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I don’t have anything against Phillip, I just don’t see him with Kate. It just doesn’t fit. Maybe as I see more I’ll get it, but I’m not going to hold my breath. Tbh, I don’t understand why they didn’t put Kate with the neighbor if they really wanted to breakup Kate and Toby. They are actually close and he likes the kids (at least Jack). I could see them growing closer as her and Toby grew apart. After seeing the entire story of the divorce play out, I don’t think anybody really looks bad. They both made mistakes, but honestly they just grew apart and made themselves miserable trying to pretend they didn’t. I get Toby’s desire to have a job that fulfills him and provides a very comfortable income. The biggest mistake that Toby made is not bothering to show Kate that there would be opportunities for her to continue the work she loved in SF. There has to be schools that Kate could work at there that would provide her the same fulfillment. That isn’t something that is specific to LA. In the end, I have to say that I would make Kate’s decision to stay in LA. She said two things that brought me to her side, especially since Toby admitted there was a job in LA that would allow them to pay their bills: Haley has family close and Rebecca is there. Those are two very important things that aren’t in SF, and Kate doesn’t know how long Rebecca has left. I agree with other posters that Jack would adapt to living in a new place, so that isn’t as big of an issue as Kate was making it, and more money is a benefit for Jack. Kate would have been more honest if she said LA is where she is most comfortable with her friends and family and she would have a hard time adapting. I kind of wish that Toby didn’t leave his job to try and save the marriage because it just made him miserable and it really affected his ability to be a parent. It doesn’t matter if you spend more time with your kids if that time isn’t making anybody happy. Quantity is important, but so is quality. The marriage was over, so he could have just kept his job until at least a better option in LA came up.
I’m glad to see that other people were annoyed by Madison’s decision too. Co-parents have to split holidays and it makes no sense for her to take Thanksgiving when it is so important for Kevin’s family and she has no specific traditions. She can build her traditions with the kids around Christmas. If she doesn’t want to go she can pump milk and send the nanny. It would be one thing if Thanksgiving was a big to her family but it is obviously not. She can even do Thanksgiving on a different day if she wants to build a tradition for that specific holiday. They really do need to get a custody agreement. I will say that I am confused about why Thanksgiving needs to be at the cabin though. They have had it at Randall’s before. Another compromise could be to have it in California and they could share the day. A lot of people have Thanksgiving dinner pretty early, so the kids could be with Madison early and Kevin’s family could plan for dinner in the evening.
I never even considered that the Oscar Kevin had would be for anything other than acting. Directing/Writing would be a great idea for him. He would have less recognition which would make it easier for him to be out and about with his family, and it would allow him to be more flexible with his schedule so that he could spend the amount of time he wants with his family.
Ok, I have a stupid question. Couldn't the snow globes have gone on the plane as long as they weren't in carry on? I thought there were less restrictions for checked bags, but I have only flown twice. I honestly love Nicky way more than Jack. He is just a lot more compelling. I was thinking about his story last week, and I thought of a way they could have made his existence a little more believable. They could have just written that Jack believed he died because he was missing after the war. He was an addict, and homelessness is a huge problem for traumatized vets, so it isn't that far fetched that he would go missing. It is more believable than the story about Randall's mother.
I wouldn't be so irritated with Liz's actions if she was double-crossing her mother as well. I don't get why she trusts her at all. It is normal for her to want the truth about the things that have happened to her, but she has no reason to trust whoever this woman is more Reddington. Reddington has at least proved that he loves her. Also, I have decided I hate everyone on this show except Red and Dembe. Nobody else makes any sense. Cooper refuses to blame Liz for anything that she has done, Ressler is way to self-righteous and incompetent, and Katarina is so cold and totally different from her younger self. Aram has always been too compassionate but now he also comes across as stupid. Liz, who used to be a good person, is dark criminal for some reason, and her back and forth about Red is beyond tiring. I loved their relationship when she struggled with her affection for him due to his criminal actions and he seemed to believe that she would save him from the darkness. Park may have some potential but I haven't decided yet. I want this to be the last season so I can find out what the stupid secret is and be disappointed that I wasted years of my life for such a poor, nonsensical payoff. They can continue the show as a spinoff or something but I want to know who Red is and why in the world he loves Liz so much. I need resolution so I can put this bs behind me lol.
I remember when Red made speeches that seem to indicate Liz was the light that was going to save him from his horrible world. I remember when Katarina was a mother that loved her child so much she was willing to sacrifice herself to save her. I remember when characters at least made some sense. I remember when I used to watch this show because I was genuinely interested in what the big secret was instead of just following recaps so I can eventually discover what BS I have wasted so much time on.
