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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. Additionally, when the Dr. asked to her to explain what’s going on, how did Leslie know that she was having bloody discharge from more than one duct out of the same nipple? If she had no previous breast issues prior to the HRT, it would be reasonable to assume that’s what is causing the issues, even if it isn’t cancer. Since HRT is very important to her, maybe seeing the endocrinologist first, instead of going to a GP and then getting referred to one anyway, cuts back on the number of office visits they have to co-pay for? I get the impression they are putting forth cancer as the worst case scenario~TLC tends to like to do that with the reality shows they produce. If I remember correctly, Cas said mom wouldn’t allow haircuts or clothing choices to be Cas’ decision. Beverly was pretty vague about not being initially accepting of Cas’ agender identity, but sounds like she’s owned it and is trying to mend the fence. Beverly also seems a little confused-she told her bar buddies that her daughter is transitioning to be male, but Cas specifically said that Cas doesn’t identify as male or female but agender. Lucy and Cindy both said that if they broke up, they would feel alone and that was a pretty dreadful proposition when they considered that as a potential future. I personally can’t see a way for them to compromise on what they individually want and still stay together, even if it is just so they don’t feel lonely. The gender reveal baby shower was a little odd to me-as a transgender person, wouldn’t you be sensitive to the idea you might be misgendering your child before it is even born? If anything, have a biological sex reveal or a XXvsXY reveal. No?
  2. I almost fell out of my chair when Dr. Now asked James “Is Lisa still feeding you to death?”! BWAHAHAHA!!!
  3. It all comes down to marketability ~ who’s brand will bring in the most bang for the buck. All four have something going for them in that respect, which is why, I think, they won’t do the finale for two weeks so they can gauge the fan response to #Teamwhoever. The Kardashian clan wouldn’t have the fan base it has today if Kim’s sextape wouldn’t have made the rounds in the media, so oftentimes it isn’t who gave the best performance but who got the most likes/hits on social media. I think they are all very talented performers, for different reasons, and therefore any of the top 4 would do a swell job representing RuPaul’s brand of drag superstars.
  4. I too was initially blown away at Stacy’s complete acceptance/encouragement and how much it was unlike the other spouses reactions. I attributed it to her age and thought she might be of a more accepting type because of it. I have looked at her social media and even joined a closed group on Facebook that includes all the participants of the show who respond to questions and post content. I think an important disctinction to make is that she did not identify as straight to begin with. She has publicly stated that when they got together she identified as bisexual and since Leslie came out to her as transgender, she now identifies as pansexual. I think that explains a lot as far as the difference in her approach to continuing a relationship with Leslie, considering the other spouses/partners of the transitioning folks on the show did not (and do not) consider themselves as anything other than cisgender, heterosexuals.
  5. I’m very grateful they decided to share Diana’s success story, even though there was nothing about it to gleefully snark on. I think it should be required viewing for anyone looking to be on the show/get Dr. Now’s help as a shining example of what to do with the help provided. I’m usually yelling my snark AT the TV, much to Mr. Kicotan’s amusement, but for Diana, I was yelling Atta-girl’s and no snark at all! However, God bless TLC’s little heart(s), they paired her story with the very snarkworthy poundicipant, Ashley. Although I couldn’t participate in the Live Chat thread, I read all the comments and was literally laughing out loud! I totally get the anxiety/panic attacks with no obvious trigger, since I suffer from that as well, but she really seemed to be so very deep in her denial about her “stalling” that she couldn’t reconcile her action(or in-actions) were the big contributing factor. The fact that she is the one that drives and her husband never says anything (if he’s not fluent, they could’ve translated) makes me think she’s a control freak as well. Similar to the reason anorexics go the way they do, as a means of “control”~she’s her own worst enemy.
  6. Loved that show! My sister had a crush on Kevin Tighe! Lol! Thanks for the memories?
  7. My guess: Reproduced art prints that she bought but didn’t enter into a contract with the artist to reproduce and therefore doesn’t have permission to share publicly were blurred out. Laker’s memorabilia that she acquired is hers to display publicly and she doesn’t need permission.
  8. Erica managed to pay rent on two apartments for 6 months-I grew up 20 miles from Lompoc and it’s not as expensive as LA by any means but still, it’s California. If she grew up there, they didn’t even have fast food restaurants until the 90’s, I think. It’s a small town where folks would get fresh seafood(it’s about 10 miles from the ocean), authentic Mexican food or local burger and steak joints(lots of cattle ranching history nearby) or fresh fruits and vegetables from roadside stands or cheaply at the local market(The Santa Maria Valley is a breadbasket). They left out the part about her impoverished/not being cared for properly/abusive childhood ( I’m assuming because it didn’t exist?) and focused on her gang rape at 16 being her emotional issue that drove her to overeat. She also had no children. That being said, I think those issues are largely the ones that poundticipants blame when they make the rounds at the fast food joints.
