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Didn't quote everything, but the thing that bothers me about the new series is the over-acting. I like it, but some of the original shows are still better. The comic moments are over the top and a few times it works but other times it hurts the story as the characters become more cartoon-like than being realistic. I did like the moments with Elliot and Sophie and some of Elliot's stories have been outstanding. I like Breanna having her own style. But the one thing missing is that Elliot doesn't have someone his equal to bounce off like he did in the original, as Breanna is like a kid sister. So Hardison is a missing piece and when he shows up, it really makes it stand out how much his character is needed. Harry can't fill his shoes. I understand why his character has to be written out, but it is a missing piece that makes me miss the old show. I did like the final and agree with many of the points that have already been expressed, so I won't repeat them here. I am looking forward to watching season 3. It would be nice to see Parker have to be in charge, as it would help her character grow in this series. My favorite is when they mix the drama and comic moments naturally without making them appear over the top in acting styles.
No clue if it is the reason, but I wonder if Covid was the reason that the team handled most of the bad guys. They should have used a montage of the characters they wanted to showcase but couldn't have live. It would have helped a little.
Yes, I found a report that he couldn't make it work even though he wanted to. Too bad that they didn't at least address it. Weakness of writing and it shows the flaws of characterizations in this last season. In real life, if you lose a friend you would react. So if they put those reactions in, at least it would have made season 9 stronger. I think it shows that everyone was ready to move on.
The final had some strong moments but was also filled with weak ones. So I’m glad they ended the show instead of trying to go on and just getting canceled. Eddied deserved more time to tell his story. They could have started it with just a small introduction and still tell the stories they had. Set up a mystery of what is happening. Then the ending could have been powerful. It just shows that the writers are tired too. It’s not awful but it’s more of a whimper than a shout-out. I’m glad there was a happy ending for Eddie as he didn’t deserve to end as a bad guy. I didn’t have an issue with Iris not having too much to do as she has been overused in past seasons and she got plenty of heartfelt moments in this one. Cisco should have been at least mentioned. A phone call congratulating Barry on the birth of his daughter would have been so easy to fit in at the last party scene. So many misses, as others have mentioned. But it’s not the worst final out there. I just wish it had been more satisfying. I’m glad we did get to wrap up with the ones we did see but I wish we could have had some other cast members there at least mentioned. The good does outweigh the bad...but my favorite seasons are the first few.
Since I taught middle school, I didn't see Kyle leaving the kids for a few hours as soooooo terrible. Shoot I was younger than Sarah when I was left at home with my baby brother and sister for several hours. But it was more the sneaking to be with his girlfriend and Lana isn't over what happened. Sophie sitting in the empty fairgrounds, was so they could film the scene with Jonathan and Sophie there. This was the best scene that Jonathan has gotten this season and it was a strong one so I'll give it a little slack since it was plot driven for character development. I agree the point was to show that both Lana, Kyle, and Sarah are ignoring Sophie. Without this scene, she isn't really needed, is she? One issue I've had with Jonathan this season as he didn't really have much to do. This was the first time that I felt he was needed. ? this is a major issue so is Clark covering up how close they came to losing his son today? I suspect the slipup on calling Jordan's name will be used against the family soon. For those that hate Jordan's whining, is again plot-driven. They can't figure out how to create conflict without it. It's also something his character would do, as he doesn't really have a handle on how to deal with his social interactions. I agree. Fact, I'm liking this villain better than season 2 as both are not all bad. This was the first one that I need to watch again.
I will admit I was so confused. I didn't even remember why Barry had extra years. This is the flaw of the series later years. Things are too easily forgotten. I did like seeing Dig, Wally, and Oliver. I wanted more time with Wally. Shame we couldn't have explored his character a bit more. Her character is confusing as her powers seem to mimic Frost but is supposed to be different. Also too much tell in this last season. We should have shown them missing Caitlyn and creating conflict with this new version. It's part of the reason that I'm not invested in the show anymore. I agree. I didn't mind the fan service—definitely a better ep for this season but so many flaws as well. The weird TV show moment took me out of the show. I get why Flash is ending. I just wish it would go out with a bang and not a whimper. I want to see Flash be an important member of his show. lol. I did like that Kid Flash and the Flash helped fix the big problem and it wasn't all given to the Green Arrow. I was kind of hoping we would see Cisco one last time but I guess it isn't meant to be. At least a line that he called or a pretend phone call could have fixed both characters that were missing, Joe and Cisco. I did like the ending and it was a nice throwback.
