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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. So, as a landlord you aren’t allowed to discriminate OUT LOUD, but hypothetically, if there are 3 qualified applicants for one,s rental property and one being 600 pounds, one being gay and one being black, one can legally choose between the three without having to disclose if one’s decision has to do with one’s personal feelings about being 600 pounds, being gay or being black...did I get that right? Asking for a friend.
  2. I was merely commenting on the ability of a landlord to deny her housing by using the legal term of “discrimination” if one was to deny her application based on her disability, which includes not being able to use the standard toilet/shower, incontinence, etc. If she has demonstrated previous destruction of prior rental properties, that can be a legal basis for denying her rental application, but to infer solely based on her disabled status that she would therefore cause destruction and deny her application would most likely fall into the category of illegal discrimination because the disabled are a protected class. People who destroy property do not belong to a protected class, so therefore it is legal to discriminate against property-destroyers and to deny their applications to rent. I wasn’t speaking of discrimination in a moral sense. I’m pretty sure she’d have other needs to be met like ramps from sidewalk to her first floor doorway that is wide enough for a wheelchair to get through and those would be her requirements, not the landlord. Considering that unless she inhabits the future Dr. Nowzardian Residential Complex with bariatric toilets in each unit, most rental units aren’t going to have them installed, so she’d have to use her bedpan, custom diapers or whatever she was sitting down on in the corner with her pants pulled down during that interview, like she’s been doing since she got too big for a normal commode.
  3. It has been my experience that if landlords wants to screen out tenants who belong to a protected class, they use other legal methods to discriminate. For example, in Schenee’s case they could require proof that her income is 3 times the rent. Something tells me it isn’t...and that effectively exempts them from being accused of discriminating against her for things such as her excessive size disability or even pit bull service dogs.
  4. I'm pretty sure the paycheck is a BIG draw. I'm guessing she's waiting for him to throw her out of the family so that she's the victim once again. Poor sad unlucky Meri.
  5. I'm merely playing along with their ambiguous dogma. They seemed to have a jolly good time of devoting a whole hour to "Polygamy 101". Their answers to questions like "does he have to get permission first to court a new wife" were filled with trotting out their own faith based one true way. For example, the tizzy of disgust Christine went into after Janelle exclaimed that the men in their Sect don't go out trolling for women. If, in reality they gave up their bizarre religious beliefs I'd be surprised. When the TLC gravy train ends and they all split up, move on and join into other relationships, I won't be surprised.
  6. Not for nothing but she has gained 400 followers on FB in the last 12 hours. She's on her way to stardom, I tell you.
  7. She's up to 450 comments or so on the post she specifically made about the whole situation, tagging her SwaggedOut husband in it as well. I'm thinking she's bucking for a Mama June type celebrity status down at the churchouse what with her deep and abiding faith in God. Puts the Duggars shitshow to shame, n'est-pas?
  8. Whilst reading the comments on her FB page this morning I came across a post that said she has retained a LAWYER with regards to her appearance on the show. why am I surprised?
  9. Unfortunately, that would be my best hope for his attitude with regards to her. My instinct tells me he's into that whole feeder/subservient/female supremacy fetish and the best he can hope for is that the next obese chick he hooks up with (that doesn't charge him $$$ for his involvement) isn't on the verge of death thanks to his complicit actions.
  10. In Monogamy Land, where the Brown's Personal Sect of Mormonist-based Polygamy doesn't exist, this is true. But inside of their own Personal Sect of Mormonism, they are connected in some version of marriage that although most of us can't comprehend or even consider agreeing to, they are on the spiritual path to God's approval and grace. I think the biggest faux pas of this whole shitshow of a show is that they fail to remind the viewing public that they are 100% invested in their religious convictions, however bizarre and repugnant they might be to those of us who haven't grown up as dyed in the wool FLDS...but then, if not for the shock value and soap opera drama, who would watch?
  11. And yet, they are still down for him. It reminds me of the chicks who marry death row inmates that will NEVER be free. The chick that married one of the Menendez brothers~how in the ever loving fuck is a man who killed his parents and living the rest of his life as a death row inmate her idea of the perfect husband?
  12. Some folks are into that and I don't see a problem with alternative relationships like that until shit like this pops up~enslaved into helping someone commit slow suicide isn't something to feel stimulated/good about, IMHO. I'd not like to get in trouble regarding the public dole so I'll just say that maybe her FAMILY pays him to be her caretaker because she is most likely classified as disabled and that's how he benefits financially off of her.
  13. I just looked her up-still there and courting comments, believe it or not! for example here's this gem, posted an hour ago: "with the ignorance towards dr's and medical care presented to you, you'll die fat in your house but your family will be there supporting your death so it's all good, right?"
  14. I sincerely doubt it. Women don't even usually make up 0-10% of a male "escort"/prostitute's clientele, let alone the voyeur webcam porn industry. Men are overwhelmingly the customers...bizarre/extreme or not, however the bizarre and extreme providers of porn typically get more $$$.
  15. I believe Kody should do whatever he feels is best for their marriage. Maybe he's too much of a negative right now to feel like including her back into the weekly routine and thinks it would just make things worse. Meri took herself out of the rotation. Maybe they all do sometimes for a week or two or however long-I believe once Janelle took herself out of the rotation (and the house) for awhile and she ended up coming back into it. I think that should be up to him, he was the one who was betrayed by a cheating spouse. If it takes time for him to feel comfortable being intimate again or spending the night in her house, it should be on his timeline. In my marriage? I can't imagine it, but I'm neither a polygamist nor religiously opposed to sexual relationships outside of marriage, so I don't know how that works with the Brown's Own Personal Sect of Mormonism. I would assume that according to how they have explained their particular Sect of Mormonism that the sister wives stay out of anything intimate or affectionate or pertaining to the marriage relationship outside of their own personal one with Kody. Like, they could hug her or cry with her or offer an attagirl but as far as anything further, I'd imagine that would be frowned upon. According to what they have disclosed about their lifestyle, the sister wives involvement with including other sister wives into their family begins with the permission to be courted by their husband and ends at the marriage ceremony. I think, after that, they all submit to his authority with regards to who stays and who goes. Which is why I think Meri sticks around~she's waiting for his permission to leave. As in, if she doesn't get sex from him she should deny him platonic time? or if they aren't having sex then he won't be staying the night because it's just platonic time? Sorry, I was confused by that last question.
