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  1. Turn off all the lights, it helps! I also use my computer as my TV is ancient and way too dark.
  2. I'm so glad I still enjoy the show. I look forward to my Thursday iPhone notification that the next episode has dropped and is ready to watch.
  3. As someone who has worked in the film industry I've learned I often have to suspend my disbelief. I love the show so just try to sit back and enjoy. And I'm also on Silo's reddit.
  4. Right there with you. Especially with so few dragons left after so many years. That scene broke me.
  5. Being from the mind of GRRM, I think most of us know this won’t have a happy ending. That doesn’t make it any easier to watch unfold. I’m already sad we only have four episodes left. Also, being my favorite genre, all the behind the scenes artists bringing it to life are doing such an incredible job, you can’t help feel some sort of heartache and pain when creatures & characters you’ve grown invested in, experience a bad ending. I also cannot say enough about whoever did the casting, young & old alike. But losing Rhaenys & Meleys, especially the bond they shared, has been a particularly bitter pill to swallow.
  6. I hope Ser Criston and Aemond die the most slow and painful (think Ramsey) style death possible. Eve Best, one of my favorites, gone way too soon. She will be greatly missed. I hate seeing any animal in pain so seeing what those dragons went through broke my heart. I don't care that they're CGI. I don't care if you laugh at me. That was painful to watch.
  7. Except possibly seeing more offspring / family needlessly killed. Or dragons. I grasp we all have our take on how we see things, I'm fine with that. This is mine.
  8. Sorry. Disagree. And that's okay.
  9. I saw it a bit differently. To me she took a huge risk all in the name of trying to find a path towards peace. For me, that is the sign of a ruler who truly cares about the kingdom. Not to mention she now knows the truth of who Viserys chose to become King.
  10. I was yelling at Baela to Dracarys the entire forest. 🔥
  11. Are you kidding me?! Never mind, I know you're not. But that is heinous.
  12. Yeah I know. I was trying to nicely leave her out of it. There. was also Lauren gettng caught stuffing bread in her face. Or Kelsey trying to get down that oyster. Those were some funny segments for sure.
  13. Well she did have a point about not knowing. how well the buckshot was cleaned out of it, lol.
  14. “Isn’t quail a seafood?” (or something like that) 😂
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