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Everything posted by slayer2

  1. I don't quite see how that would impact their real-life relationship. I think more often than not when these couples break up IRL it pertains to what Rena Sofer was saying about actors discovering they're not really in love but their characters are. Speaking to that, Courtney Hope met Chad Duell on-set of GH I believe, playing his girlfriend and with their strange non-marriage and break-up and all of that (which frankly, the less said about it the better) I have to say that not only am I skeptical of her relationship with MG I'm a little disappointed in both of them. I'm rather mistrusting of the celebrities (and people in general) who feel the need to post their every thought, feeling and relationship detail on the internet. CH had recently posted about her non-anniversary going into great detail whilst also advising that it was no one's business, again stoking the fires of intrigue. I myself, don't wish to hear the details and I'm not sure why she felt the need to post publicly about it at all, in the same way I don't see how her or Mark feel the need to be public with their relationship now. It's as though neither of them have learned from their mistakes. Mark, particularly was engaged to be married to Sharon Case and it's what I consider to be in poor taste and actually rather foolish to be blasting his new relationship with yet another co-worker all over Instagram. I understand they're young but we don't need to know your every thought, feeling and relationship or relationship moment and it certainly seems that given the delicate situation involving Sharon and the recent relationship regarding Chad it would be prudent to keep these details to themselves, the "Close Friend" option exists for a reason. Everyone on the internet is not your friend and we really don't need to know the details of these love affairs as they play out behind the scenes, particularly when it makes for such a tricky situation on-camera as well. If this were a normal office environment situation with 3 co-workers it would be weird. Not sure why it's not being taken into account by MG and CH on a larger scale. Keep the drama on the screen please (however horribly it's written).
  2. It just goes to show how terrible the writing is. Sharon would NEVER and I mean NEVER be in cahoots with Billy to purposely deceive Adam. Sharon's loyalty to Adam has been tested and proved time and again over the years even over Nick the Community Dick and she will always choose Adam so it's JG writing for plotpoints again. I personally really enjoy JT, SC, MG and MCE's work so I feel really bad for the actors involved in this. I remember how faithful Molly Burnett (whom I love) on DOOL used to be to explaining Melanie's thought process and I almost remember the exact moment (throughout that Philip/Mel/Nathan fiasco) when she literally gave up because she had been playing Melanie as very much on love with Philip and the writers just did a random about-face that made no sense. I feel so bad for these actors who take their craft seriously having to swallow their pride, reason and common sense and try to make sense of some of the absolute drivel that these awful writers come up with. I think there could be a whole show in itself in watching some of these Y and R actors react to the awful scripts. I can tune out anytime but they're locked in a contract with this crap. I don't blame Mishael one iota for packing her duffel bag and leaving onto better things. Hunter King too, good for them!
  3. I'm very frustrated at how little due has been given to Adam regarding how well he's treated Chelsea since her return. Hell, he put up with her sexual harrassment and even hired Chloe (who's attempted to murder him twice for God's sake) Every time Chloe opens her mouth about Adam I want to do her like Michael Myers and hurl her into a cement grinder. Girl, bye! He gave you a career all for your bitch-ass bestie Chelsea's sake and unlike everyone else (including Chloe) has had nothing but her and Connor's best interests at heart since the wench flew back to town SHUT UP!
  4. If we could murder fictional characters let me tell you how half that town would be dead and I'd be bathing in blood tonight. I'm sorry y'all but these people ain't shit.
  5. Maybe Sally could get a job at Crimson in Port Chuck? Far away from this show. I also resent Sally for getting angry at Adam every time he brings up HIS BROTHER. He's not some schmuck off the street he's his brother. The way both Sally and Nick seem to handwave that is crazy to me. It wouldn't be any of Adam's business if it wasn't his BROTHER. At this point I'm rooting for Phyllis or anyone to take her down a peg. I cannot stand how self-righteous these women get after riding Nick's community dick. And to that end she didn't deserve Adam's sympathy for losing her job that she did nothing to earn since she was so happily lording her accomplishments over him while she called him toxic and defended Nick. I really really wish Adam would be done with her. I want him with Sharon but I would take his moving on with ANYONE at this point (well not Phyllis but almost anyone).
  6. Onigod now THAT would be an entertaining show that I would watch. ETA: I don't care about Summer or Kyle either. Table for 3, I'll bring wine.
