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Everything posted by RealitytvLover

  1. She [Alicia] chose to go back on the show. She's definitely a glutton for punishment. I have no sympathy for her, from the spoilers I've read online as to why Taylor spat at her, she's definitely nuts and violent. She needs therapy; not Cory.
  2. Ugh, she makes me so sick. I'm pretty sure she used those exact words "get rid". This just made me go grab and cuddle my catbaby even though I was just annoyed he woke me up early as hell on a Saturday. ?
  3. Marry me? Brava! ? Literally everything you said was spot on.
  4. What the fuck was that with Stassi and Patrick? If that wasn't a turning point to insight of their obviously psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship, then I don't know what is. Stassi did a COMPLETE 180 of her personality, to the extent that makes me think she had a father or older male figure in her life, that seriously neglected her during her formative years. They need to break up for.ev.er. Like, seriously, they both need to be single for a looooong time while seeing a therapist for their issues. That scene at the table in Pump creeped me the hell out.
  5. I would get that if Kandi was the one who everyone was joking about liking Cynthia. However, they're making it seem like Cynthia is crushing on Kandi and Kandi is making it no secret that she definitely isn't interested and not exactly laughing it off; more like laughing at her. It makes me wonder if there is anything going on behind the scenes that they haven't shown us. Hmm...
  6. I must be the only poster who thinks the HWs going off on Kim while she makes scrunched up faces, and lies about her words, was boring as hell. It took up way too much time and I find the other girls dynamics with each other to be much more interesting. Does anyone know why Kandi is soooo adamant about NOT being into Cynthia? I thought it was funny and out of fun at first, but did anyone catch at the reunion when Cyn's 50 cent costume was brought up and Kandi was like "oh nooo I still wouldn't be interested! " or something like that. Is there a backstory here?
  7. Exactly what I was thinking. Ummm if Gary gave you his weekends, those will "coincidentally" turn into Leah's sleepover with friends weekends. Amber would still not "get it".
  8. My theory is besides good business deals, he was probably smart with his money, made good investments, and didn't start splurging until he reached a certain net worth. I think some of the others (looking at you Snooki and Mike) did the exact opposite: spend spend spend!
  9. I looked it up and Pauly D is the richest of them all. He's worth $24 mil, so that explains his toys (besides the low cost of living in Nevada). The rest are in low to mid single digit millions. Situation is at $300k.
  10. The Wirkus' are cruel, incredibly jealous (particularly Lauren), malicious, miserable women. Ashley's man will probably cheat on her especially with how demanding and demeaning she is, and Lauren....well, I don't think after this season she'll get that many high quality suitors so.... I was livid seeing them railroad Amanda. I wish she didn't cry and plead for their acceptance. I, personally, would've told the left side of the room to fuck off. I'd never want their approval, and if they did, I'd seriously question what I'm doing wrong in life. Carl dodged a blonde bullet.
  11. I was actually hoping she got a gift sent from him after she said all of that nonsense, just to see her contradict herself shortly after.
  12. What! ? But I thought the reason he can't visit with Bentley alone was cause Maci was in luuuvv. You mean it was because he actually was/is still using?! Shock! Horror! Eye-roll.
  13. Before I read any comments I just need to say that Amber is a f*cking joke, and has a huge victim complex. Mental illnesses or not, she NEVER takes responsibility for anything that happens in her life. I don't understand how anyone can be around her longer than 60 seconds without walking away when she's mid-sentence. I just can't with her.
  14. Ew. That made me have a daymare about them having sex. Yes, I threw up in my mouth shortly after.
  15. ? Makes me wonder if Bravo did it on purpose. The timing couldn't have been more perfect!
  16. I cannot be the only one who re-watched Devin's victory over Backpack, over and over again, laughing maniacally. ??
  17. This is the best episode everrr. Go Devin!!! Fuck you Johnny! Wooooo!!!
  18. To be fair, Bentley is a very likeable and fun kid. I don't doubt that Hudson enjoys his company when they're together.
  19. I just want to say that I hate Johnny. That is all.
  20. Let's just say... I think I have a new crush. Right? I kept replaying the vid over and over. Shame on me! ?
  21. Thank you for that info. I always assumed Farrah just paid for the surgeries and hated her because of it. Interesting that it was a loan. I wonder if Debra actually paid her back...
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