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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. The Team Brown Facebook page has current listings posted. Maybe they are just using her picture?
  2. Apparently Janelle has a job! http://www.teambrownvegas.com/about/janelle-brown annnd, so does Christine! http://www.tmirealty.net/agents_details.php?agent_ID=16197
  3. Right. I added the links and extra info. because I just thought you might be interested in the "who would want their kid talking to her" information as an example of how it plays out.
  4. https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/index.asp The above link directs you to the main page for The State of California's Education Department Grant Funding. As of November 2017, over $200,000 was awarded to grant writers to fund programs for "Supporting Inclusive Practices" in various schools throughout the state. They then implement their project proposal which can include taking up class time for presentations (such as Michaela's Be you campaign), or making it a school wide presentation in the auditorium at some point during a school day. https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r18/documents/sip17result.xls
  5. You'd be surprised. A lot of the public school teachers in the state of California become "grant writers". They apply for grants from the state to promote whatever agenda they have and it can be very lucrative for a school to have the grant approved/accept the funding for the grant writer's pet project. I would imagine that a program like Michaela's would be perfect for aspiring grant writers to obtain funding.
  6. If the past life regression hypnotherapy helps her connect in some meaningful way to her binge eating being something other than she "loves it" and until now hasn't addressed it as a problem, I don't see the harm. Maybe mourning a dramatized fictional version of how she perceives her reincarnated self to be is just what she needs to motivate her to stop the binge eating and adopt healthy coping strategies to the experiences that have and continue to affect her negatively. I'm not too knowed up on hypnotherapy or if it is considered acceptable in the psychology community, but perhaps if Jazz finds it helpful, she might be more open to the type of counseling from a board certified therapist that she needs to get in order be approved for the surgery she wants. i don't know, color me optimistic on that issue. Virtual school? Considering she admitted to Victoria on their date she has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up other than full time volunteer married to someone rich, I'm thinking it's probably a good idea. She could take some time off after graduating high school and oh, I don't know, maybe get off of the TV and address her multiple issues with qualified therapists, go forward with her surgeical transition in the comfort of her parent's lap of luxury and explore her life goals sans the social microscope. The "date" with Victoria seemed very scripted and unnatural and why wouldn't it be with a camera crew in their faces and Victoria's knowledge that she signed a bunch of paperwork that allows them to film, edit and subsequently broadcast her date with Jazz on National TV plus she can't "spoil" it for the viewers, either by talking about any outcomes prior to airdate.
  7. Not to my understanding. the way it works as far as I can tell is that Tony, a Mormon, can marry a non-Mormon, Mykelti, and not get kicked out of his church. However, since she isn't a Mormon, they can only be married in a civil union, not a spiritual marriage, for the duration of their lives. If she was a Mormon, they would be in a civil union AND sealed for all eternity in a spiritual marriage that would not end when their lives end but would continue on in the celestial kingdom. That being said, it is altogether possible that Tony is receiving revelations from God, directing him to make his own rules and eventually insisting everyone call him prophet. Who knows, weirder things have happened.
  8. You are not alone. With the enormous amount of therapy sessions these folks report attending and the way they interject therapy session words into their dialogue (Example: Christine saying "Aspen always knows how to de-escalate Mykelti" during the bridal shower prep segment, instead of just saying she knows how to calm her down) I'm almost positive that Meri and the others have picked up some "poor me, I'm just a victim here" methods. Meri wound up in the awkward position of being the first wife that could only pop out one kid. In her world, God didn't bless her as she imagined he would and she's been pouting about it/taking it out on others ever since. My 2 centavos, fwiw.
  9. Many folks have been and currently are ostracized/shunned/excluded or even bullied because of their other-ness. It isn't anything new. Their weight, appearance, shyness, autism spectrum, physical disabilities, socio-economic status, etc is fodder for every social interaction they encounter. Therefore, surviving the teenage years isn't the same for everyone. What worked for Ari, who, for example didn't and doesn't have to struggle with being assigned male at birth, isn't going to work for Jazz just because they are both identifying as female gender. I think that reducing one's childhood experience and/or adolescence to such simplistic terms, as if all teenage girls navigate the same path and the assumptions that go along with it is part of the disconnect and resulting angst that people have on both sides, whether seeking help/understanding or desiring to provide help/understanding. I believe a good example is the weight issue Jazz is having. I'm not sure but I think that it was mentioned she stopped participating on soccer teams because they were divided by gender and she wasn't allowed to compete on the girl's team. Ari never had that problem...and for that matter, I'd be willing to bet all of her siblings participated in team sports during their teenage years since they weren't excluded by gender rules. It has been extensively studied that physical exercise helps fight depression, anxiety, contributes to overall health as well as promotes weight loss. Team sports also help youths form friendships, encourage socialization, fosters self motivation by giving opportunities to learn that effort = reward. I'm no professional therapist or even an amateur one! Lol ! I'm merely a sociologist. I don't think that Ari or her brothers would be or would have been helpful with regards to her being in a better place physically or mentally. I imagine their "non-struggle" with gender and something as healthy/empowering as being allowed to participate in team sports while she watched from the sidelines probably caused some emotional distress for Jazz. I could be wrong, I've often been wrong before, so no biggie. ?