  7. She's his mother though, so to me that makes it always her business and honeslty I really do think she genuinely thought it was a shitty thing for him to do especially since he used Adam's former behaviour as an excuse and she basically said "So if everyone jumps off a cliff...". Nick needs a conscience and IMO his mother was right to try to be it. Plus she works for the company and he's fraternizing with an employee so it's her business and her family business. I don't agree that people should mind their own business when they're having sex in the office and when that sex negatively affects the family and I think Nikki was smart to see that and call it out. I also think Nick needs to be called out by as many people as possible and both him and Sally need to stop telling family members to "mind their own business" when they are gleefully crushing one of them underfoot.
  8. I don't think he'll blame only Sally I definitely think he'll be unhappy with Nick about his behaviour although I won't give Sally a pass. I don't care how she was feeling, hooking up with Adam's brother on the couch with Adam outside at the door was beyond reproach. She knew it was wrong enough to shush him but carried on anyway, like Lucky would say "rutting like farm animals". No excuses for her in my very angry book and even worse her sanctimonious attitude blaming Adam for all her problems when he didn't cause a single one of them, and calling him toxic after knowing his dynamic in the family and sleeping with his brother. She used to be a favourite but Sally Spectra is a lost cause to me and every time she opens her mouth to defend Nick to Adam I despise her even more. I'd love to see her hop on a plane back to L.A and give the screen time to Sharon.
  9. I should say, I'm really proud of Nikki for saying what she said to Nick about Sally. For the first time in a long time she was considering Adam's feelings which Nick clearly didn't. She's the only one to have held him accountable for that outright although I did appreciate Victoria more recently bringing it up. And I loved what she had to say about them dating the same women and his real reasoning for being with Sally. Spot on Nikki and good parenting because it absolutely is her business since they work at the same family business and Nick's actions are clearly causing a rift in the Newman family. Victor will hopefully not be pleased to hear what Nick has done to his brother.
  10. I couldn't agree more and I think people should try to remember that this is a sensitive subject and a lot of people are going through this right now and we don't know who they are, it never hurts to be considerate of situations involving people unaliving themselves. Trigger warnings exist for a reason. Similarly I think Harrison is a cute kid and he and the actors who play Johnny and Connor are doing their best. I feel it's below the belt as an adult to be mocking children. The adults on the show I get but kids are kids. Some of them don't even get a choice to be in the industry just ask Britney.
  11. I'm of the opinion that JG is going to get fired sooner rather than later. Adam is not an idiot and I was oying right along with you because it was clear the only reason Adam suggested that was to use the set. I have never in my life seen a soap writer write plot points to use a set. I've seen sets used multiple times due to budget but it's never landed in dialog. Not to mention Chelsea is suicidal and Adam is clueless? It's very unlikely to me. This is the man that got Sharon through her psychotic episodes and into treatment and he can't identify when the mother of his child wants to end her life? Bullshit. Chelsea/Adam shippers are not going to be happy about this which is rounding back to why I think he's going to be fired. Elena/Devon, Phyllis/Nick, Sharon/Nick, Lily/Billy, Sally/Adam, Sharon/Adam, Chelsea/Adam, Mariah/Tessa, Lauren/Michael, Nikki/Victor, Chloe/Kevin, Phyllis/Jack, Noah/Allie (please let me know if I missed any. Not one of these ships is being serviced in Josh Griffiths universe. Literally the only couple together right now that's actually being written as a couple is Summer and Kyle. Noone wants to see Nick and Sally but people do want to to see Adam and Sally, no one wants to see suicidal Chelsea and Billy but people do want to see a healthy Chelsea with Adam or Billy and Lily. No one wants to see Sharon and a coffee pot but people do want to see Sharon with Adam or Nick or Tucker or any man that gives her a storyline. No one wants to see a non-existent plot between Noah and Audra but people do want to see Noah and Allie etc. I'll be honest I have never seen (since Ron Carlivati) such abject failure in all my life. Literally no one is together and the stories are entirely plot and set driven. Sally looked like the dirtiest, thirstiest girl in the world having sex with both brothers on the same unwashed couch and within minutes of handshaking with Nick, a move I can almost guarantee she would never have made no matter how confused. This is a truly terrible show and for once everyone is as annoyed and agitated as we are. I have a very strong feeling that man's days are numbered.
  12. Nope because they'll just blame Adam for it. Also for me whenever anyone is suicidal I always seem to have empathy for them even when I dislike them. It's such a dark space to be in and MCE is a good actress so although I don't enjoy Chelsea at all I felt for her.
  13. I'd like him back with Phyllis as well so I can skip them both although I will say Phyllis is clearly the better looking of the two. Michelle is stunning.
