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Everything posted by sunshine2288

  1. Leon really doesn't bother me. But I fully admit I think the man's absolutely hot and I love his accent so I might be biased.
  2. Not sure how I feel about Kate...her TH's are amusing but I like Leon. The man is hot and I'm not even going to pretend my reasoning is anything but shallow.
  3. I agree. At the end all I could wonder was why? In the entire process of making this movie it never occurred to anyone it would be boring and pointless?
  4. Guess Josh brings more drama than Randy...
  5. I know it's probably pointless trying to find logic in this show but has it ever been explained why Lizzie just all of a sudden went on a town wide killing spree? Was her father holding her back from realizing her destiny as a serial killer? That being said, dang it, they killed the hot guy.
  6. I second that. This episode has left me wondering why they thought this show was a good idea? It had potential in the beginning, a guilty pleasure kind of thing but they've completely dropped the ball. I wonder why each episode requires 2 murders by Lizzie, it's just strange.
  7. This episode was just a mess. They're trying to shove way too much into the limited amount of episodes and it's becoming muddled. It's losing that, "so bad it's good" thing.
  8. Hoping it's just a fakeout because that's pretty much my one rule for a TV show...don't kill off the hot guy. That being said, I can't quite decide if I like this show or not. On one hand it's beyond weird how they took the story of Lizzie Borden and just spun into all kinds of crazy. However, watching her run around town offing whoever gets in her way is kinda entertaining.
  9. When Caleb was up there working I kept thinking I bet he'll fall and then Dylan will feel even more sorry for him, then bam, down goes creep.
  10. Perfect finale. Even though I loved HOD and it was my go to happy, lighthearted show, I'm okay with it ending.
  11. While Dylan isn't a fool and he clearly sees the potential problem Caleb is, I can buy him reluctantly letting Caleb stay around simply for the reason you mentioned. He's a grown man but deep down he's still a little boy who just wants to be loved and accepted.
  12. Definitely. I was all prepared to roll my eyes if they were disappointed he was with AB. That being said, I never liked how George's mom treated Lemon. For all her faults, Lemon just wanted the woman to like her and George's mom had to have known her family history she could have been a bit more understanding.
  13. The wooden duck was a great moment. Sometimes the show gets too caught up in being offbeat and crazy with Bluebell but moments like that bring it back.
  14. Tonight was a good show. It's too bad we rarely see Lemon vulnerable because she's infinitely more likeable when the Southern Belle façade is down. Even though she's selfish and manipulative so much of the time, episodes like this show underneath she's still a scared little girl who doesn't understand why she wasn't good enough for her mother.
  15. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I thought Lemon had just found out how close her mom lived with her new family and was completely devastated which led to the Lemon/Lavon thing. She was heartbroken and George was in New York so she found herself with Lavon.
  16. I agree. I'm not super excited about AB/George but if he can be the guy to love her completely then I'm okay. At least George had already realized he didn't love Lemon. Apparently I haven't really been paying that much attention to Lemon/Lavon over the years because I don't see the whole "love of my life" thing. Wasn't their affair not a very long lasting thing in the first place? I guess I always saw them as more of a 'we could have been something great but we never got to explore it' kind of relationship as opposed to what we're seeing now.
  17. It's just a bad situation all around. Even if Lemon stays strong in regards to Lavon the whole thing is going to come out eventually. Not only will AB be hurt to find out Lavon still loves Lemon but I can see her feeling badly for being in the way of her friend's happiness.
  18. I was okay with the finale, it wasn't the best I'd ever seen but it definitely wasn't the worst. Jax dying wasn't shocking, given what he'd become over the last season it seemed the natural end. I admit I felt bummed each time I saw an ad for the finale and they showed scenes from the first season. It reminded me of why I loved this show in the first place and it made it easier to ignore the parts I haven't liked over the past few years. The sadness I felt watching the finale was because Season 1 Jax was fresh in my mind and watching all the people who loved him realize his plan was heartbreaking. Now that it's all said and done I kinda wish Gemma would have lived. Dying in the garden was a kinder end than if she'd had to go through losing another child. Especially when his death was pretty much set in motion by her lies.
  19. I thought so as well and it made sense. Jax's eyes are open and he realizes all the death and bloodshed are on him. Even though Gemma's lies set the scene, he was the one to pull the trigger. And I think the small bit of soul he has left can't live with that. Killing Gemma was the logical next step, at least in their world, and he knows his days are numbered so living with the guilt won't be an issue.
  20. I think the most fitting thing of all is how much damage Gemma has caused. All of the decades she's spent scheming and manipulating, spouting her mantra of the club first and she's the one who brings it to destruction.
  21. A scenario that popped into my head last night was Gemma choosing to kill herself. I pictured the final showdown between Gemma and Jax with Gemma ultimately ending it herself to save him from having to make the choice. However, the problem with that scenario is it's Gemma we're talking about.
  22. Exactly. As far as that goes I'm not sure Gemma genuinely likes anyone.
  23. From the very beginning of the series Gemma's been obsessed with ensuring Jax lives the life she wants for him, right down to who manipulates and influences him. Tara was a wildcard, someone with ambition and ideas who saw more for her family than the SAMCRO path. My question - Gemma completely obsessed with the power (wielding it through Clay and now Jax) or has it all been about getting Jax to the President patch? I'm leaning more towards Jax simply being the way for Gemma to continue her reign. If it were possible I think she'd rip that President patch off of Jax and take control of the club herself.
  24. Juice is such a sad, lost soul begging for someone to care. He's so messed up he doesn't even realize Gemma could care less what happens to him.
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