Randall is getting on my nerves. He loves to take care of things, but he pays no attention to Rebecca's happiness. I don't necessarily think the trial was a bad idea, but he definitely could have let her have her day and discussed it with her the next. Also, if he would have listened to the concerns Kevin had, and Rebecca later voiced, he may have been able to convince her to go. Using your remaining time in the best way is a normal thing to worry about when you have a serious illness. There is no guarantee that the trial would work, there isnt even a guarantee that she would receive the medication. It is also true that earlier intervention would probably have the best results. If Randall would have taken their concerns in account during a clear-minded conversation, he could have addressed them by things such as scheduling weekends where they took her to do the things she wanted and making sure that the family could spend as much time with her as possible. The alternating weeks was not a bad idea. Now that Rebecca has made a decision that may not have needed to be either/or, it will difficult for Randall to bring it up again without starting a fight. He shot himself in the foot by making this something that he wanted the others to help him force her into, instead of presenting it as an option and working with her and them to make it the best one.
It wasn't messages. It was alerts from his security system letting him know that someone was around the house. He was obsessively checking for the burglar.
I had the opposite response. When I was thinking about what Randall should do, I was thinking he should make noise so he could alert someone upstairs to call the police, but I think you're right. The intruder may not even know that they are there, and I don't know if Beth or the girls would have a fight or flight response. My response would be to hide and summon help, but I don't know about Beth and the girls, especially if they thought they needed to help Randall.
I now think the entire show is going to be similar to The Notebook. Everything we see is a record that everyone is keeping of the family for Rebecca as she loses her memories. It made me really sad when she was crying as she remembered Jack telling her to never forget that he loves her, knowing that soon she probably will. He died, and now she is going to lose him again.
Maybe ask first lol. Although I don't know of a way to do that without looking trashy unless you know them.
S45.E09: Scarlett Johansson/Niall Horan
Manda317 replied to Princess Sparkle's topic in Saturday Night Live
I loved the Hallmark sketch because I'm pretty sure they were parodying the exact movie I was making fun of my mom for watching a few hours earlier lol -
From what I understood before, Jackie did have some money to start the business up. The problem was Bev owned the building and wouldn't let them use it. They were speaking to a realtor before they found that out, so they obviously had something. They may not be keeping the story straight.straight. I understand why Becky and Jackie want to do this, but it really is a bad decision. No restaurant has been able to stay open in that location, so Jackie shouldn't waste any resources. It doesn't even seem like the inevitable failure will be their fault. Tiny restaurants don't usually fare well. There is this building in my town that has changed hands so many times. The last person to own it won awards for cooking and it still didn't make it. Now it is a Jamaican restaurant. It may be smarter for them to start a catering business or get a food truck first to gain a following before they find a better location.
Will, Natalie, and April need to go. Like yesterday. There is nothing redeeming about them. They are annoying beyond all reason. The Natalie storyline was ridiculous. Those parents did not seem to be ignoring the symptoms of their child, they specifically said they just wanted to try natural methods first. She could have easily told them what to watch for, let them see that they would be respected, and they would have brought him back as soon as he didn't improve. The case would have literally played out the exact same way, without the parents going through all of that unnecessary stress. If Natalie had been wrong about there being something seriously wrong with with him, the parents would have always been scared to take him to the doctor due to her actions, and that fear could have caused them to ignore problems that they may not have before, resulting in harm to him. Also, if he had an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, he has a higher likelihood of being allergic to other antibiotics. There are going to be fewer options to treat him for infections. Only using antibiotics when it is strictly necessary may be the best decision for him because it will prevent him from becoming resistant. Will was totally dismissive of a patient's religion. There only thing that makes him less of a jerk than Natalie is that there were actual signs that he had converted or renounced his faith, but he was dismissive before he even started looking into that. He felt that the transfusions were necessary, so the patients wishes didn't matter. He should know people have crisises of faith all the time without fully abandoning their faith, and rejecting transfusions was such a big part of his religion. Will not only showed the parents the tattoo, but he told them that he had been using drugs and not going to church. I understand not wanting a patient to die because a religion he no longer believes in, but now the patient os devastated and he has lost his family. April needs to mind her own business. Noah can make a decision on his own, even if she doesn't know all the info. Dr. Marcel and Noah are quickly becoming favorites. This show would be well served to focus on them, Choi without April, Dr. Abrams, and Dr. Latham along with Dr. Charles and Sharon of course. An actual adult, sane cast would be very refreshing. The writers need to learn that it is possible for characters to have flaws and disagreements without being insufferable. The three mentioned above have gone past the point of return though.
My boyfriend had a PE last November, and he was treated the exact same way. They just put him on blood thinners and oxygen and monitored him. He was hospitalized for about 9 days. They can do a procedure to manually break up the clots, but they felt it was too dangerous in his case.