  14. Looks like the actors who play Devon, Adam Noah, Sally and Chance went to check out a Haunted Walk together on the weekend. Y and R is so sad because the cast seems to have so much chemistry and really like each other but the current writer is too mediocre to translate any of that to screen. It's also noted that they are all within each other's age group and it makes more sense than Courtney hanging out with Peter or Josh which is why I don't understand why they keep trying to sandwich her in with the older set. Clearly, Mark, Bryton, Conner, Rory and Courtney have easy chemistry together. I also saw a post from Sharon Case where Michelle was cheering her on in the comments. It's such a shame the writing on the show can't have the depth, energy and camaraderie that the actors clearly do with each other.
  15. Yes and I'm struggling with everyone except Crystal and frankly I'm struggling with her too. Why is this show so sexist? It's supposed to be 2021? Did they miss the invention of women in the WWE, what the fuck? And the fact that Crystal has to apologize and cry every five minutes for attempting to be anything other than a glorified whore? It's just hard to go from watching Fighting With My Family to watching this and even that was somewhat difficult at times. It's like they missed the invention of women after 1962, Crystal is more talented than all of them yet seems to prefer being a call girl to Ace or a babysitter and translator to dumb as a box of rocks, Bobby. Who writes this crap? Ugh. Edited to add: I fast-forwarded to the end and it's so unearned that that Willie woman is cheering her on as if she's been in Crystal's corner the entire time when she's been treating her like a stripper. Not to mention Jack should have apologized to Crystal for not giving her a chance not Crystal for taking the mike. Who knew that old guy would end up being the most reasonable person on the show. Ugh. Pass. There's enough sausagefests in the world without me adding another to my watch list and I'm no fan of Stephen Amell (funny because I adore Robbie). I really like Alexander Ludwig but not so much here. The Canadian in me is almost sad about it.
  16. What's crazy is I always found JM and Nick attractive despite Nick's loose, obnoxious tendancies. I always felt JM's charm pushed through the bad writing but this is the first time in Y and R history (and I've watched on and off since JM first showed up) that I've truly found Nick repulsive. I don't even find JM attractive anymore and I'm Canadian and enjoyed 3Deep. That's hella bad storytelling that can turn me off a character and actor after 25 years. Wow.
  17. I'm not enjoying Sally at all lately. It seemed to me to be another stunt by JG to make Sally look like the most perfect mother figure and the absolute be all and end all in Adam's life. JG is a fucking horrible writer. Everything is one-sided, when characters disagree they can't just disagree, everyone piles on one person and I hate it, in every instance. And the characters like Victoria, Nick or now Sally that he favours can do no wrong. Absolutely cannot stand it. Chelsea didn't have any problems mothering Connor before but suddenly now she's the worst mother ever and only Sally can save him. Similar to when they made Connor open up to Sharon when she was making out with Adam when Chelsea was in a damn wheelchair. I just hate it. It's such elementary, low-level basic writing, full of bullies and cartoon, mustache-twirling villains with selective amnesia over their own misdeeds. Awful! And the fact that Chelsea and the town blame every goddamn problem they've ever had on Adam like he's Stefano Dimera as Satan or something. Will you people please grow up and "take some fucking accountability?" ™️ Sidney Prescott. I will say Billy and Lily are a great pairing chemistry-wise and I truly enjoy watching Devon. Bryton is such a fantastic actor and I truly think he's too good for this show but regardless I enjoy watching him and I wish they would pair him with Abby or someone new since Amanda left because I really think Abby and Chance's chemistry is non-existent. And put Elena with Adam. She's available, he's available, chem-test them. But JG is way too lame for that.