  9. Indeed, I agree with everything you’ve put forward, it struck me the same way. I initially comforted myself with the thought that ok, they are really focusing this show on folks who have been in heterosexual relationships for a long time~and when I say longtime I mean before transgender folk have become more visible and vocal and participatory in society and on social media, say in the last 10 years?~and so they are specifically targeting older individuals who have been closeted at the onset of their relationships. When Leslie began with her story I had a lot of hope in that Stacy seemed really accepting and young enough to not be stuck in the past prejudices/stereotypes of some of the older participants of the show. However, like you, when she knocked up Stacey and decided to transition at the same time it left me a bit confused. It broke my heart when Stacey said she was concerned that she wouldn’t heal up from having the baby soon enough for Leslie to start her transition therapy because she really needed it. She really is St. Stacey. When Troy/Lucy told Cindy and her angry girlfriend that “This is why transgender people don’t say anything” before he stormed out of their pie snack session I thought that he was being incredibly asinine. No, Troy/Lucy, this is why transgender folk are honest at the onset, before people feel as if they’ve been living a lie for the last 13 years. They both come off as “my way or the highway” types and I’d be surprised if they stay together. When Larry/Lawren admitted he’d tried suicide, I felt for her. But stringing her wife along making her play 50 questions to finally get it out of her made me think she’s also a drama queen, albeit a successful one...her law firm advertises being an advocate for the LGBTQ community and hawks services specifically for the transgendered. Being on the show is Marketing 101. When they introduced Karen, having a child come out as FtM and a husband of 25 years as MtF at the same time, I became convinced they were going for shock value/freak show level programming. Cue Jennifer down at the local watering hole, getting her “bar therapy” on, sharing with her drinking buddies the intimate details of her life with a smile on her face. Barf. TLC never ceases to disappoint, when you go in with the knowledge that it’s going to be a shitshow.
  10. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell~1984 Disclaimer: never watched the original series, but if I ever wanted to, this is sort of how I have come to feeling about the collective push to wiping away access to the original series, based on whatever one wants to base it on, as well as the cancellation of the rebooted version.
  11. I never watched the original show, but since there was so much media attention on the reboot, decided to give it a shot. I thought some of the storylines and characters were funny, but Roseanne was my least favorite and often thought the show would be better without her. It really is too bad for all involved that she singlehandedly took down the whole production, instead of just being removed from it/written off. I especially liked the idea someone had of having her funeral from an opioid overdose be the opener for the season 2 reboot. I would have watched, had that been the case, but since I wasn’t a fan of the original, it’s no big loss to me that they cancelled it altogether.
  12. I seem to remember a time when Law & Order episodes were often loosely based on some real crime that actually made headlines. It seems now the thrust is creating stories about crimes that could happen because of some political issue. St. Olivia’s ability to sense rapists and personally pardon all crimes of their victims sounds like she should be cast in a Marvel or DC Comics series as a superhero...and leave the Law & Order series altogether.
  13. So much political posturing/preaching, terrible dialogue and so many double standards. I weep in memory of Law & Order:SVU at this point. When St. Olivia breaks the news that Lourdes killed the apartment owner, she knocks on the window to summon Stone, informs him of the death and actually has the audacity to ask him “What does this mean for Lourdes?”. Really? She has no clue?
  14. Totally THIS^ TLC has taken the old “freak show” of days past and turned it into a modern day source of revenue. “My 600 Pound Life” and other shows on their roster follow a formula once used at the traveling circus. “There were four ways freak shows were produced and marketed. The first was the oral spiel or lecture. This featured a showman or professor who managed the presentation of the people or “freaks”. The second was a printed advertisement usually using long pamphlets and broadside or newspaper advertisement of the freak show. The third step included costuming, choreography, performance, and space used to display the show, designed to emphasize the things that were considered abnormal about each performer. The final stage was a collectable drawing or photograph that portrayed the group of freaks on stage for viewers to take home. The collectable printed souvenirs were accompanied by recordings of the showmen’s pitch, the lecturer’s yarn, and the professor’s exaggerated accounts of what was witnessed at the show. Exhibits were authenticated by doctors who used medical terms that many could not comprehend but which added an air of authenticity to the proceedings. Freak show culture normalized a specific way of thinking about gender, race, sexual aberrance, ethnicity, and disability. Scholars believe that freak shows contributed significantly to the way American culture views nonconforming bodies. Freak shows were a space for the general public to scrutinize bodies different from their own, from dark-skinned people, to victims of war and diseases, to ambiguously sexed bodies. People felt that paying to view these “freaks” gave them permission to compare themselves favorably to the freaks.” Wikipedia Article “Freak Shows”
  15. I couldn’t either...then I realized she successfully distracted me from another wig disaster...she’s a sneaky one!
  16. Interesting perspective~akin to socionomic disadvantage where one’s environment while being raised is limited to what is at hand, not what is ideal. I grew up in a very agricultural area. Going anywhere you passed by fields of peppers, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, corn, artichokes, strawberries, sugar beets, grapes, etc. Roadside stands offered inexpensive vegetables/fruits. If you didn’t work for a farm, you knew someone who did, in some capacity. Dairies were also big in the area, as well as a local egg farm. Fresh seafood was only a 15-20 minute drive to the coast. I had no problem converting to a vegetarian diet when my Dr. advised it for my medical issues as I already enjoyed a variety of locally grown fruits and vegetables.