I think that this one had some moments that worked. Carlos and John stood out more than the other characters. Millie was a great supportive character that I enjoyed seeing. I didn't care to see Jack again. Could easily cut him and just have Bobby deliver a few lines so that Dean doesn't spill too much to this John and Mary. I get why they did an AU multiverse storyline. Otherwise, the Jared/Sam fans would have had a fit. Personally, I'm tired of Sam...so I liked this about Dean. Plus it fits his character. He is someone that would break/bend the rules. Since he's driven to see if anyone got a happy ending, for me it works. Loved the Driver picks the music line. Was this a masterpiece? Nope. But then again, Season 1 of Supernatural wasn't either. Both have flaws. But there are things that could create a stronger story. The big bad is mixed as parts is unexpected but also not really strong enough. But I can also like that they didn't make it a big cliffhanger. If this was something that would have lasted longer, they could have expanded, but I liked that they had gotten back into hunting to save people. If it continued, which I'm thinking it won't...you could divide the hunts up into Carlos and the gang one week, the next John and Mary. I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it more than some; I didn't compare it to the original. Kudos to Jensen and Robbie. For a first time out in the driver's seat, I think they had some good moments. Experience is the key for stronger storylines. They certainly did better than the last two years of SPN. Plus I'll take the add on to Dean's character. It does improve the poor storytelling of the final. I'd give the show a good solid 5 and a few got up to a 6. This one had a nice resolve for the season's ending.
Except I wouldn't be back. It will be easy to delete the app and not look back. I'm sure there are those that enjoy trash TV... I'm just not one of them. I'm only checking out Flash and the Winchesters Once it's clear there is nothing here for me to see, I'll delete and move on. I do think the Winchesters turned out much better than I expected.
One of the things that is funny to me is that in Season 1 of Supernatural there were similar complaints of the show being slow and etc. Then I noticed that the last four eps really picked up the pace and made the show interesting. Kind of like Star Wars and ET. Both movies started off slow and boring even. Then the ending is what you remember and gets you excited for more. There are moments that are interesting and I believe Carlos and John are more interesting to watch. I like Millie every time I see her. Covid may still be causing issues as we see the characters spaced out in the fighting scenes. IA with the ratings of 6 or 7 with ten being the best. I'm not really spending my time with comparison because I think I can see how they tie this into cannon. I'm not compelled to watch the show each week. The scripts could be tighter and need someone to do some editing and adding just more movement without dialogue could even help. They do seem to be stuck in tell vs show. I'm hoping we will see the connections that Jensen and Robbie have promised, but I think you would enjoy it more if you just watch without wanting the cannon explained. Shoot Robbie is doing better that the last two seasons of Supernatural. The monsters have been familiar, but not always in the way you expected. I do like that they are pushing hunting to save people angle.
I found several issues with transitions, that created confusion. The pace was off on some eps, and then it would deliver it in spades. The first arch seemed to be the strongest on a second watch. The prison arch had some unbelievable moments that took me out of the story. I felt that they did do strong character arcs, but some of the plot holes also harm the story. On rewatch, I did fast forward through the bits that didn't work so well the first time. I think the show is stronger if you don't have to wait for the next one to drop, so it flows a little better. But the writing was uneven. The did a lot of killing off characters that they had made you care about. Then it felt as if they just jumped without really setting up where it was going. Hence my criticism about transitions. Some eps did better on the transitions than others. On the whole, it is an interesting story and worth watching. I wouldn't even have a problem with watching season 2. I would rate the weaker eps closer to a 6 and then the stronger ones jump to 8/9. Most of the positive parts have been addressed several times. IA. I wish that B2EMO gets a happy ending. Not sure we've seen such a sad droid before for as long as this one experienced. The acting had several outstanding moments for this series. It could be the flaw that they tried to do too much with the first season. They did do some wonderful fleshing out with minor characters, so the potential is high that they can improve.