  18. Sally is laying it on thick. He broke up with her, he didn't cheat on her and get back with Chelsea. She knows why he did it, and she knew before she decided to roll around with his brother whom she knows he has a tenuous relationship with. She knows he's at odds with his family which is why he broke up with her in the first place. She's being really precious about it while inflicting far more damage than he did. She's messing with his family relations and her intentions are not to support him they're to get back at him. Not to mention the people who mention him stalking her have short memories since Sally spent her first 6months in GC stalking Adam (and Billy), breaking into his room, following Billy around to get Adam's attention and eavesdropping on Adam's personal conversations to the point where he had to call her out on it because she was trying to use Connor as a bid to get Adam's attention. I feel like a lot of people don't realize that while what Nick is doing with Sally qualifies as sexual intimidation what Sally did to Adam also qualified as sexual harrassment. She threw herself at him several times, instigated two kisses (which he stopped) followed him around, listened in on private conversations, showed up in places where he frequented and eavesdropping on his conversations, continued pursuing him when he shut her down twice. Like with Chelsea, Adam was very professional and respectful of Sally's advances (even though she was out of pocket) but she's somehow found a way to villainize him and is trying to make him look like the unstable one here when she has been very much the instigator of this entire relationship. And the rooftop scheme, how is that any different from when Sally texted Adam on NYE saying it was a "work emergency" but set up his office for a date? Adam does a lot of weird and wacky and obsessive stuff but let's not pretend that Sally ever has the moral high ground when it comes to respect and Sally can't offset her obsessive behaviour on him, that's a hearty projection. If she's being obsessive that's on her, and frankly that seems to be their love language so she needs to stop acting like she's better than him or he's some demon because he broke up with her. And she can STFU with this "you're toxic, you're bad for me" bullshit. She set the tone for this relationship, not Adam and for the most part (aside from the breakup) everything he brought in was respectful and boundary respecting and honest which is way more than I can say about Sally who finds lying as easy as breathing (something I've always disliked about her) dollars to donuts of Sally has a choice she will always lie. Josh Griffiths has taken an interesting bad girl that I was rooting heavily for and turned her into a solipsitic, sanctimonious Mary Sue who thinks slumming it with the town tramp makes her the holy grail. If Phyllis lets this squeak by then this show needs a fork in it because the amount of characters and characterization that needed to be assassinated to make this basic Nick and Sally story fly is grotesque. And now JG is trying to convince us that this woman who spent half a year chasing and begging down Adam is suddenly crazy about his boring, loose sanctimonious brother all because Joshua Morrow was bored. And all the way Sharon stays stuck behind a counter pouring coffee playing nursemaid to Sally's, Nick and Adam's neuroses and relationship drama. Fire everybody because this is trash and for the 50th anniversary? A triangle that should have been Sharon's or Chloe's or Lily's? GTFOH show. Trash.
  19. I am okay with this although I would prefer to see Adam with Sharon or Elena though. I like Lily and Billy together. They're healthy, what Adam and Sally were before JG destroyed them because Joshua Morrow was bored.
  20. Rena Sofer had a really interesting interview with Maurice Benard on State of Mind. What really struck out at me was when she noted that she really likes Wally (Kurth who plays Ned) but they realized a few years into their marriage after she left GH that they weren't actually in love, their characters were. Rena said that it's easy to fall in love in soaps because you live in this sort of microcosm as actors and the lines between reality and fiction get blurred. There are a few soap actors on Y and R right now that I think could probably do to hear that bit of advice.
  21. Same, If this is all she has to offer then the character needs to go. JG is a terrible writer. This time last year we were getting stories about Sally the Carnie who can juggle knives and faked a terminal illness and now she thinks she's too good for Adam? Um, bitch, excuse me?
  22. In my opinion Sally deserves Chloe. It's karma. This new attitude of acting like her shit doesn't stink because she's riding the town tramp is pretty disgusting to me. Sally playing puritan is about as believable as when Chelsea or Summer does it. Even Phyllis doesn't go around accusing exes of manipulating her and mistreating her even when they do because she knows she's the biggest manipulator of them all. I am fast approaching the desire for Sally to pack up her little duffel bag and head back to L.A. There's nothing I hate more than a hypocrite.
  23. Victoria is back on wanting to fire Sally again and I am suddenly Vicky's biggest #1 fan. I see Sally has given way to the sanctimonious, bitchy behaviour that befalls every woman who takes a ride on Nick's much used d*ck. I would very much delight in seeing her lose her job that she for some reason thought sleeping with the boss would secure instead of actually focusing on the work and doing a good job. Fire her Ice Queen, fire her! Because honestly that haughty attitude she threw at Summer (who I normally cannot stand) today was all the way insane given she's messing with the Newmans once again. For once in my life I am praying for Phyllis. Pleaaaaaaase come collect this girl and Nick. Earn your keep around here Phyllis! For once (and only once) we need you. And Kyle can STFU too. Mr. Impregnated A Married Woman Whose Husband Came and Brought Scorched Earth On Genoa City. This is the only episode I've tuned into in well over a month and I see it's still an hour of Genoa City residents kicking Adam. Put him with Sharon, put him with Audra, put him with Chelsea put him with Chloe! I don't care just get this man an ally (no pun intended) or someone's getting some glitter in the mail.
  24. And give all her air time to Sharon please and thank you. It's criminal what they're doing to her. And I guess I'll mention if JG had such a hard on for another triangle with Adam and Nick Sharon should have been in the middle. There's no good or historical reason why newcomer CH (much as I love her) should be getting more screentime than Sharon Case. There's a rich history between Sharon and Adam and Sharon and Nick, JG could have satisfied his CW triangle urges with that without doing so much damage to so many characters for no reason. I would be Team Adam of course.
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