  17. I found just the spot for The Dr. Now Center! Just a 15 minute drive from his office, a vacant hotel with a restaurant, pool, conference space and 225 rooms!!! Future Home of The Dr. Now Center for The SuperMO Wonder if he’d be willing to put up the 4 and 1/4 million $...initial investment of course, so one would have to renovate the rooms and get some gym equipment, furniture, cafeteria trays, that sort of thing. There would definitely need to be some sort of sponsorship though, to get it up and running.
  18. I’m still thinking this is an untapped cash cow(no pun intended...). I’m still envisioning the Nowzardian Center for The Super Morbidly Obese. There are supersized rooms, a gym, pool, nutritionist, therapist & life coach. The cafeteria with only the approved items for an appropriate eating habit has calorie count labels on all the items and once scanned into the system for that person, when they reach their calorie limit, the cafeteria is closed to them for the rest of the day. A social worker helps them find off site housing once their initial 90 day stay is up. Sort of like a rehab facility for the food addict.
  19. Agreed, 100%! I wouldn’t let mine eat sugar or anything with sugar in it for the first 5 years, made my own baby food and the eldest was vegetarian until she was 6. I thought it was important to shape their eating habit and palate in those formative years, plus I was being mindful of my own eating habit because of my GI issues. It was win/win for all of us. I agree. It can be a struggle from the opposite side of things as well. I had some GI issues before and especially during pregnancy that made it next to impossible to keep anything down. I weighed 98 pounds when I got pregnant the first time. I’m 5’8” and neither anorexic nor bulimic, just hormonally wayyy out of whack. I was on a strict vegetarian diet prior to pregnancy, continued when pregnant and it was a constant challenge to gain and maintain a healthy weight. I went to the ER more than once for medication to stop the vomiting cycle lasting longer than 24 hours as well as IV fluids for dehydration. As long as I was gradually gaining and not losing, my OBGYN was happy. I weighed 164 when I delivered and baby was just shy of 8 pounds, healthy as all get out. Two months later I was down to 134. The issues these poundparticipants face during/after pregnancy is more than I can imagine. My heart goes out to them.
  20. Wow! That was FAST~hmmmmmm...is she trolling me here? Her husband’s profile has also disappeared. I swear, it wasn’t a dream! February of 2018 at some sporting event or concert all squished together into a selfie with big smiles.
  21. Indeed. I’m a pretty patient person when it comes to folks complaining about stuff but man, oh man, is she predictable with that tedious nonsense of being on the verge of breaking down into tears and somehow I became numb to it within 45 minutes. Echoes of my mom telling me to “suck it up and go to school” began to creep into my mind after that. The grass is always greener for our Miss Melissa. I think that’s her major problem. When she didn’t have kids, it was the epitome of happiness to think of being a mom and now that she does, the stress of it all is just too much. When she was almost 700 pounds, the epitome of happiness was losing all but 150 pounds of it and once she was 150 pounds the joy of that wasn’t enough to stop putting junk in her mouth. I almost fell off my barstool when Dr. Now told her to GAIN 10 pounds because 150 wasn’t a healthy weight EITHER. Since the Bettie Jo scenario I’ve taken to looking up these folk on social media. Melissa’s FB page had recent photos of her and her hubby, posing as if they are together and HIS Facebook page lists his status as married. Methinks they reconciled. Ugh.
  22. I can’t take the credit. Someone much more talented than I created it and posted it in the comments section of her Facebook page. It was too good not to share with y’all!!! ?
  23. I did some poking around about Jonathan/Time Bandit~ “...A Deadliest Catch deckhand was awarded $1.4 million in a lawsuit agains the F/V Time Bandit, when his hand was seriously injured, during the filming of the popular Discovery Channel show...” (June 2017) Time Bandit Lawsuit Also, his Twitter account shows him out there fishing this past season with this quote 5 days ago: “Yes I’m still fishing ! The dam tax man and those bill collectors won’t let me quit! No cameras except my I phone here :) let Discovery channel know if you want Time Bandit back next year :) love you all !!” Captain Jonathan on Twitter
  24. I agree. My parents were both retired by the time I was 5. There was only 3 of us, but they were ALWAYS home and gave us plenty of individual attention. Neither of them abused us, smoked, drank/did drugs, gambled or had extramarital affairs. It did not guarantee any of us a positive self-image, successful “later-in-life” marriages or the absence of psychological issues. I think most of the Brown kids (at least the older ones) want to fit in out there in the world and it is blatantly obvious that polygamy is NOT acceptable in our American society. Good on Kody and their mothers for teaching them to choose for themselves and then accepting their choices, in spite of their own personal and/or religious convictions.
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