  10. I gave this some thought and concluded that it is the only thing that would differentiate the women from the men, at first glance, especially since they are all about the same stature/size and the rest of them is completely covered.
  11. Yes, indeed. Born and raised there! Moved out by the Los Padres National Forest on the other side of the strawberry fields/grape vines when I was 6! The "block" in my neighborhood was 15 miles long! ?
  12. I grew up in an agricultural community in Northern Santa Barbara County, California. It is an area rich in Mexican population, history, tradition and culture. I have attended many celebrations within the community and I've never heard of nor witnessed piñatas at a wedding reception. I've also never seen them used at quinceañera, baptism, confirmation, funeral, Christmas or Easter parties/receptions. The only time I've ever seen them was at birthday parties, family reunions or cinco de mayo parties where the kids are blindfolded and take turns trying to bust it open whilst someone, usually an older kid not involved in the turn taking or an adult, is raising/lowering the piñata as part of the game.
  13. Exactly. Annnd, if she really HAD to have that dress she could have paired a short jacket or one of those shrugs that Janelle gave her and voila', back fat hanging over the garment covered up with the added bonus of adding warmth, a bit of modesty and a wintertime feel. But no. It's almost like they sat down and planned to have as many awkward/inappropriate/wacky situations as possible.
  14. For the win!!! I actually laughed out loud, thank you!
  15. I think she's wearing the pearl bracelet here in this pic... I believe that was Meri's "blue" gift.
  16. Mykelti called it a pashmina. I just can't with these people.
  17. Indeed!!! I thought that was a GREAT idea on Janelle's part. Im really baffled as to why, for multiple reasons, her multiple moms, dad, fiancée, upbringing, siblings wouldn't have encouraged her to do a more modest/winter themed gown.
  18. Fellow fashionistas: I'm sorry but I just can't believe with THAT many female family members...no one could see fit to tell Mykelti that the dress she picked was a) not flattering. It showcased her back fat hanging over the back of the garment and other than that looked like something one of the wives could have put together over the weekend. b) not modest. Tony is LDS, his family is Catholic and her family's religion is also modest. Why do a strapless number with cleavage? C) the wrong choice for windy/cold December Utah outdoor wedding.
  19. Totally agree!!! It was hideous. She'd have looked better in a burqua. my nit-picky nature just wonders how Christine decided that it fit into the "borrowed" category. She should have swapped with Robin for the "old" category. ?
  20. HOW does cutting up your wedding dress and making flowers out of it for the bridal bouquet that your daughter will keep forever = something borrowed? Anybody?
  21. I'd say the dog soup offered by local restaurants qualifies as a scandal, no? Apparently the government offered to subsidize the 12 restaurants in the county if they would take it off the menu during the Olympics, but only 2 took them up on the offer.
  22. Never mind. I apologize for any misunderstandings. I started to respond to possibilities and just gave up because its far too complicated and I've neither a dog in the fight nor the energy to train it. Best wishes to Jazz, I hope everything works out for her.
  23. It's not just you, trust me. Don't get me wrong, I'm super glad that awareness of otherness is being given a forum...but, yeah when it turns into an obvious shitshow? You end up giving haters ammunition and the whole mission of acceptance is lost. I think the Jennings family should cut and run, get their daughter the help she needs for her binge eating, suicidal ideations, etc. out of the limelight. I feel so sorry for Jazz and the dysfunctional way so many things are being addressed on this show, I'm at the point of thinking that watching this show borderlines on sadism...and I'm going to have to just stop.
  24. I think she said it was almost a year since they saw the REAL Buddy. Like, a year ago he wasn't neck deep in his addiction(s). That's what I got from it, anyway.
  25. Ill see you and raise you a Class IV tear with no epidural plus the hilarious recommendation from my discharging MD as he wrote the prescription for my laxatives "just don't get constipated, you should be fine". As if.
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