Just as a Teacher/ director, even I know you don't point a prop gun at a person ever. I didn't think negative of Alec until I heard him speak. Saying he didn't feel guilty totally took any sympathy I felt for him away. By the way, I would check the gun and I've never used a prop gun on set. All of my guns were toy guns, or a gun without any ammo. Later we went to water pistols. I only used sound effects for gun effects. Kids and prop guns would not be a good mix. I expect more from a trained Hollywood movie actor. I wouldn't hire Alec now because he only blames others instead of taking responsibility for what he's done. It does sound like he didn't do his producer job correctly, by hiring inexperienced people. Trying to cut corners made an unsafe set. Luckily, Jensen is the type that will keep his mouth shut, so hopefully it won't create any negative backlash for him.
Alec Baldwin thinks the lawsuit will clear his name...that's a laugh. How anyone can believe he didn't pull the trigger... I wish Jensen can avoid the negative press on this. Not sure that he can. Shame as I was looking forward to seeing him in a western. January may be wishful thinking to get the filming started again. It's amazing how slow the conclusions are taking on this project.
I grew up in a strong Southern Baptist small town and only in the music and drama areas in college in the 80s did I get exposed to someone being gay. Had a gay relative, and we talked about how even the gays would have an issue with the openly gay guys. His words not mine. He was the only relative that was supportive of me trying to make it in the acting industry. Unfortunately, like many...aids was a killer. Really, the 60s is probably the last era where everyone dressed the same and if you talked with someone that was younger in that time period, they might disagree. LOL> It's why I'm not really focusing on the hairstyles and clothing. As long as it gives the flavor, I can either roll eyes and move on or ignore it. So far nothing's really stood out and pulled me out of the story costume wise. Now some acting and story parts sure, but I expect that the first season.
I loved how they allowed the scene to end without any words. Allowing the action to explain it all. Such a strong ending. I love how strong Millie has been written. I wish Mary equalled it for me. But she is improving. I can't figure out if it is the writing or acting, but this might be the first ep; I would willingly watch again. One point, in this time period you didn't talk about gay. And most wouldn't even think of a person being gay. It was in the closet around adults. So the grownups would see a hippie/stoner with disregard to the rules of society. Also, a heathen that needed saving, especially in a small town. You can't apply today's standards to the past. I would expect to see Carlos doing a lot more drugs. Guys' hair was longer as the 70s went on. In the 70s we had a banna wagon, the nickname for the Volkswagen bus. Otherwise it was mainly American cars which you kept for a long time. You didn't go buy a new car as you kept the old for a while. I would expect to see trucks, but I know we had a car and a van. Dad got the truck when we needed one for the trailer. I grew up with keeping a car for at least 10 years. My first car I had for 13 and it was used. Carlos is Navy by his uniform. John was Marines by supernatural, so I would guess it still is that. Depends on how what happened when they left Nam. Just read one guy's account, his troop was dirty and stinky and not allowed to shower until he got on the base. Plus he kept getting pretty nasty greetings as they called him baby killer and etc. So John may not have cut his hair to the standard we would expect today. Some might though. So I'll give it a drama license for making the story interesting vs being totally spot on. Just food for thought. In many time periods, the costumes weren't period pieces. Instead, they were to reflect the fashion to wear. An even today, a period piece, usually has elements of today's looks woven into the production. It's really rare to see a true period piece. I thought this one had some nice character moments, and a few surprises. I hope they can keep it up.
I watched that show once and hated it. So it won't be hard for me to ignore the CW if that is the new direction. I certainly wouldn't pay for it. It's also a learning curve for producing good shows. So in that regard, it is a win/win even if it gets canceled. As his show got picked up and others didn't. The show is improving, but it didn't knock it out of the park right away. But it's a great training ground. Just like the first play you direct may suck, it's the springboard to launch a career. Depends on ratings and can they find some creative ways to make the show cheaper. I think from what I read, the biggest obstacle is how much it costs to make an ep.