  16. Waaaaaaay back when (season 1, episode 5 : The First Wife's 20th Anniversary) Kody & Meri go to Mexico and they are at some restaurant chatting about jealousy amongst his wives (he doesn't get why his wives would be jealous). Meri asks how he would fill if she was "giving her affection" to another man. Kody isn't just upset by the idea, he's sick over it, says it's an affront to god and nature for a woman to have two husbands -- and corrects it to a husband and a lover. I don't remember the exact quote but he CLEARLY evidenced his disgust at the mere mention of the thought. Obviously, his Own Personal Sect of Mormonism doesn't believe in "affection"(from kissing to intercourse) outside of a marriage covenant(legally recognized or not), so the requisite "slut/whore/sinner/Queen of Babylon" narrative would automatically apply to any woman (even if she wasn't his wife) to even think about, let alone participate in such a thing. He looks at her now the same way his face looked during that exchange. Just the fact that she "lusted in her heart" and carried on an emotional relationship with someone she believed was a man, even though they didn't physically do the deed, is enough for Kody to feel betrayed and repulsed by her.
  17. When Freddy hopped up off the sofa and interrupted Schenee & Dr. Now's conversation regarding the pizza & burgers, I just knew it wasn't going to work out. It seems like the dysfunctional relationship between show participant and their caregiver(s) is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome with many of them, especially this episode. He just seemed like, I don't know like he almost got some sort of masochistic pleasure out of the way she treats him, all the while being subservient to her. Not that there's anything wrong with alternative relationships, but finding pleasure in it while assisting her slow suicide at the same time struck me as particularly disturbing. I recalled during the phone call when she was going on about her water retention being the cause of her not losing weight, it wasn't the first time Dr. Now challenged her delusional thinking and tried to sciencesplain to her that it's just not rational so she switched gears to "Do you believe in God?" and then went on about not wanting to be treated by anyone who didn't. I thought, oh here we go, she's a Scientologist or some such that doesn't "believe in" any sort of psychotherapy outside of the church. I was generally surprised she didn't drop out right after that phone call and actually went to see Lola. Ya'll were right~those Facebook snarkers are brutal, except for the ones begging her to find a home for those dogs if she won't let them out of those cages.
  18. Most likely it isn't a line item... but I'd be willing to bet there is verbiage included in their contracts whereby a certain amount of hours or days during the shoot time that footage will be shot in and around where they live. Just my two pence.
  19. I'm just curious...since they did a Polygamy 101 Q&A segment at the end, is it ok to generally discuss polygamy on this episode thread? I don't want to get in trouble for breaking any rules/responding to folk that have posted here regarding polygamy. Thanks!
  20. Absolutely understand where you are coming from. I felt similarly until I was 25 and had my third child (in the span of 5 years). I didn't need to rely on my husband for financial support(good thing because he royally sucked at it) and was able to be a full time stay at home Mom thanks to the support of my family. I was so busy with the kids It literally didn't matter to me at that point how he wanted to spend his time. Back then the technology to save my eggs for later wasn't available to me and my doctors had told me to have them now or not have them at all. I'll readily admit that since he contributed nothing to the marriage but his sperm to fertilize my egg I wasn't a very good wife to him either. I did not support his decision to be a criminal even if he would have been good at it ( he wasn't) at which point we separated and ultimately divorced. I spent lots of years as a full time parent to my kids (until they were teenagers) and didn't enter into any marriage/serious relationship until the oldest two were out of the house. When my current husband entered my life he had never been monogamous and was 11 years my senior, with 3 grown kids of his own. We've been monogamous 15 years now, so I guess you could say I've converted him? Lol!
  21. I just loved it when Shaun asked for a show of hands on who thinks she should adopt and Todd immediately threw his hand towards the floor!!! He is too funny!
  22. I've come across quite a few women who gladly accept that their husband isn't doting on them every night, even if it means looking the other way when he engages in affairs. They've got the house, the kids, the money~and he's an asshole anyway, so three cheers for monogamy!!! Lol!
  23. I think there are a few who feel the same. Personally, I'm waaaaaaay too monogamy-wired and I have like 1 female friend I'm not related to. I've never gotten along with women in general and I've an idea it has to do with my lack of normal socialization as a child since I was the redhead that got bullied in school. The idea of sharing one man might be do-able, but having to be with the sister wives would be repulsive. I've been vocally accepting up front of my spouse having other lovers if he so chooses for the last 25 years, as long as a I don't have to be a part of it. I really don't care if he wants to be involved with someone else, I just couldn't take having her/him involved in MY life. The first one thought I only said it because I was stepping out on him(I wasn't). My current husband would but only if I was involved(yuck) so in 15 years he's been monogamous with me. I think all of the Brown's choose polygyny to be "right" in their spiritual faith. Sometimes folks believe the more they suffer for their faith, the greater their reward when all is said and done. The majority of their show is obviously scripted for ratings and they've sold their souls for the income and exposure so I don't put too much stock in any of their storylines being as extreme as they are portrayed to be on the show, but I imagine how they handle the pearl clutching and hand wringing and jealousy is just part and parcel for their admission to their chosen afterlife.
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