Alvin bought it at a police auction. He said something along the lines of "I did some work on it and you can't even see the bullet holes anymore." Something like that.
  16. MARTY ALLEN!!!! That is EXACTLY who Tony reminds me of--and I have been trying to think of who for the past few months. Thank you! Apparently, Kody has learned a new word, "trite." I think he meant "tacky." Poor Caleb didn't get a Claddagh ring..............
  17. I still don't understand why Mykelti was satisfied with an off-the-rack dress. Just a few years ago she was going to be a famous clothes designer--I was sure she would want to design her own, quirky kind of "Mykelti" dress!
  18. As soon as Drew said he lost the first 30# so easily and now can "ease up on the restrictions a little," I knew he was doomed. I loved how the trainer used her own body to assist Chitoka in her exercises! She seems to have changed her tune a little from the first episode when she said that being fat wasn't the worst thing in the world, to now calling her body a "prison." I suppose the death of her mother caused a little reality to set in. She's working harder than most, I wish her luck and success.
  19. That was a much-needed positive episode with likable people we could actually cheer for--so different from the usual patient. She took responsibility for her food addiction, he was supportive without being enabling, they drove nice cars, no handicap stickers, good tooth-to-tattoo ratio and he had a job. I can't remember any previous couple being so "average." Gives me hope that Alicia will be successful and lead a fulfilling life.
  20. I saw him too--he looked exactly like Dr. Now!
  21. Three things jumped out at me while watching this crapisode. When Kody told Tony, after learning there would be no alcohol served at the wedding, that he would be the "role model for your Catholic family members." But he had no such suggestions when told that Tony's family would be bringing all of their children, their neighbors and friends of friends. Maybe that would be a good time to step up and be a role model too, eh Koko? Secondly, when checking out the gathering room for the "bros" and the hostess pointed out the refrigerator. Mykelti said this would be a place where Tony could store his beloved "coconut water." Yeah, he's such a bastion of healthy eating..... Lastly, many people are on board for Meri's new B&B so that she can entertain, host weddings, have the "fahm-ly" over, etc. But none of this can happen for the simple fact that there is no WET BAR!!!
  22. According to the Iron County Appraisal District, Meri bought the B&B on October 19, 2017. The tax appraisal is $276,321 but there is a "consideration" of $346,500 from Stearns Lending (so I'm assuming this was the mortgage amount). Now how they were approved for yet another mortgage is beyond crazy.
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